League of Legends

MtheW said:
So, anyone else play Kassadin lately and think he's still "easy mode" like he used to be? I never played him before the "nerfs" but I'm playing him now. And my kda is 13-5-8 over 6 games. I haven't gone negative yet, and my most recent game was something like 20-5-12. He is so fricking safe. I once came from behind, I already had 2 deaths, and then ended up something like 10-6. Just by porting around the map, KS'd a couple times during ganks, and then snowballed. He is ridiculous, and probably the most fun champion I have ever played.
Oh yeah totally, he's my favorite and only current mid laner since I don't mid as much as I used to. He's definitely not broken like he used to be, but it was really fun playing him again because it brought back memories of playing him months before as my first mid laner. I think I went 4 straight games with Kassadin only dying 2 times overall. He's not the most amazing champ but he's certainly more viable than he was before the recent buff.
alex said:
Feral Flare needs to be deleted. The Jungle was so much healthier without it, and that's saying something considering it was just Vi and Kha and like 2 other Champs.
Well fortunately it's getting nerfed soon. There are a lot of things about it that I find unhealthy for the game, so hopefully they change it enough to make it usable but not as dominant. Also you forgot Wukong, Evelyn, Pantheon, Lee Sin, etc. Before Feral Flare there was a solid amount of top tier junglers.
I've been having really good results with Volibear. I've been playing him top and I've been doing really well. His laning phase is extremely strong, and he does INSANE damage for how tanky he is. I usually have around the 2nd most damage dealt to Champions on the team, while tanking twice as much as everyone else. He's really good atm, and really fun.
I have seen some Ryze builds, and I would have to say that I think that would be horribly inefficient on Kassadin, considering that he has basically zero mana scaling. 4000 mana gives him 80 more damage on his ult. No thanks. I build him with some mana, but the best item for him (imo) is Lich Bane. It is one of the easiest things in the world to just jump on the enemy adc or apc, get off your lich proc from ulty, and then kill them with your w. If they are still alive after that, e and q both do similar damage and proc Lich Bane. Other than that, the build is RoA, Seraphs Embrace, Rabadon's, Zhonya's, and and Sorc boots. I'm interesting in seeing your tanky build that still deals damage, because I wouldn't think it would be possibly, and he doesn't need the tankiness to jump in, kill someone, and jump out.
MtheW said:
I have seen some Ryze builds, and I would have to say that I think that would be horribly inefficient on Kassadin, considering that he has basically zero mana scaling. 4000 mana gives him 80 more damage on his ult. No thanks. I build him with some mana, but the best item for him (imo) is Lich Bane. It is one of the easiest things in the world to just jump on the enemy adc or apc, get off your lich proc from ulty, and then kill them with your w. If they are still alive after that, e and q both do similar damage and proc Lich Bane. Other than that, the build is RoA, Seraphs Embrace, Rabadon's, Zhonya's, and and Sorc boots. I'm interesting in seeing your tanky build that still deals damage, because I wouldn't think it would be possibly, and he doesn't need the tankiness to jump in, kill someone, and jump out.
With manamune his q and his w gain bonus damage based on max mana. With ice-born gauntlet, rod of ages, frozen heart, wits end and/or banshees veil, your damage is quite nice but still remain tanky enough to to dps(Which is how I build Kass.) Your build is pretty much the same concept with more burst. The magic shield helps keeps you safe from your ap nukers like Leblanc and and Fizzes while the armor from your mana allows you to focus the ad carry.

Essentially, my build is like yours but allows you to R-W-Q into ad carries with a max stack riftwalk(500 damage in this build) and a W(around 400-800 damage based on mana) and still stay alive. I was very confident in this build that I used it in ranked, and they couldn't react to it, since he has hybrid damage. Of course, your build is the better build since it has much better scaling for burst, but my kass can duel anyone with muramana toggled cause you gain 40% of your missing mana from your mian source of burst.
The Fire Wyrm said:
MtheW said:
I have seen some Ryze builds, and I would have to say that I think that would be horribly inefficient on Kassadin, considering that he has basically zero mana scaling. 4000 mana gives him 80 more damage on his ult. No thanks. I build him with some mana, but the best item for him (imo) is Lich Bane. It is one of the easiest things in the world to just jump on the enemy adc or apc, get off your lich proc from ulty, and then kill them with your w. If they are still alive after that, e and q both do similar damage and proc Lich Bane. Other than that, the build is RoA, Seraphs Embrace, Rabadon's, Zhonya's, and and Sorc boots. I'm interesting in seeing your tanky build that still deals damage, because I wouldn't think it would be possibly, and he doesn't need the tankiness to jump in, kill someone, and jump out.
With manamune his q and his w gain bonus damage based on max mana. With ice-born gauntlet, rod of ages, frozen heart, wits end and/or banshees veil, your damage is quite nice but still remain tanky enough to to dps(Which is how I build Kass.) Your build is pretty much the same concept with more burst. The magic shield helps keeps you safe from your ap nukers like Leblanc and and Fizzes while the armor from your mana allows you to focus the ad carry.

Essentially, my build is like yours but allows you to R-W-Q into ad carries with a max stack riftwalk(500 damage in this build) and a W(around 400-800 damage based on mana) and still stay alive. I was very confident in this build that I used it in ranked, and they couldn't react to it, since he has hybrid damage. Of course, your build is the better build since it has much better scaling for burst, but my kass can duel anyone with muramana toggled cause you gain 40% of your missing mana from your mian source of burst.

Why would you build wit's end and muramana...?
He scales with AP, even his basic attacks do with Nether Blade's passive.
BestUserNameEver said:
The Fire Wyrm said:
With manamune his q and his w gain bonus damage based on max mana. With ice-born gauntlet, rod of ages, frozen heart, wits end and/or banshees veil, your damage is quite nice but still remain tanky enough to to dps(Which is how I build Kass.) Your build is pretty much the same concept with more burst. The magic shield helps keeps you safe from your ap nukers like Leblanc and and Fizzes while the armor from your mana allows you to focus the ad carry.

Essentially, my build is like yours but allows you to R-W-Q into ad carries with a max stack riftwalk(500 damage in this build) and a W(around 400-800 damage based on mana) and still stay alive. I was very confident in this build that I used it in ranked, and they couldn't react to it, since he has hybrid damage. Of course, your build is the better build since it has much better scaling for burst, but my kass can duel anyone with muramana toggled cause you gain 40% of your missing mana from your mian source of burst.

Why would you build wit's end and muramana...?
He scales with AP, even his basic attacks do with Nether Blade's passive.

He uses lots of AAs.
alex said:
BestUserNameEver said:
Why would you build wit's end and muramana...?
He scales with AP, even his basic attacks do with Nether Blade's passive.

He uses lots of AAs.

The autos still scale with AP, along with everything else. The only AA item you should probably ever consider on him is Lich Bane, and you still don't build it very often.

EDIT: Forgot about iceborn, most of the time it's one or the other. (iceborn/lich bane)
Yes they scale with ap, but muramana makes them scale of max mana and gives me AD, which I need cause this is a DPS build.
Maybe you should read the entire post before complaining.
BestUserNameEver said:
alex said:
He uses lots of AAs.

The autos still scale with AP, along with everything else. The only AA item you should probably ever consider on him is Lich Bane, and you still don't build it very often.

EDIT: Forgot about iceborn, most of the time it's one or the other. (iceborn/lich bane)

AD or Hybrid Kassadin is very good. He is an AutoAttack champion. His W passive doesn't scale off of AP very hard.
I don't understand how dps/ad/hybrid Kassadin is superior to traditional Kassadin at all. The only thing needed to make his autos strong are iceborn/lich bane, and building full ap allows you to do plenty or damage with spells and spellblade proc. In the point of the game that you have the core items of ad/hybrid Kassadin, your top laner can probably split better than you (Only better part of an ad Kassadin build) and in team fights bursting down apc/adc is way easier with ap.
BestUserNameEver said:
I don't understand how dps/ad/hybrid Kassadin is superior to traditional Kassadin at all. The only thing needed to make his autos strong are iceborn/lich bane, and building full ap allows you to do plenty or damage with spells and spellblade proc. In the point of the game that you have the core items of ad/hybrid Kassadin, your top laner can probably split better than you (Only better part of an ad Kassadin build) and in team fights bursting down apc/adc is way easier with ap.

When did I say that it was superior to traditional kass? I said it was my way of building him, and I get good results.
Learn to read.
Tank Kassadin might be decent, he has good initiation, an aoe slow, and a magic damage shield. He would only need maybe two or three true tank items to jump into, initiate, and get out of a fight. He could probably peel decently well with his e and an IBG. I'm going to try this, but that might be hard considering it wouldn't be viable to jungle him as a tank, his clears are too slow that way, I've tried it :/ it would have to be from top lane most likely. Build wise I could see IBG, Banshee's, Merc Treads, F-Heart, and then maybe RoA and Rylais? Ton's of slows, decent tankiness, ok damage, could still delete adc's with a full rotation of skills (I think) and could effectively initiate and get out, just to jump in again a second later.


Edit: Also, BUNE, obviously the build is working for him, so just give it a rest ok? There must be some merit to it or he wouldn't do it.
@MtheW: I am still new to this... so I don't really know what to recommend.

Was Rengar really nerfed in such a bad way? And when did they nerf him?
He can't delete people like he used to be able to, they're trying to turn him into a fighter instead of an assassin. He wasn't really nerfed too terribly bad though, you can still play him like you used to if you get ahead early, just jump on people and kill them, but his q does less damage and his bola thing is now a skill shot. They nerfed him either last patch or the one before, can't remember, so pretty recently.

I am happy because I got this!
Eron said:

I am happy because I got this!

Gaaah, lucky. But in all seriousness, congrats. I have like, 300 of the honors and have yet to receive the banner.
Ardi-Yarne said:
Eron said:

I am happy because I got this!

Gaaah, lucky. But in all seriousness, congrats. I have like, 300 of the honors and have yet to receive the banner.

Really? I thought that it was easy to earn, I just reached 100 of them.

EDIT: And thank you! :D
Eron said:
Ardi-Yarne said:
Gaaah, lucky. But in all seriousness, congrats. I have like, 300 of the honors and have yet to receive the banner.

Really? I thought that it was easy to earn, I just reached 100 of them.

EDIT: And thank you! :D

Nah, I think it has to do with if you've been reported or how many games you've played. I don't know.

In other news, I was playing Quinn and was getting quite fed by my ever so intelligent enemies (They got baited under tower by me when I was low HP and fed me double kill after double kill), just for the servers to crash and everyone lag. The enemy Kat, who had been shut-down quite early and was doing nothing managed to snowball because of this and between all the lag during teamfights, we just couldn't do anything because she could just auto-walk into our team and press R at any second and auto-pilot from then on..
Is Fiora worth the IP? I want to buy a new champ, a very good one.

If not, what is also a beast? I like Voli, or Yasuo.