Japan's XY10 Set: 'Awakening of Psychic Kings,' Alakazam!

Nice catch! You might just be right. MIGHT.

I don't know that Power Memory is necessarily *the* Zygarde Cell card, just because it's pictured on the card, if you know what I mean. There is going to be a Zygarde 10% card confirmed in this set (we only have an image from the booster box); so I wouldn't totally rule out a Zygarde Cell card, but that being said because we don't know the game mechanics I can't rule it in either.

I think it would be a shame if Zygarde 10%, 50%, and Perfect Forme didn't somehow interact. The idea of Zygarde being made of Cells could be implemented in so many ways Game Mechanics wise, and I'd like to see them do something cool with the cards.

Also note though that cards can't necessarily be used to determine game mechanics. Imagine we saw the "mega evolution rule" before we knew about in game mega mechanics. One mega per battle (the in game "restriction") doesn't really correlate to not being able to attack the turn you mega evolve (technically the TCG "restriction").

Also in my (probably amateur) opinion some people are overhyping Zygarde-EX Perfect a bit. I don't see it being that great, even with Carbink and Power Memory... a new deck archetype, yes. But a Worlds winning one? Idk about that. The good news for Zygarde EX is hitting M-Manectric for weakness (and thus, hopefully not having to discard for Power Memory if a damage modifier is on the feild).

Overall though I must say I'm really looking forward to this set!

Can anyone else confirm that a trainer card with an attack exists before this?
Still no Fighting type Diancie card eh? :( We will just have to wait for this maybe the Zygarde EX deck, the main XY10 set, or the Premium Champion Set in April? We will find out!
I think genesect ex can entirely replace tyrantrum ex. It has a lot more flexibility in its damage output , and only requires metal energy to attack. Also, there may be tailor-made tools for the genesect ex so it will definitely be a powerful card in the standard format.
Just realized the translation for the lucario was slightly off, the +60 for having less pokemon is actually the difference x60! So 2vs5 means lucario will do a whopping 210! Will definitely try and make a deck with him!!
Awesome artwork, I'm glad Team Rocket is back :D

On the other side, too bad it's a Supporter...
Now all we need is some Galactic recognition... I wish they'd randomly insert teams in sets without a solid reason, not aligning with the current games anyway, but Rocket gets a pass because it's classic.
I'm not fond of the card. First off it may not even do anything. Secondly that art is not really my favorite. I mean I guess it represents Team Rocket by looking all creepy but I'm not a fan of it.
Now all we need is some Galactic recognition... I wish they'd randomly insert teams in sets without a solid reason, not aligning with the current games anyway, but Rocket gets a pass because it's classic.

Plot twist: Rocket's getting all this recognition because they're gonna be the villain team in Sun/Moon.
This could see play in Gallade decks definitely. Sometimes you can't play a sycamore for you supporter. Most of the time it is Giovanni, Lysandre, and Hex. Using this, it doesn't matter if you get 2 tails. Also Saybleye Garbody which comes self explanatory.
I'd imagine since this is a support card, rather than a spam-able item card. That it should state "Flip 2 coins, for each heads discard the top card from your opponents deck, for each tails discard a random card from your opponents hand".

As is, it's likely to do nothing at all AND burn the only support card you can play for your turn.
I wonder how they fuller put Kano into this, or even sun and moon. first, Gioavannis Scehem, then Mistys Determination, and now now team rocket? I wonder.
That artwork is so... Beautiful! Sableye/Garbodor and mill decks may use this. This also may see a one-of in certain decks, like Gallade. Kinda wish it had an effect for tails, too.
My guess as to why these Kanto character cards have been showing up recently is that they want to give a little acknowledgement to the RBY download/re-release. But, it does seem a little arbitrary.
My guess as to why these Kanto character cards have been showing up recently is that they want to give a little acknowledgement to the RBY download/re-release. But, it does seem a little arbitrary.
Well, this has more sense than the random reprint of Skyla and N...