Impressions of Original 151 Pokemon's Voices [6/2]

you know it's been a slow news week when stuff like this is posted xD

that being said it was pretty hilarious =)
Brizzy did this like a year ago tho.

Funny nonetheless, but the way he opens it and even a lot of the things he does feels like a retread of her video.

Although it is the same voices so... I guess it's not really the same?

I'm confused with myself now.
Just wait till we get to the Hoenn ones.

#Naledit on deoxys

Watched it again and anyone notice how he did the main character route not the wild Pokemon route except really on Pikachu.
Water Pokémon Master said:
TokyoToots said:
Your Ultimate Pokemon "News" Source & TCG Site!

Yo mama didn't think you were news when you were born either.
