Pokemon illogical pokedex info

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bacon said:
Machamp can launch 1,000 punches in TWO SECONDS

Bacon-dex: data input B + /cal


One arm: 250 punches, 125 punches per second. Assuming simple model ie no occilating motion nor acceleration change of any sort, Load load.

Total journey of fist = 125 x 2 x L

L = 0.8 (length of arm)

distance / time = speed

Load, load.

Machamps fist moves at 100 metres per second, or 3600 kilometres per hour.

Verdict: Blissey has no chance.

The Bacon Dex? I don't think the Bacon Dex can help us with ever problem...Can it?
I like Pokeymanz said:
Pimpwalkin' Mateo Johnson said:
The entire Pokedex lacks logic. It claims such folly as:

  • Wartortle can live for 10,000 years
  • A single drop of Nidoran (f)'s poison is fatal
  • With a single swing of its tail, Nidoking can snap a telephone pole "as if it were a matchstick"
  • Machoke is so incredibly powerful it must wear a belt to suppress his strength
  • Machamp can launch 1,000 punches in TWO SECONDS
  • Rapidash can gallop at 150 MPH
  • Lickitung's tongue is nearly 8 feet long
  • Gyarados is so violent that it rampages for absolutely no reason and will not cease until everything surrounding it is destroyed
  • Meganium can bring dead plants to life simply by breathing on them
  • If you get bitten by a Croconaw, you're SCREWED. He ain't gonna let go, ever.
  • Once Igglybuff starts bouncing, it becomes IMPOSSIBLE for it to stop.
  • Skarmory (that base 70 slug) can outspeed Rapidash, able to fly at a speed of over 180 MPH
  • At a mighty 1 foot 8 inches, Phanpy can easily support an adult human on its back
  • Donphan can decimate a house in a single blow
  • Larvitar's regular diet consists of entire mountains.
  • Lugia causes storms that last for 40 days with a mere flap of its wings
  • Combusken can kick 10 times in one second (pretty believable compared to Machamp)
  • Loudred can knock over trucks simply by yelling
  • Hariyama's arm thrusts can "knock a truck flying"
  • It you hold onto a Spoink, its heart will stop beating, and Spoink will die.
  • Registeel's body is impervious to everything.
  • Luxray can see through anything
  • The fluid that is sprayed from Skuntank's tail has a range that exceeds 160 feet (over half a football field)
  • Drapion's claws can effortlessly rip through cars
  • Heatran can walk on the ceiling. So can Treecko, but Heatran weighs 948 pounds.

This isn't illogical at all, if you replace the Pokémon's name with 'Chuck Norris'. Then this all makes complete sense. The exception is the spoink.

Oh my god you made me laugh so much.

It's just a game. Yeah, I laugh at a lot of the entries, but it's just a game. Maybe the people who made all the entries were running out of ideas. =p

lol, Chuck Norris. xD
Dont forget Regice he can get dipped in lave and not melt-_-
Isn't Chuck Norris like 60 years old?

EDIT: I just googled and found out he is 67! If he can do that in his age, well, I don't want to know what he could do in his twenties!
  • Chuck Norris can live for 10,000 years
  • A single drop of Chuck Norris's poison is fatal
  • With a single swing of its tail, Chuck Norris can snap a telephone pole "as if it were a matchstick"
  • Chuck Norris is so incredibly powerful it must wear a belt to suppress his strength
  • Chuck Norris can launch 1,000 punches in TWO SECONDS
  • Chuck Norris can gallop at 150 MPH
  • Chuck Norris's tongue is nearly 8 feet long
  • Chuck Norris is so violent that it rampages for absolutely no reason and will not cease until everything surrounding it is destroyed
  • Chuck Norris can bring dead plants to life simply by breathing on them
  • If you get bitten by Chuck Norris, you're SCREWED. He ain't gonna let go, ever.
  • Once Chuck Norris starts bouncing, it becomes IMPOSSIBLE for it to stop.
  • Chuck Norris can outspeed Rapidash, able to fly at a speed of over 180 MPH
  • At a mighty 1 foot 8 inches, Chuck Norris can easily support an adult human on its back
  • Chuck Norris can decimate a house in a single blow
  • Chuck Norris's regular diet consists of entire mountains.
  • Chuck Norris causes storms that last for 40 days with a mere flap of its wings
  • Chuck Norris can kick 10 times in one second (pretty believable compared to Machamp)
  • Chuck Norris can knock over trucks simply by yelling
  • Chuck Norris's arm thrusts can "knock a truck flying"
  • It you hold onto Chuck Norris, its heart will stop beating, and Chuck Norris will die.
  • Chuck Norris's body is impervious to everything.
  • Chuck Norris can see through anything
  • The fluid that is sprayed from Chuck Norris's... tail has a range that exceeds 160 feet (over half a football field)
  • Chuck Norris' claws can effortlessly rip through cars
  • Chuck Norris can walk on the ceiling. So can Treecko, but Chuck Norris weighs 948 pounds.

Punctuation issues but ignore them, this is the true way the pokedex should be written.
Actually, you got one wrong.

If you hold onto Chuck Norris, its heart will stop beating, and Chuck Norris will die.

It should be:

It you hold onto Chuck Norris, your heart will stop beating, and you will die.
I laughed so hard reading that, bacon. xD

And I agree with I Like Pokeymanz. Is it even possible to kill Chuck Norris? =O
yes, all you need is a cup of common sense (if we have any), a piece of canada, some more common sense, a stick of butter, and we need chuck norris to stand in a normal place on a normal day
Why don't we use the pokedex translater from pikachu's vacation and ask Alakazam all are questions?
we can ask as many question as we can to alakazam and it can answer all of it. unfortunately, alakazam can't talk. fortunately, chuck noris can.

i love chuck noris. -()-
I'm surprised that Torchic doesn't roast itself doing that. Heatran is...er....idk.
i think heatran can do 500 times stronger than torchik
that means: 1 800 x 500 = 900 000 degrees
one fireball from heatran can melt the whole iceberg in the world
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