I Got Bad Luck in a Game. Now I Can't Play Well.

TwilightErik said:
Sometimes the game can be really frustrating even I got way too frustrated it made me think twice on quitting because the lack of good cards and my bad luck. I wish they made cards cheaper so everyone has a fair advantage it feels like you have to have alot of money to play this game sadly. I love collecting since it's been a good hobby of mine and it does help out really bad depression it makes me feel like I've accomplished something it is a really great feeling. If you ever quitted the game you can stick with collecting it does help out the stress & the frustration and always taking a break does help out too it allows you to not to worry yourself about this game. I hope this post helped you out Infinity.

This game is one of the cheapest trading card games around. Try playing Yugioh or MTG, they are ridiculously expensive (especially Magic). Although, the prize support and general tournaments are considerably better. Then again, the amount of dishonest people and thieves are higher in those two games in comparison to Pokemon.
bacon, it's good to play to win.. I'm technically not too mad about losing if it's for the right reasons (got outplayed, made stupid plays). What really causes me to tilt is major bad luck streaks. It's really justifiable for me to hate losing when it comes to losing that way.
If you believe you will do poorly, you will. This is what's known as a self-fulfilling prophecy. By being in the mindset that you will fail at something, you will be unable to focus on succeeding and, when you do inevitably fail, you will say "See? I told you I'd fail."

All it takes is some positive thinking. You won't win every time, but take your losses in stride. Learn from them, so that you may be a better player, and accept that sometimes bad things happen.

It happens in VG a lot, so us on the other side of the Pokemon battling coin feel your pain as well.
PMJ said:
If you believe you will do poorly, you will. This is what's known as a self-fulfilling prophecy. By being in the mindset that you will fail at something, you will be unable to focus on succeeding and, when you do inevitably fail, you will say "See? I told you I'd fail."

All it takes is some positive thinking. You won't win every time, but take your losses in stride. Learn from them, so that you may be a better player, and accept that sometimes bad things happen.

It happens in VG a lot, so us on the other side of the Pokemon battling coin feel your pain as well.

Good point. Before States I was going like "I think I'm going to do really good" just to psyche myself out. Lo and behold, I got second.
Well, it works both ways, too. Believing you will succeed is one of the best ways to overcome anxiety, but there's a difference between belief in your skill and getting cocky. Don't overestimate your abilities, but don't sell yourself short, either.
The trick is see every match as a new day. Just focus on the current match, and hope for the best. What a lot of people do is they do really good, then tank the rest of the tournament. I just see every match as a seperate game and I don't think of the grand scheme of things much. At states, it took me a little while to realize I went X-0