Ruling Hypothetical and non hypothetical question


Lets just say, for all intents and purposes, they made an Ampharos X(evolution) in say SF. Bear with me. So say I am using Ampharos(prime), can I level up that Ampharos into Ampharos X? I think yes because the name just says Ampharos, not Ampharos prime or anything.

Next question, can you level up say Flygon EX into Flygon X?

PS: Thanks to whoever answers.
Answer to former: Yes. Since the name of Ampharos [Prime] is simply 'Ampharos', you could level it up into an Ampharos LV.X.

Answer to latter: No. Flygon LV.X must level up from Flygon, not Flygon ex. 'Flygon ex' is the actual name of the card, and therefore, cannot level-up into Flygon LV.X.