How much will Metal Gengar (Meta Ghost) be played?

Completely agreeing with what you're saying.^^^^^^

seth: No need to be rude or full of sarcasm, imo Gengar's a decent card at best. Maybe your opinion is a bit different. Either way, noone knows how good this deck will actually be until it can be created. Look at shaymin/tort, everyone thought a 210hp torterra would be vicious. Sike
Thanks! ^-^

Also you're point about emptying the hand of trainers and your other point about sp's winning worlds kinda clashes. SP's need trainers to survive and they won't throw them out without thinking twice.
They will if Gengar can hit for nothing. This is late game i'm talking about, once everything's set up.
Darkartisan said:
They will if Gengar can hit for nothing. This is late game I'm talking about, once everything's set up.

but with Gengar setting up pretty early on in the game, what about then? will they think twice before playing those trainers and supporters, early on in the game?
The sniping is what makes Gengar dangerous. Unown G will be pulled out ASAP as soon as Gastly hits the fulled to Guard Claydols and other important pokes with Powers, forcing them to do a max of 30 with Shadow Room or keep hitting the Active for 30+. It just kinda folds to Dark and Metal types (I can know, Aggron is a very tough cookie for Gengar)
^^lol no one uses Aggronn...
Gengar is a great card, Metal Gengar makes it even better. You will see it in a match-up, and watch it speed through you, sniping your claydols, uxies, azelfs, everything of value.
How about Dialga G LV.X then? People play that 1. It also has the habbit of screwing Metagross over, which btw, is also a Metal type with Psy Resistance.
in answer to unown G you can tech a quick relicanth, which may also help against dialga G if he's G'd then i'm guessing you'll be looking at 2 tools out so he can THKO dialga even if he's benched,

Btw i do realise the the energy problem but i'm sure it wouldn't kill any deck to hold a couple of {F}energy
In my metal gengar, I run 2 relicanth, 2 fight energy, and like 7 psychic. Relicanth not only deletes Palkia/Dialga, it deletes Absol AND Luxray, both pokemon that are very irritating.
It deletes Palkia/Dialga? Palkia locks you before you can set up, and if they keep the tools up to 3 you won't be OHKOing them while getting an OHKO or a THKO. Dialga should be the same, only it will OHKO you more easily.
Seth1789110 said:
In my metal gengar, I run 2 relicanth, 2 fight energy, and like 7 psychic. Relicanth not only deletes Palkia/Dialga, it deletes Absol AND Luxray, both pokemon that are very irritating.

once again another 2-2 line helps a deck get bigger and badder, yes i'm including energy as part of the relicanth line, i can see him being dropped into alot of decks that dislike Sp's and unown G, especially gengar decks unown G stops gngar then fuels relicanth and after bench sheild released you can just alternate the 2 depending on what you need to be rid of
lol better get those G's on all your Powered Pokemon before Gengar drops a Shadow Room... Unown G won't protect you from having 20 less hp, 70 and 80 hp pokemon of the world :]
I'm planning on building this deck myself, but I don't know yet how popular it is in my local area. I don't thyink it will see as much play as SP decks though.
The thing with Metal Gengar, if you don't get Metagross out and Gengar out right afterwards, the Metagross will be a burden on yourself. I was playing against one of these with my Blaziken/Luxray. They had to call for a Gastly and Baltoy. They had a Metagross active. I then played down Crobat and two Turns to KO Gastly. Then I used Jet Shoot on the Metagross. So unless you can make the deck fast and consistant, it'll be one of those funner versions of Gengar.
If I play it, I'd probably not evolve to Metagross until I had Gengar and candy in my hand or haunter in play, to make sure I don't hinder myself. Also I'd prioritize Gengar and Claydol above Metagross in my searching, so I don't end up with a useless and active Metagross.

Anyway quick ball is your friend, play 4 and you're pretty much guaranteed to have huge search power every turn, coupled with a roseanne's or bebe's, plus a luxury ball. With a couple of Candies in your hand, T2 can provide some Metagross spread for all their set up pokemon, followed by a beasting Gengar taking out their basics/uxie/baltoy T2.

I'd say it will probably do better than Mother Gengar, which is more focused on weathering the blows and relying on Fainting Spell, whereas Metal Gengar (I'd call it MenGar but it sounds a little homo :p), focuses on not letting them hit you hard in the first place.

Either that or throw down Metagross whenever and include 4 Potion :p
Strangely, mine is consistent, very much. I always, and I mean ALWAYS set up Gengar first, then Claydol, THEN Metagross. Because while the strategy is Metal Gengar, or Gengross, Gengar can fair on its own just fine, setting up damage so that when Metagross comes in, its KO. Then, after Claydol is set up, I do everything I can to try to get ahold of Metagross that same turn, and if not, then I want until next turn. But usually, I have Gengar, Metagross and Claydol on the bench T3 at the latest, unless I am not drawing ANYTHING, and then I set up the gengar swarm, and just persistently beat my opponents to a pulp with Gengar.
I think the most vital thing is to get Gengar out and screw up their set up as soon as possible, then focus on getting Metagross later.

Seth, I don't suppose you'd mind sharing your list would you? I'm not entirely sure on what should go into mine, other than the obvious.
Yeah, np, I pmed you. I think that Metal Gengar will do great, and will have this kinda matchup when playing Mother Gengar:

35(you)-65(them). I mean honestly, its a hard deck to beat...