Help With Fruit Flies


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Hi people of pokebeach, as the title says my family has accidentally artificially evolved unkillable fruit flies.

How does this happen exactly you may ask? It's simple, you somehow have fruit flies in your clean, yet messy house and then after killing the ones that you can squish with a tissue the ones that survive are the ones that can somehow phase out of reality for 3 seconds/until I lift my hand with the tissue I tried to kill them with, and then teleport a solid foot to five feet away from where I just tried killing them and then fly away to a place where I can't reach them.

We have tried those little fruit fly traps that look like apples and they got rid of the fruit flies the last time we had them, however this new set is not responding to them and while they are responding better to the home made one's we got off of google they are not working well enough. We are currently trying stuff that attracts them (apple cider vinegar) in a plastic tub filled with fly paper however even that is not working. We are going to try super sweet red wine soon however even I doubt how much that will work.

Please help us I really have no clue how to kill them at this point as we can't even squish them.
Well, here are some ways to kill fruit flies. Or you could just put away all your food so they stop being a bother :p
I can't check the link atm but if you used google we already tried it, they don't even die when exposed to bug spray wtf?
For those of you who have not heard of it, it's not a regular gun/fire arm it's a over powered nerf gun that shoots salt at high speeds to kill small insects ie flies. It is from what reviews online have told me a "toy" it's more like a launchable fly swatter of shredding bugs. They're custom built by the makers of it (look them up online) and shoot the salt at bugs extremely qucikly to the point where it will apparently kill them or shred their wings via salt.

Ok so here's the question:
Does it kill super small things like fruit flies on contact? And thus is it worth my parent's $40 + shipping for it? My mom is flipping out over the current massive fruit fly problem, we've tried MASSIVE amounts of poisonous spray on them, to the point where my mom has sent a solid stream of raid at them only to have them fly away while flipping her off and laugh. We've tried super sweet wine in traps that they can't escape from and you know what they do? They swarm AROUND the trap but do they ever go INSIDE IT? No, they do not and this fact is making my mom go crazy as we have traps in every room in the house and tonight one landed on me as I was reading my text book, crawled on me, causing me to just sit in my bed yelling for someone to come to me to see if it was still alive or dead and if it was, was it a smaller fruit fly or a flea? (We've had flea problems before which flipped my mom out even more AS WE DON'T HAVE PETS) And now my mom is yelling to bug bomb rooms of the house and spend MORE money on poison that won't work, because of the fruit fly problem.

So can someone please tell me weather or not the bug a salt can kill fruit flies on contact or not and is it worth the whopping $40? I really need to know as my mom is seriously flipping out.
I found a cure that's working decently well, not as well as a bug a salt could, but still working well. Uber cheap and thick brandless hair spray. My dad saw a friend in college kill a fly that was bugging him by taking his girl friend's hair spray which apparently crystallized the fly to the point where he was able to kill it. So my mom got us a $2.49 can of hair spray and the thing is working so much better than Raid and it doesn't trigger my dead asthma as much, with its poison and smell.

Here's how to kill flies in general using hair spray and a water bottle with a stream setting.

0 (optional) If the fly is by something remotely flammable/something you don't want hair spray on spray the fly with a water bottle to make it move, do this until you can safely shoot the fly with hair spray.
1 Spray the fly with hair spray, it will likely drop from either full hight-5 feet or all the way to the ground where it will likely be upside down as you basically just tried to fuse its wings together with chemicals. If it doesn't fall keep chasing it with hair spray in non flammable/stuff you don't want getting hurt by hair spray areas, until it DOES fall down.
2 Spray the fly with a constant stream of hair spray, which shouldn't be hard now that it's basically limited to floor movements, until it stops moving/dies because its environment became a puddle of stuff that apparently kills it quicker than Raid.
3 For the love of Arceus make sure it's dead by squishing the fly with a paper towel and clean up the puddle of hair spray around it. I also recommend spraying said puddle with the water bottle to make sure the puddle doesn't damage whatever it's on too much.

Lastly, for the love of glob remember that hair spray is flammable! It can burn houses down etc when it comes into contact with electricity or flame/high heat.