Pokemon Have you Played these??

Kenny vs. Spenny

Aspiring Trainer
its odd going through ebay pages looking for stuff on pokemon, and thats when you hit the odd and questioned items. like these:


i dont know why chaos from the sonic series is on it, but ive acctually emulated this game on my psp. its the most derranged, peice of crap ive ever played. And thats not all, theres tons more of oddly formulated pokemon games and they all seem to end up in the gba category. check them out though ive only played chaos black i thought it was worthless cause i dont think anyone can beat it. if someone has lmk.


Of course. IT's fake. Fakr things appear a lot when you can't actually touch it. The game you would have played would be a rom-like thing that would have taken a while to make, but it makes it look more authentic. Though it's not actually from the franchise, so...
"Shizard." That sounds hilarious.

I remember seeing a Pokémon Diamond Version and a Pokémon Jade Version when I was in Bangkok in July 2001. The Jade Version has Feraligatr on the box; the Diamond Version has a green-tinted Forest God from Princess Mononoke on the box.
Yeh, I've seen Pearla version in those markets. You see a lot of those fake type of games lined along the streets in HK. I also remeber seeing a Jade version and Diamond version as well, though Jade had a dear like Pokemon and Diamond had something that resembled a Gyrados.
Ophie said:
"Shizard." That sounds hilarious.

I remember seeing a Pokémon Diamond Version and a Pokémon Jade Version when I was in Bangkok in July 2001. The Jade Version has Feraligatr on the box; the Diamond Version has a green-tinted Forest God from Princess Mononoke on the box.


I played the fake Diamond before. Yes, it's crap but in a way, it's fun!
I've seen a LOT. You can't beat the Malaysian fake GBA games market. I've seen ShinyGold, Perla, Diamond, Jade, Frigo and a lot more.

My brother actually bought a 2 in 1 GB game pack of Diamond and Jade, I didn't remember much though, as I was pretty young that time.
Zaroco said:
Yeh, I've seen Pearla version in those markets. You see a lot of those fake type of games lined along the streets in HK. I also remeber seeing a Jade version and Diamond version as well, though Jade had a dear like Pokemon and Diamond had something that resembled a Gyrados.

That deer-like thing is the Forest God, by the way. I hadn't seen Mononoke when I saw the Jade version (I think I have the versions mixed up in my previous post), but I had recognized it when I saw the film. It also mentions this on Wikipedia.
TRSRockin has a page on these and other bootleg Pokemon games.

Now, I've never shopped flea markets or the like for electronics, so I've never encountered anything of the sort.