Writing Haiku and Short-Poem Contest XX (Special MLP Edition)

Which three poems are your favorites this round (Contestants MAY vote for their own this time)?

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My apologies for the delay on announcing the voting results… They slipped my mind after a semi-hectic day yesterday… In any case, I’ve decided to nix the disqualification rule for not voting, at least for this round since it seems to cause a bit of confusion whenever someone who had a lot of votes actually gets disqualified because they forgot to vote.

Final Results

First Place: The Fallen One’s Strings and Nigel’s Rainbow Dash tied with six points apiece.
Second Place: Rikko145’s Perpetual Pony Poems and Kam’s An Accurate Reflection of my Thoughts Upon Watching an Episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic tied with four points apiece.
Third Place: HypnoticLuxray’s Torture with three points.
Woa...I actually tied 1st. I'm totally going to enter more of these from now on! Congratulations TFO for also winning! :]
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