just saying but koga and janine are the leaders of Fuschia Gym in KANTO not Sinnoh or Johto. just saying.
and yes gastly is immune to ground type moves because the only ability it ever has is levitate.
HyroSandMaster said:Well since the pokemon series keeps on moving forward to the new, steel coyld be like a factory for futuristic stuff? Idk. But we havent had a ground since gen 1 and dark hasent been included (could add umbreon to a gym). Here is a list....
1i don't want rock so) Bug (it was already confirmed, fire would trump thi gym, water woul be neutral, and grass would be weak)
2:Flying (idk why but flying seems to be a random but reasonable gym)
3oison (not that popular of a type, would like to see some in battle again)
4:Gound (hasnt been used in a while)
5ark (hasnt been used yet, just seemed good traverse in types)
6:Electric (shimama anyone?)
7:Steel (would be good to show off Gear and what not)
8ragon (good choice cause it has no basic weaknesses so it would be best for last gym)
kangaskhan said:i am almost certain there will be a psychic gym
due to the fact that in gen I and gen III had psychic gyms
and gen II and gen IV has psychic members of the elite four
so generation V having a psychic gym would totally fit in with this pattern
thegreatherbie said:I think that poison should be the first gym so you have to pay attention to something during the battle instead of using one attack the whole time.... I'd like to see more of the evolved flying types like tate and liza used in fortree city. Dragon in the middle is semi annoying cuz it seems like ice types are found later in the games. I think that if dark is going to make an appearance, finally, that its presence needs recognition as the Best gym. not because its the best type, but because it has never been a gym. Which means that the leader could have been working really hard to become the last gym leader.
1. Poison
2. Fire
3. Bug
4. Ground
5. Dragon
6. Normal
7. Flying
8. Dark
E4.1 Ice
E4.2 Grass
E4.3 Ghost
E4.4 Water
Champion - mixed bag.
Playerking95 said:Tate and liza? you mean winnona.