flipjeff1313 said:
I am still a bit fuzzy on how many cities there are in Isshu... All i get when I look at the map is the feeling that Hiun City Robbed all the tech and metal and left the rest of the region ancient, rustic and plain

. I hope there are more cities hidden (like in caves or something

anyways on topic
WE NEED to have: Dark, Steel and Bug. Dark and steel need to be used and Bug is already confirmed is it not?
Anyways, If we don't get DARK at least, it'll really be a fail
Agreed, give us dark already!
Btw, I agree with your sig pertaining to water types, but am mad at you because I have been going 4 years strong without remembering the game. grr
Now on to my gym layout ideas...
1.{F} Rock/Ground- sorry folks but you are gonna have to get over it. Rock/ground is always the first type. Dont give me the old "Johto's first gym was flying type.." , as the only reason this was so is because using ground/rock as the 1st gym in both regions within GS would be boring and repetitive.
2.{R} gives some starters a tough time. Plus having fire up early would be a change in pace. We have had a fire gym in the middle and end of a region's gym list before.
3.{G}BUG- this gym was shown already, and I cant see it being too late in the game as the type has a good amount of weaknesses.
4.{P}Poison-haven't had a poison gym in a while, bring one back.
5.{C}FLYING- a gym in which no starter would have an advantage. Though by now you should have a good variety of pokemon so that shouldnt matter.
6.{P}-Psychic gym seems likely to occur at the middle.
7.{C}- normal, would give us quite a challenge as they can learn a lot of different moves.
8.{D}- we need a dark type gym. Make it's entrance to the series a strong one!
Now onto the E4-
E1-{L}-a good start for th e4, better have equake on hand.
E2-{G}-could see some poison aspects in here as well. Give the Elite a Torterra and Venasaur. Of cours the national dex would hav to ben obtained beforehand.
E3-{W}-ICE. A stronger version of Lorelei but weaker than Glacia
E4-Drag.. just kidding,{M} A good defensive Elite, who will will not use actual steel types. Will use a variety of pokemon with steel attacks.
Champion- Various- ever since Cynthia I find this setup to be the best. Maybe give the champion some other types of pokemon though.