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Gengar EX / Trevenant

Trevenant the Ghostly Tree

I'm just as useful as a male Combee
Pokemon: 16

  • 3 Gengar EX
    3-3 Trevenant
    2 Sigilyph LT
    1 Reshiram BW
    2-2 Dragalge
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 34

  • 2 Bicycle
    3 Ultra Ball
    2 VS Seeker
    1 Escape Rope
    3 Robo Substitute
    1 Professor's Letter
    2 Evosoda

    4 N
    4 Professor Juniper
    2 Colress
    2 Lysandre
    1 Skyla

    3 Virbank City Gym

    1 Computer Search (Planning to replace for Dowsing Machine)

    3 Float Stone
Energy: 10

  • 6 Psychic Energy
    4 Double Colorless Energy

By using Dark Corridor, the opponent's active is poisoned and Gengar switches out to the bench. If Virbank City Gym is in play, then the poison will do 30 damage in between turns, which is why you choose Trevenant when switching out. If Dragalge is in your bench and Trevenant is in the active, then your opponent can't retreat or play item cards, so if there is a card you want to defeat in your opponent's bench, you can Pokemon Catcher or Lysandre, then use Dark Corridor and switch with Trevenant. If Dragalge is in your bench, then your opponent can't retreat leaving them with very little options. I also run Zekrom to counter Yveltal and Reshiram to Counter VirGen. Sigilyph could also help stall if the active Pokemon is an EX. I added in Float Stone for free retreat when I need to get back to Gengar, but if there is an item lock from Trevenant and Seismitoad, then I can attach a Mystery Energy for two less retread cost.

I would like to add in more things, but it is difficult to squeeze them in.
RE: Gengar/Trevenant

HelIo, here are my suggestions:
-Take out the catchers and the skates. Catchers had their time, but the flip made them a lot less playable. The skates could work, but half of the time they won't.
-You don't need both Mystery Energy and Float Stone. If you want infinite switching, use Keldeo EX.
-Zekrom and Reshiram are situational, so 2-3 DCE should work.
-How do Zekrom and Reshiram counter Yveltal and Virgen? You don't have energy for Bolt Strike and Blue Flare, and they're very likely to be OHKOed.

These suggestions open up some space in the deck. What do you want to put in?
RE: Gengar/Trevenant

Vom said:
HelIo, here are my suggestions:
-Take out the catchers and the skates. Catchers had their time, but the flip made them a lot less playable. The skates could work, but half of the time they won't.
-You don't need both Mystery Energy and Float Stone. If you want infinite switching, use Keldeo EX.
-Zekrom and Reshiram are situational, so 2-3 DCE should work.
-How do Zekrom and Reshiram counter Yveltal and Virgen? You don't have energy for Bolt Strike and Blue Flare, and they're very likely to be OHKOed.

These suggestions open up some space in the deck. What do you want to put in?
-True, but I am afraid of Startling Megaphone and Garbodor
-True, but Gengar needs a DCE, so I need to set him up as a can.
-Well I am aiming towards their first move, they can one shot if they have at least 80 HP.

-Muscle band, Evosoda, Shauna, Enchanced Hammer, Startling Megaphone, Crushing Hammer, etc.

RE: Gengar/Trevenant

-No one runs more than 1. You'll be fine XD Unless you face Toad. Wich I think you already have a pretty bad match-up.
-Forgot about that XD
-Ik. Maybe you'll pull it off against Yveltal, but Virgen can Red Signal around it or OHKO with Megalo Cannon+Muscle Band+Deoxys EX
-For that stuff, I'm not sure about Shauna and Crushing Hammer (I'm a fan of Hammertime, btw), but the rest seems fairly good.
-Just noticed you pretty much auto-lose to Virgen, so you may want to add those Fire energies XD (or not)
RE: Gengar/Trevenant

Vom said:
-No one runs more than 1. You'll be fine XD Unless you face Toad. Wich I think you already have a pretty bad match-up.
-Forgot about that XD
-Ik. Maybe you'll pull it off against Yveltal, but Virgen can Red Signal around it or OHKO with Megalo Cannon+Muscle Band+Deoxys EX
-For that stuff, I'm not sure about Shauna and Crushing Hammer (I'm a fan of Hammertime, btw), but the rest seems fairly good.
-Just noticed you pretty much auto-lose to Virgen, so you may want to add those Fire energies XD (or not)

Any idea on what I should replace? XD
RE: Gengar/Trevenant

I'll tell you tomorrow XD I have to go now :p
Muscle Band is unnecessary, since Gengar does 60+30 beacuase of the poison so that 2HKOes most stuff. How about -1 Ultra Ball +1 Evosoda to get out the Stage 1s faster? Although in the current format getting out 2 different evos is pretty hard, it's very likely to change in the upcoming one. Also -4 Mystery Energy (Helps Virgenloon autowin even more against you, makes Aegislash wall you, target for Enhanced Hammer) +2 Psychic Energy +1 Professor's Letter +1 Skyla. N outclasses Shauna, so meh. Also, take out the Zekrom, it is not enough to change the matchup against Yveltal. That leaves you 1-2 spots (not really sure XD) So what do you plan on putting in?
Vom said:
Muscle Band is unnecessary, since Gengar does 60+30 beacuase of the poison so that 2HKOes most stuff. How about -1 Ultra Ball +1 Evosoda to get out the Stage 1s faster? Although in the current format getting out 2 different evos is pretty hard, it's very likely to change in the upcoming one. Also -4 Mystery Energy (Helps Virgenloon autowin even more against you, makes Aegislash wall you, target for Enhanced Hammer) +2 Psychic Energy +1 Professor's Letter +1 Skyla. N outclasses Shauna, so meh. Also, take out the Zekrom, it is not enough to change the matchup against Yveltal. That leaves you 1-2 spots (not really sure XD) So what do you plan on putting in?
I added in an extra Evosoda. Do you recommend Jirachi EX and Mewtwo EX?
Those are mostly your call. Jirachi EX is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.L.Y. good if you time it properly, but a lot of players disagree with it because of it being an easy 2 Prizes. I strongly encourage you to add it tho. For Mewtwo EX, you run DCE, so you could perfectly run him, but is a bit off-theme, as it doesn't really have to do anything with the Poison Lock your deck is centered around.