Ruling Garbodor vs. Dialga G Lv. X vs. Muk


Aspiring Trainer
Dialga G Lv. X

Which would take precedence, if any? I'm guessing that they don't affect each other because they are different type of Powers, but I just wanted to make sure.

EDIT: In response to Arceus' post, it says "Pokemon Powers" which seem to be separate from Poke-Bodies, Poke-Powers, and Abilities.
Muk would cancel out any Pokemon Powers, Poke-Powers, or Poke-Bodies. It has no effect on Abilities which has been ruled as a completely separate thing. Garbodor would only apply to Abilities.~KA
Muk: Affects Pokemon Powers, Poke-Powers, and Poke-Bodies, shutting them all off (Anything that affects Pokemon Powers also affects Poke-Powers and Poke-Bodies, and anything that affects Poke-Powers and Poke-Bodies simultaneously also affects Pokemon Powers).
Dialga G LV.X: Affects Poke-Bodies only, shutting them all off when appropriate
Garbodor: Affects Abilites only, making them all vanish when appropriate (Abilities are a distinct and separate entity from the others).

Muk would supersede Dialga. Garbodor would not affect nor be affected by those two.