Favorite Boss Battles


The Insuperable
Pretty self explanatory, what are you favorite boss battles from video games? Mine has to be Dullahan from Golden Sun, and the Broodmother in Dragon Age: Origins. Dullahan because he's so hard, and the Broodmother because the entire thing leading up to her is creepy as hell, and she's pretty unique as she's the only Broodmother you fight in Dragon Age: Origins.
~Dullahan (Golden Sun 2 and 3). The last boss you'll face in Golden Sun, he's designed as basically the ultimate challenge, putting everything you know to the test. He is not easy. I don't think I've run into a boss, in my years of playing games, that is legitimately harder than he is. Star Magician is somewhat similar, though on a lower tier. He's slightly easier in GS3, but not by much.

~Saturos (Golden Sun 1). Not only does this guy have one of my favorite musics ever, he's my favorite by virtue that he is a difficult boss you face in the early game, plus he's an important plot character. He hits hard and by the time you fight him (your party's at level 11 or so) you don't really have access to a lot of healing spells - plus a few of his moves are multi-target and your healing will only be single-target at this point, so it does take a bit of luck to actually take him down. (The Stealthy Scouts in GS3 are kinda like this too, except they lead with Psy Grenades to drop all your party's PP to 0 and then spam status ailments - their HP is kinda low, but they make it so it's very difficult to counterattack.) His battle theme got reused in The Lost Age as the theme for Star Magician, and in Dark Dawn as the theme for every superboss. He is one memorable son-of-a-gun.

~Lundgren (Fire Emblem 7). Lundgren is the first time you hear the Rise to the Challenge boss theme, and it really gets your blood pumping. And for good reason - he takes some tricks to kill, given how he can OHKO (or come close to) any of your characters not named Sain, Kent, or Wallace. They really drive home the point that you will need all your party members to team up to take him down. Unless you want to be cheap and use Nils + Lucius over and over, but then you miss out on the dialogue.

~The Arena (Fire Emblem series). Your way of level-grinding. Your character dies and you lose him forever, thus forcing you to restart the chapter and redo all your hard work (except in emulators lol). I've noticed that, if anything bad can happen to you here, it will.

~Giant Moldorm (LoZ A Link to the Past). Seriously, I hate this guy. Have fun getting repeatedly knocked off the ledge while trying to hit him 6 times. I think he was the only legitimately hard point of this entire game.

~Bass Omega (MM Battle Network 3). I swear, BN3 had a reputation for having some of the hardest bosses - and cheapest strategies - in BN's history. Star Force was BN's spiritual successor, and although it's had its fair share of hard bosses (like Apollo Flame, and then later giving everyone DX versions in SF2 and Omega versions in SF3), very few really come close to the sheer insanity that Bass brings. 3000 HP, the most for any enemy in the game, but that is not the worst part. The worst part is he has a 200 Aura (can only be destroyed if hit with an attack doing 200 damage or higher in a single hit, upon which it dissipates) that regenerates after every attack, unless he is interrupted in the middle of the attack. This means you are going to have to burn up a powerful attack (or use Northwind, which comes in weird codes) to get rid of his shield, and then hit him with something while he's attacking to prevent it from going back up. It is not easy. Or, you could take the easy way out like I did. ...I'm so lame.

~Duo (MM BN4) and Omega Zero (MM Zero 3). I don't want to say much about these guys, but suffice it to say they are very strong and tricky bosses that came from games I hate. They are final bosses that are legitimately difficult and much more so than the bosses that came before them, something that is really uncommon, so I give them that.

~Whitney (Pokemon GSC/HGSS). I shouldn't have to explain this to you guys. Other notable examples of hellish Gym Leaders are Brawly (if you don't use Sableye), Norman, Sabrina, Roark (have you seen that Cranidos of his?), Lenora, and (debatable) Clay.

~Death Egg Robot (Sonic 2). Man, that thing. That thing. You have to hit it 12 times without getting hit yourself once, and its hitbox is so very small and well-protected that try not to mess up. Heck, I had to look up a guide on where exactly to hit it, and it still took me 20+ tries. The Labyrinth Zone boss in Sonic 1 was annoying for me as well, for a somewhat similar reason.

~Marik (YGO The Sacred Cards). I don't know if you guys have ever played this game or not, but I'll be quick: the deck-building procedure is a lot different, relying on points and card capacity (you can't go over a certain number of 'points' when building your deck), so for the greater part of the game most of your monsters will be relatively weak - heck, when you win Revival Jam off of Strings, it is a godsend. The game itself is also somewhat accommodating of this; the average monster strength of your opponents will remain about that of yours, maybe a little higher. The difficulty does jump a lot when you get to the Battle City finals, though by then you will have a lot more cards to choose from. Marik, however, as the final boss, has the difficulty jump even higher still - all his LV4 monsters have 1800 ATK AND they benefit from the Field Spell that's in effect from the start of the game. At this point you'll be lucky if you can even fit 1 monster with 1800 ATK into your deck unless you've been grinding a lot (and in that game, grinding for deck capacity is slooooooooooooow). And if he ever gets out The Winged Dragon of Ra, he automatically wins if his LP are higher than yours at that point. Either start grinding or start lucksacking if you have this game. If you don't have it, don't get it. You're missing nothing. (I hear its sequel Reshef of Destruction is even more insanely difficult, with bosses that start with 10000 LP or more.) /rant

~Team Meanies (PMD1 Red/Blue Rescue Team). This is kinda analogous to the Saturos fight. It's a difficult boss you fight in the early game and thus you don't have a lot of resources or tricks you can use to really stop them. Worse yet, at this point in the game if you get hit with their poison or paralysis it can be a death sentence. Ekans just smacks you with status, Medicham hits pretty hard, and Gengar does both. It is one insane fight.

~Dialga, or Palkia (PMD2 Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky). These guys are nasty not only because of their high HP and tricky types (Dialga is resistant to pretty much everything you have, while Palkia is weak only to Dragon), but also their signature moves - Roar of Time and Spatial Rend both attack every opponent, and will do a lot of damage in the process. Dialga's is somewhat stronger than Palkia's, but with the trade-off that it can't attack the next turn - although it will either KO you or your partner, or come close to doing so, necessitating a bunch of Reviver Seeds and/or Oran Berries anyway. Plus, both of them have Intimidator, which might cause your attacks against it to fail if you stand adjacent, making you lose a turn - giving them an opportunity to RoT/SR you again, which they'll be using every other turn anyway. In fact, they basically require you to bring along 6 Reviver Seeds minimum each time you go to fight them just because of that insanity.

That's all I remember/feel like talking about for now. There are some others I've fought (like Shinryu and Omega in Final Fantasy 1, Neo Shinryu and Omega MK.II in Final Fantasy 5 Advance, and even Ancient Devil in Golden Sun 3), but a lot of them fall under a category of one of the other bosses I've mentioned already. (If you're curious, the first two involve a long protracted cycle of attack/heal/rinse/repeat, the next two involve using spam tactics to win, and the last one steals your party members and turns them on you, requiring you to be as cautious when fighting him as you do Dullahan.) Maybe I'll share more, but I think those are the big ones I remember.
All the Golden Sun optional bosses were pretty damn sweet to fight. I felt like the mandatory boss battles were easy, but the side bosses were awesome, difficult, but the kind of difficult you solve by thinking instead of level grinding.

Another favourite of mine is the final boss fight against Zophar in Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete. This was the first real RPG I ever played, so the final dungeon and boss hold a lot of memories for me, but I also find he hits the difficulty sweet spot pretty well, though. Also love the first(?) boss in this game too, just because there's a hilarious easter egg where you can have your pet baby dragon kill it in one hit by positioning your characters in a certain way.

Also, I don't know if this counts, but the final song in the original Ouendan. I never did manage to beat that on hard, and now my ex has the game so I'm never going to play it again probably. :<

There are likely more, but those are the ones that stand out the most in my memory.
Well I'm going to have to start of with The Boss from MGS 3. That was such an amazing fight. Hand to hand with your mentor and the outcome deciding the entire future of the series. It wasn't until Eva gives you those tapes in Peacewalker that you finally understand the monumental importance of that fight. When you learn why she did what she did.

Also speaking of Peacewalker, that fight was just immense. Dropped in front of Peacewalker as it readies its nuke and you only have a minute to distract it and make it come after you. So tense and it just doesn't get any better. Until you fight the ACTUAL final boss.
Paz in Metal Gear Zeke. Learning that not only Zadornov but Paz betrayed you and unleashes all the fire power you personally built from scratch crashing down on you and Mother Base. It's just so epic.

And then there is MGS 2. When you fight through hordes of men to get to an opening where you find literally dozens and dozens of Metal Gear Rays just not letting off. It's like you don't even have time to reload. You just fire a missile, drop it, fire another, drop it, fire another. It's just so cool. You're firing these never ending missiles and these never ending Rays just hoping that they don't get too close and if you're playing on hard there are a total of 25 you have to take down which just makes it even more awesome.

Next there is Twilight Princess. A personal pleasure. I forget the name but it is the armoured dragon boss at the end of the wind temple or something. Climbing up the pillars with your double hookshots in this thunderstorm, climbing onto the back and relentlessly slashing the back of his neck as it crashes into the ground. I don't think I need to say anything more than that.

Of course we have every boss in the Black Omen in Chrono Trigger. A true test of how far you have come to complete a huge task. I remember beating Queen Zeal first time and having almost no health left. It was amazingly heroic and by far one of the best moments in that amazing game.

There are more, many more, but I can't think right now.

Edit: Ohohoho, I'll save FF6 for a later date.

Some of my favorite/toughest boss battles:

Mega Man X: Sigma - As one of the most iconic bosses in gaming history, Sigma definitely deserves the title. If you manage to defeat his pet, Velguarder, first, then you then have to contend with his normal saber-wielding mode, and after beating him in that form, he transforms into the much hated Wolf Sigma. And even if you manage to stay at full health after the first two fights in order to use the one-shot-kill Hadouken on his final form, HE'S COMPLETELY IMMUNE TO IT. If you don't have every single health, armor, and full subtank, then Sigma is nearly impossible to beat. He gave me a good 45 minutes of frustration before I finally beat him and the game. I love Sigma so much because of his status of an iconic villain, and the fact that he's the main antagonist of nearly every MMX game, although it may not be clear at first.

Dark Souls: Smough the Executioner and Ornstein the Dragonslayer - FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
I have no idea why I found this fight so tough. You fight both golden armor-clad warriors at the same time, one wielding a lightning spear and incredible speed and the other is a behemoth who carries a warhammer. The problem with this fight is your spacing; if you're taking on only one at a time, then the other launches an attack while you're preoccupied and staggers you, allowing the other to pretty much one-shot you with a power attack. And when you manage to defeat one, the other absorbs his fallen comrade and gains the majority of his attacks, and his health doubles. It's apparently an easy fight for some, but not for me.

MGS Series: Pretty much everything - I love a lot of the bosses from the Metal Gear Solid series. They're just so memorable, and some leave the player with something to think about after they've been defeated or the game is over. I love fighting Psycho Mantis, The Boss, Sniper Wolf, and all of the Metal Gears. Even the newest installment, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, has bosses like Jetstream Sam, Bladewolf, and Monsoon to contend with. Each boss battle in the series brings something unique to the table, so you always have to be on your toes and think outside of the box for ways to take down each foe.

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 1/2: Darth Vader - While the second game may not have been anywhere near as good as the first, your duels with the Sith lord in both installments are some of the best QTE-filled boss fights I've seen. You know during the course of the entire game that you'll be facing down Vader as his former apprentice for the final battle, which adds to the excitement when you finally take a step into the throne room on the under-construction Death Star. And how you choose to deal with Vader in each game determines your ending. The best part about the bad ending, where you kill Vader out of anger, is taking the mantle of the second dark lord and hunting down iconic characters like Obi-wan Kenobi, Boba Fett, Princess Leia, and Luke Skywalker, turning the latter to the dark side of the force in a "what if" DLC storyline.

Super Street Fighter II Turbo: Akuma - I was really surprised to see Akuma fly onto the screen to challenge me instead of M. Bison, and to this day I still find him a frustrating boss to beat in any Street Fighter game I find him in. I like Akuma so much because he's been integrated into the rest of the Street Fighter cast as a playable character in many games, including crossover games like Marvel vs Capcom. This is another classic gaming villain that many have come to know and fear, with good reason to do so.

Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal: Trainer Red - I didn't really know the satisfaction of beating a tough trainer until I fought Red in Crystal version. Most of the gym leaders had been knocked over by my over-leveled Feraligatr up until that point, and with the addition of Pokemon like Lugia and the legendary dogs to my team, post E4 wasn't that much of a challenge. I didn't really understand who Red was until he sent out his Pikachu and gave me a proper thrashing soon after. Red is on the list because he was the first trainer to make me think about my battle strategy. Every time I lost, I analyzed how it happened, and tried to determine what was causing me to fail (Pikachu's Charm attack, Snorlax's strategy of Amnesia+Rest, etc). After I adjusted my team to combat those threats accordingly, I was able to finally squeeze out a victory (with enough recovery items, of course). Fighting Red is always thrilling because even with high-level Pokemon, you still have to play cautiously.

Yu-Gi-Oh! The Duelists of the Roses: Mannawydan fab Llyr - I hate this guy. In a video game where duels can last 20 minutes or longer, having a final boss that pulls the exact card he needs time and time again can be so very frustrating. DotR requires strategy that isn't unlike that of chess, where you have to predict where your opponent might move his stronger or weaker pieces on the board. Well, for this duel, any of your stronger pieces (monsters with 1500 Atk or more) are automatically destroyed by his crush card virus field squares, so you have to constantly rethink when and where you're going to send your best creatures, sometimes even having to sacrifice monsters in order to make sure others will have safe passage across the board. Meanwhile, Llyr manages to draw debilitating spells and traps that weaken your monsters and burn your life points while his uber strong monsters are free to roam wherever he desires. No matter which rose you choose, he's one damn tough final boss.

Sonic Adventure 2: Biolizard/Finalhazard - I loved the Sonic adventure series, and I think Biolizard and Finalhazard were an amazing way to incorporate everything that was good about those games into a single boss fight. Both fights are fairly challenging, although I think the Biolizard is a bit harder. I mostly jut love these boss fights because they simply represent a series I love and have a kick ass soundtrack playing in the background during the battle. I enjoy the fight with Perfect Chaos in the first Sonic Adventure for the same reason.

I might add the obligatory LoZ and Metroid boss battles later on.
DNA, Duo is very easy! I admit it, he is tough at first, but when you get his attack pattern down, hes quite easy.

My favorite boss?

Probably every Megaman Battle network game boss there is.

I think that the champion fights are always fun. They all are cool! The themes are nice too!
V1 and Alpha are easy. Above that is when it gets really difficult.
1. All the boss fights from Sonic Adventure 1. They are simple and easy, and each one is unique.

2. The Palutena/Chaos Kin boss fight from Chapter 20 of Kid Icarus Uprising. In it you have to avoid harming Palutena, who is being possessed by the Chaos Kin, and only attack Chaos Kin that's floating above and around her.
In no particular order:

Nocturnus (Dragon Quest 6): Only because of how rewarding it feels to beat him because it's freaking difficult and you have to grind for hours to get a high leveled Hero to even have a chance. This jerk can attack THREE TIMES before you get a turn. I can still remember all those horrible moments when he uses Pearly Gates and C-C-C-Cold breath (both target everyone in your party and do MASSIVE damage) in one turn and pretty much just takes out your entire team. Probably one of the hardest RPG bosses I've ever faced. The only real way to beat him is to have a Dragon on your team who can tank hits and restore MP to things when needed, something pretty much healing your entire team to the max every turn, and then a Hero who can spam Gigaslash every turn to dish out ridiculous damage. Oh, and did I mention this guy has 13000 hp? AND you have to beat him in 20 turns to get the special ending, which is the entire point of fighting him. It's totally worth it though; you get to watch Nocturnus beat the living crap out of the final boss and then watch a different ending.

Dialga (Explorers of Time): Difficult and rewarding. They also set up an epic backstory and setting to make the battle really intense. Roar of Time is one of the most overpowered moves in the game lol.

The grandmaster of all things bad (Explorers of Time/Darkness): Just because of how lolzy it seems and then it turns out to an actually grueling boss fight. The sheer number and power of the enemies makes it somewhat difficult to stay alive.

All bosses from Paper Mario Thousand Year Door: Just because (Cortez is probably my favorite though). This also excludes the Shadow Queen just because they made her way too freaking difficult.

Helmaroc King (Wind Waker): Just because of the setting and backstory. The fight wasn't all too creative. You start in a flooding room though and have to race your way to the top while the King is trying to break the floor out before you get there.

Molgera (Wind Waker): Epic music and a creative battle. It was actually somewhat tough if you didn't know what you were doing. If it pops out of the ground and swallows you when you don't expect it, the damage can add up REALLY fast.
Doopliss - Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door
My favorite game of all time, and my favorite boss battle ever. He takes over your body, turns you into a shadow, convinces your friends that you're evil, and fights you alongside them. Very fun boss fight, even better was the story leading up to it (removing the "p" from the keyboard <3).

And those of you who know me know that Doopliss inspired my original username ;)