dropped outta high school now i feel like crap

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RE: dropped outta high school now i feel like crud

INFERNAPE112892 said:
Ok well ive talked to a professional monday and im suppose to go to a mental health hospital in the morning for 24 hr suicide watch i do get to take my iphone in with me but i have to take out the sim card and just use their WIFI for internet

Listen to the doctors, they are there to help you.
RE: dropped outta high school now i feel like crud

as a wise mentor and teacher once said to me "help yourself before you help other's, and don't ""mention"" religon or politic's when it come's to peoples anything". beyond that good luck and have fun and hopefully it all go's well for you man. cya
RE: dropped outta high school now i feel like crud

Ok well im sitting here in my room (at the mental health hospital) and im bored out my mind they have me on suicide watch and theres nothing in
here to do they wont let me have anything with wires and they took my sim card so im using wifi atm and its driving me insane i want out
RE: dropped outta high school now i feel like crud

varit said:
as a wise mentor and teacher once said to me "help yourself before you help other's, and don't ""mention"" religon or politic's when it come's to peoples anything". beyond that good luck and have fun and hopefully it all go's well for you man. cya

That is good advice. More people should follow it.
RE: dropped outta high school now i feel like crud

People whpo give up before their life has even started don't have much of a future.
RE: dropped outta high school now i feel like crud

I too have suffered from clinical depression. It's a very serious illness, and it's definitely not something you can just snap out of in a week or so. Infernape, before you work on any other plans for going back to highschool, you should focus on cheering yourself. Go for a walk on a sunny day, exercise a bit (endorphins is the key), or do something creative every once in a while. Also, try this: every time you think of something negative about yourself, think of one or two positive things about yourself to counter it. Try smiling at least twice a day as well.

Remember, like everyone else has stated, cutting yourself doesn't solve anything. It may feel natural while you're doing it, but later on, the feeling goes away and is replaced with both mental and physical pain.


EDIT: whoops... I didn't even notice the posts above me o_o. Hang in there, Infernape, the doctors are just doing what's best for you.
I think you'll feel a lot better after taking all this advice, but there's not much else that can be said that hasn't already.


dmaster out.
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