Doing Badly on Tests


u elkcom hangl man
So, I took a vocb quiz a while ago, and got it back today. I got a 74%. I realize "C"s are average, but here's the thing. I'm Asian. My parents insist on me doing better than everyone else. I am a straight "A" student, and I have never done this poorly on anything. Ever. Anyway, I'm wondering, what do you do when you do badly on something? What are your average test scores?
I'm a A student also so I know how you feel about the situation, except the wanting me to do better than all the other students.

But I'm naturally a bad test taker, usually I have a high C or B on test (Depending on which class, which is only 2 classes). But honestly, all you can really do if you want to bring those grades up is study ahead of time, not the day before the test. Maybe take tutoring and try to focus on your main problems. Or, find a way of learning that fits you the most, you'll memorize things the way you want to and all that good stuff.

For example, in Biology last year, I related everything to Pokemon which helped me remember the subject. Ex. Lactose= Latios, Lactase= Latias.

I don't know, that's what I usually do, everyone learns differently.:)
SotH said:

For example, in Biology last year, I related everything to Pokemon which helped me remember the subject. Ex. Lactose= Latios, Lactase= Latias.

I don't know, that's what I usually do, everyone learns differently.:)

That's clever..

Anyway, just do your best! I'm sometimes lazy and forget to study and/or do homework, but I do great in the classroom! I make low A's. Could be better though. I can't do that when I go to college though. :p
its called being "prepared" If you are prepared then there's no reason why you cant get an A in everything you do, maybe you didn't spend as much time on the material then you normally do and that is why you did average on the test. Whatever the case might be I'm sure next time you'll do better, study hard and be positive, good luck! =]
If you've never had a grade that poorly I suspect that either you're getting into a class with a more difficult grading system you're used to, or it was one of those situations where the test was too ambiguous on certain parts to get it right even if you knew certain answers. If you now have the test back you should be able to find out what you got wrong and what the answers were. If you know why you got the answers wrong then just make sure you do what you should have done for this test, if you aren't sure try talking to the teacher and find out what their reasoning was for the grade.
I was pretty much getting A's until year 11. Everything started to go bad then, I was getting Cs and Ds. I didn't do anything, my parents are laid back "As long as you do your best" white people .________. I hardly attended classes and just bummed around < Hence the bad results. I've never cared for my results or my future, so I didn't really do much.
I did do a bit better in year 12 though, attended classes and was getting As in English and Maths P:
I too are a straight A student. My average usually around 98% so.... Well, my teachers let us redo our test for better grades.
My classes are really bad but come across as a dopey person that doesn't pay attention in class, I don't do my homework most of the time and never revise. I'm not one of them students that are rowdy and shout out, in fact I'm more the person that sits down and gets down with their work. The funny thing is though I always get good test results.

Whenever I do bad in a test I make sure to actually read what I got wrong and revise that particular subject for a good one hour, I average normally to 85% apart from in Maths which I am 90%
I always do badly at a test. Since I hit Yr 11, it goes all downhill. Honestly obey your parents and study at that age. It will make or break you. Unfortunately the second one applies for me...
Yeah, I've done increasingly bad on tests this year it's not even funny. I've gotten a C on a Trig test, multiple Ds on my AP Chem test and Fs on some assignments in Physics. So I would just try to work harder. The mentality that Asian kids should be the smartest people in the world is dumb tbh. Everyone has an equal chance and stereotypes aren't nice.

dmaster out.
Well according to this documentary I watched, Asians tend to be smarter due to their upbringing. That is the reason why on average they are smarter than others
It doesn't mean that it always has to be true was my point.

dmaster out.
I'm a straight "A" student, and sometimes by grades go down to a "B" for a couple of days, then go back up to an "A."
Well first of all if you study and spend time looking over your notes, then you should be fine. Also if they give you extra time in school, then you should use that time wisely and study for your test/quiz.

First of all try going and studying in a quite room, with no TV on or video games on etc. You should concentrate on your work, and think positive for yourself. Think that you will do good on the test if you study. Sometimes studying does get kind of boring, but you got to think for yourself that if you do good on the test/quiz then your grade will go up, and you'll feel good about yourself and your parents will too.
My average test scores are C,D,F's. Every test on Math has been F's. Because of it I probably wont graduate high school. I'm just messaging to say "I feel your pain"
OMG you are still all bent up about that test! I did worst then you and I am an equal good student, the worst I have got was like a 12 percent but it wasn't a real nor did it matter
I'm a straight A student with an average of 96% in all my classes (7). The funny thing is that I don't study for most of them. I think I've studied for 2 things in my entire life. I'm in 8th grade taking 10th grade math and our teacher gave us 62 math terms, told us to look them up on the internet, then made us do a ridiculous class project on it. After learning nothing she gave us a crossword puzzle that she seemed to be making up as she went along. Afterwards I had no choice but to study. Otherwise I have a good memory and can remember facts so I don't have to study.
It's funny, I'm actually pretty smart, but get poor grades due to missing assignments. I get pretty good test scores, yet my grades are low.
#1weavile said:
There's a thing called studying...Don't be lazy.

There's such a thing as contributing. Don't be a jerk. Sorry, but that post really didn't say anything.

Don't mini-mod. Report instead.

dmaster out.
In the society of education we live in, (Or at least where I live) showing an kind of measly effort can get you a decent grade. In elementary school, tests are easy, and most things are completion grades. In my middle school, most homework is just a completion grade. You can also get at least a B on a test my looking over noted a minute before tests. It's obviously not like that in HS/College, but putting in a decent amount of studying can get you decent grades. As for english tests, make sure you use proper grammar, and try to relate the words to other words you've heard. Chances are, you heard the word before, it's just in the back of your head somewhere. (Congratulations on being grammatically correct on the title. Most people automatically put bad, but badly is correct, as adverbs modify verbs)