Ditto from Fossil (#3)

Guys, Lets face it.. Arceus is a Ditto in disguise as a god. No one can stop him.. He judges you all.. Obama is a ditto in disguise. So is the queen of england. Anyone in power is simply a DITTO!!!!!!
You ignorant people! Don't you know that Ditto is the Holy Spirit of Arceus? Ditto IS Arceus!
Your spam and nubbery have all made me incredibly saddened and disappointed in any hope that humanity may have left.
I keep telling you the best card is Fossil Muk but you're too blinded by the bandwagon to see the truth!
Oh you.
^His Pokemon Power shuts down all other Pokemon Powers. Such as Ditto's transform. A 1-1 Fossil Muk ruins ditto.
So is Psychic Pulse/Dazzling Pollen/Tail Rap, but does that stop people from running Bronzong G/Vileplume/Smeargle? Nooooooooo! :p
Ditto will forever be the most awesome card of all time. It was so awesome, the original Game Boy TCG game couldn't handle its awesomeness, and so it wasn't put in the game.
Ahhh Ditto. I remember the good ole days at the daycare where we would do naughty things with each other. I now I have about 69 eggs to hatch because of it :)
Ditto, you will always remain in our memories. And, why the heck is everyone talking about the card!? Nothing beats Ditto in the game. Lol, Ditto pitted aganst Ditto. "Ditto! Transform!"
"Ditto Transform!" Back and fourth, like Mew vs. Mewtwo.