Ditto from Fossil (#3)

Water Pokémon Master

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Ditto, a great pokemon, and a great card if you know how to use it, tha bad thing that IT DOESNT HAVE TRASNFORMATION IN CLASH OF THE SUMMIT!!!
What is a Ditto whithout transformation?
WPM you are very very fun.
I think that it is a good card and is something to look out for at BR's, but it is has a very bad match up against Dialga. I think that Ditto is going to win worlds in every division, its biggest problem is deck checks. Also I like how the site name on the front page is pokerbeach.
ROFL, Ditto is amazing.. It is any black and white pokemon.. just put the pictures back up and claim them to be ditto.. FTW
Ditto FTW. It cant be body locked (laugh in your face DGX), sprays are useless and it'll hit Gengar right back in the face. Needs to be run in every deck.
This is probably the most hyped Pokemon card of the metagame. I can't believe that this card defeats LuxChomp consistently 6-0 with its Power and its one-Energy attack, Hyper Beam (200 damage) that can be read on the card if you hold it up to the light correctly. Not only is this one of the largest counters to the metagame, but most players are making the switch to Ditto in order to counter Ditto. If Ditto Transforms into Ditto, Ditto renders itself almost useless. Therefore, canceling out its pure-awesomeness. When combined with Crystal Shard from EX Crystal Guardians, Ditto's Colorless-type makes Ditto Colorless-type, making Ditto a Double Colorless type. Combine that with Double Colorless Energy, and you have the most powerful Pokemon ever created.
How are you suppose to see the 200 damage on energy attack?

Can somebody tell me?

Badass card!
wang, hold it up to fluorescent light at a 27.6° angle. You should see the attack above Ditto's name.
What an epic card. Just Transform into a black hole and suck up all your Prize Cards. This card was the reason Nintendo started rotating the sets.
Ditto is so awesome! It is the best pokermon ever!

What the Ditto? I'm so Ditting angry! It makes me just want to give up on buying Pokermon Black and White! Why won't they let me have my Dittiram and Zekto?!

If I had a Ditto, I'd throw it into Nintendo's face and then have it transform into images of their stocks crashing.
@EspeonROX: lol at everything you said, seriously. Double Colorless!

This card is so epic that if your opponent sees it, you both loose, thus making ditto win the game. It was a typo, that was supposed to be a Poke-Power that can't be power-sprayed.