Come on, people! We need more voters! I only received 1 vote this week, and that person voted for multiple things. However, I chose Blazeray from that list, seeing as it what PokeBeach is currently hyped up about it. I personally think it isn't the greatest deck, nor do I care much for it, but.....this deck can generate a lot of discussion. Hench my choice for Blazeray.
The next Deck Discussion should be posted on August 31st, but again, no promises. (I posted this one a day late, so that just proves how reliable I am at that. =p) Again, I will take votes to choose the next Deck Discussion. However, I need at LEAST 3 votes, or else it's my pick.
Onto the combo, I suppose:
Blazeray is built around Blaziken FB LV. X (SV) and Luxray GL LV. X (RR) to create a fast deck. It is often seen as a Luxape replacement. Blaziken FB and Luxray GL both have their tactics to bring up a different Pokemon, which then allows Blaziken to hit the new Defending Pokemon for a decent amount of damage. Blaziken's Luring Flame allows it to bring up any of your opponent's Pokemon on the Bench, bring it to the Active position, and then Burn it. The Burn goes well with Blaziken FB LV. X's Body, which allows any damage done to Burned Pokemon to be 40 more. You can then choose to hit with Luxray GL or Blaziken FB LV. X. Luxray also aids in covering Blaziken's Weakness to Water, much like it did for Infernape 4.
Discuss! =D (And remember to VOTE)
The next Deck Discussion should be posted on August 31st, but again, no promises. (I posted this one a day late, so that just proves how reliable I am at that. =p) Again, I will take votes to choose the next Deck Discussion. However, I need at LEAST 3 votes, or else it's my pick.
Onto the combo, I suppose:
Blazeray is built around Blaziken FB LV. X (SV) and Luxray GL LV. X (RR) to create a fast deck. It is often seen as a Luxape replacement. Blaziken FB and Luxray GL both have their tactics to bring up a different Pokemon, which then allows Blaziken to hit the new Defending Pokemon for a decent amount of damage. Blaziken's Luring Flame allows it to bring up any of your opponent's Pokemon on the Bench, bring it to the Active position, and then Burn it. The Burn goes well with Blaziken FB LV. X's Body, which allows any damage done to Burned Pokemon to be 40 more. You can then choose to hit with Luxray GL or Blaziken FB LV. X. Luxray also aids in covering Blaziken's Weakness to Water, much like it did for Infernape 4.
Discuss! =D (And remember to VOTE)