DCE or not? To use, or not to use... That is the question...


I put the "laughter" in "slaughter&
This is normally a very clear-cut question. And I normally don't need to ask people about my lists at all. However, I built a speed Donphan list recently (because the matchups are amazing and it's ridiculously fast, since the only supporters I run are draw supporters) and am trying to determine as to whether or not I should use DCE. My list is as follows:

Pokemon: 14
4-4 Donphan (HGSS Phanpy, because it has higher HP)
2 Zekrom (Earthquake damage for Outrage and to counter {W} if I should find some)
1 Terrakion (Revenge KO's)
1 Tyrogue (Donks Tynamos and the like)
1 Groudon EX (a nice heavy backup attacker)
1 Tornadus (Mirror match vs. other {F} decks)

T/S/S: 34
4 Junk Arm
4 Dual Ball
3 Juniper
3 Sage's
3 Switch
3 Heavy Ball
2 Plus Power
2 Catcher
1 Super Rod
1 Eviolite
1 Max Potion
1 Exp. Share

Energy: 12
12 {F} Energy

I'm debating on if I should take out some {F} energies for DCE's. The DCE's would help if I need to manually retreat, would give me a way to power up Zekrom without the use of multiple fighting energies or an Exp. Share, and would allow Tornadus to be powered up much more quickly.

Now, the final question: Do I run DCE? If so, how many?
Yeah probably.
But, this thread shouldn't be just about Donphan not having DCE, it needs to be all decks.
I think Terrakion is better than DCE in ZekEels :p
I think they need both to survive in this format. Also, how many do you think I should run? I was thinking 3, as to give me the best chance of drawing into them without messing with the consistency of having {F} when I need it too awful much.
I'd run 3 DCE if I were you. :) If you were looking to taking out some cards to fit them in, maybe you could lower your PONT to 3 and Donphan line down to 3-3. Unless in your testing 4-4 is necessary, then maybe you could lower your PONT down to just 2 and the Junk Arm to 3 to add in DCE and if you want, maybe Cleffa. Hope this helped. :)
I'd say around 3 since it can help a lot with the attackers such as groudon, zekrom, and tornadus.
Edit: never mind. Groudon shouldn't be in there
Groudon EX doesn't use DCE... Yeah, I was thinking 3 as well. Your advice is much appreciated.