customizing deck boxes?


Aspiring Trainer
just wondering if anyone customizes their deck boxes. if you do, can you post a picture? trying to get some ideas

i dont have money to buy those nice japanese designed deckboxes, so i was wondering if anyone had some better alternatives

i know some people put on stickers, so this is what i have right now, just some booster pack packaging stuck on.

opened view:

looks very nice in the photos :D

what adhesive did you use? Any tricks / tips to getting a good finish?
I know I'm being a noob right now, but that's sick. How did you get those stickers? Special printer paper or something?
those are just stuck on with the rubber cement trick.

put a smooth thin layer of rubber cement on both the deck box and back of the booster pack and let them dry. then put them together and they become super sticky. i also run over them with a ruler/credit card to make sure they adhere smoothly. you can rub off any excess rubber cement on the sides, and i used an exacto knife and ruler to cut straight edge on the booster packs.

i see alot of people sticking booster pack art on their deck boxes, so i started doing the same.

anything else you can do to customize your deck box?
you can buy sitcker paper at a craft store, also i have found that rubber cement+ perfectly sized picture on a semiglossy photo paper= WIN
I stuck these on with some tape and adhesive vinyl cover from the dollar store:


Well I do kinda have one custom deckbox but it may not be what you think. Let me see if I can get a good picture of it.

EDIT: Here is a link to my photobucket account where you can view the pictures.
No pictures yet (WIP) but I sanded down one of the CoL promo deckboxes (had extras) and am giving it a new Vaporeon theme with my airbrush. I'll admit it's not perfect, my airbrushing is rusty as heck, but imo it looks pretty solid, and the next ones will only get better.

I also plan on making a custom white leather Reshiram box once I get some leather in.
I've played R/B.
I know what MissingNo. is.

I asked how did you make that pattern. It looks like you got it from the energy card or something. (But I'm pretty sure thats not possible.)
safariblade said:
I've played R/B.
I know what MissingNo. is.

I asked how did you make that pattern. It looks like you got it from the energy card or something. (But I'm pretty sure thats not possible.)

I printed it off, hence label stickers were used.
missingno deck box
if you have those small chessex dice box, you can cover that up to and stick it on top right of your deck box.
a real 3d missingno!
That Missingno deck box is GREAT! :D I've had a deck box that I've been using for years, a tin one, but I like the idea of making custom ones! I made stickers out of the packs using a sticker maker I got from the craft store, and I totally wanna get more deck boxes just to plaster with stickers. The OP's deck box looks amazing too! :D Really like how it seems to be working good together with it. :)
I write my name on the inside of them.... it pisses people off since it kills their trade value, but that way they don't get lost or stolen. Not that it stops the actual deck from being stolen.... But not that I'm that careless...

By the way, this is my first post since being unbanned!