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Standard Creationism Deck (untested)

Nah, Silvally/ Volcanion isn't great because It's 4 spaces dedicated to retreating and complicating things more than they have to, than just playing Float Stones, Acerola, etc. You can easily look up recent tournament results for Volcanion/ Turtonator, a great place to search for decks as a whole is https://ptcgdecklist.tumblr.com
I'm not great at explaining why certain cards are good and bad as I am at just giving examples, which is shady when I can't actually explain those choices. And a 16 year hiatus? That's older than me. Well, welcome back to the game.
I actually love Silvally/Volc. As an experienced Volc player it is now my preferred way to play the deck. The mobility provided is completely necessary.

As for changes to the deck, there are quite a few. I wouldn't scrap the deck. Cut the Drampas as they do not benefit from Volc-EX. I would also go up to 4 Volc-EX and cut the Oricorio. Don't play Special Energy either. Go up to 14 Fire. Cut the Sophocles and Lusamine and go up to 4 Guzma and 4 N as well as 1 copy of Lillie. Cut one Nest Ball for another Ultra Ball as the discard can be useful if you want to accelerate. Max Potion and Altar of the Sunne are big no-nos and you definitely want 4 copies of Max Elixir from BREAKpoint.

Good luck with the deck! I would love to see other people stick with Volc with me as it is poised to be excellent!
I actually love Silvally/Volc. As an experienced Volc player it is now my preferred way to play the deck. The mobility provided is completely necessary.

As for changes to the deck, there are quite a few. I wouldn't scrap the deck. Cut the Drampas as they do not benefit from Volc-EX. I would also go up to 4 Volc-EX and cut the Oricorio. Don't play Special Energy either. Go up to 14 Fire. Cut the Sophocles and Lusamine and go up to 4 Guzma and 4 N as well as 1 copy of Lillie. Cut one Nest Ball for another Ultra Ball as the discard can be useful if you want to accelerate. Max Potion and Altar of the Sunne are big no-nos and you definitely want 4 copies of Max Elixir from BREAKpoint.

Good luck with the deck! I would love to see other people stick with Volc with me as it is poised to be excellent!

Can I ask why max potion is a no go on this deck? On paper, denying a KO whilst feeding energy into the discard seems like a perfect fit
Can I ask why max potion is a no go on this deck? On paper, denying a KO whilst feeding energy into the discard seems like a perfect fit
If you try playing the deck you will realise that you will rarely want to discard that much energy at once from a Pokémon and it will usually leave you wanting a turn. I've tested literally anything that can possibly be considered to go in the deck so I have an idea about what works. It seems good at first sight but it is a hindrance to your consistency and ability to attack every turn.
Ugh, why is max elixer like $8 bux a pop? Really hope this thing gets reprinted soon