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Standard Creationism Deck (untested)

Mario W

Aspiring Trainer
This build i have dubbed my Creationism deck....because there's no evolutions!!! Get it?!?! Hahaha.....OK on with the deck:

Pokémon (12)

2x Turtonator GX (GUR 18/145)
2x Turtonator (BUS 26/147)
2x Volcanion EX (STS 26/114)
2x Volcanion (STS 25/114)
2x Drampa GX (GUR 115/145)
1x Entei GX (SHL 10/73)
1x Oricorio (GUR 14/145)

NRG (16)

10x Fire
2x Burning Energy
2x DCE
2x Warp Energy

TRNRS (32)

4x Sycamore (BKP 107/122)
4x Guzma (BUR 115/147)
2x Sophocles (SHL 65/73)
3x Lusamine (CRI 96/111)
1x Olivia (BUR 119/147
2x Prof. Kukui (SM 128/149)
3x Nest Ball (SM 123/149)
2x Ultra Ball (SHL 68/73)
4x Switch (SHL 67/73)
2x Fighting Fury Belt (BKP 99/122)
2x Field Blower (GUR 125/145)
2x Energy Retrieval (SHL 59/73)
1x Altar of the Sunne (GUR 118/145)

This deck is a fast-hitting "haymaker" style deck, consisting of only basic pokemon. The main goal of this deck is to cycle fire energy through the discard for attacks (turto GX) extra damage (Volcanion EX) or extra draw power (sycamore, sophocles) only to be able to draw them out and re-power the benched pokemon (volcantion & turto) or put them in your hand for steam up ability (energy retrieval). Oricorio is just there as a failsafe in case I'm light on my bench and need it filled up in a hurry

The secondary attack strategy focuses on Drampa GX. If the opponent disrupt the fire cycle strategy, there are PLENTY of free retreat options in my deck for a reason. At any point when the active has damage, a quick switch to a powered up Drampa now has a 3-for-150 attack with berserk.
Combine that with FFB and a well timed Kukui and that 180 can easily be a OHKO

Side note, before anyone asks.....no, I am not using N in this deck. I hate doing what everyone else does, and seeing that he doesn't add to the discard capability, I decided to give him the boot in this deck.

So.....what do u guys think?
Uuhh, ooh. If you want me to be honest, it looks like a badly unpolished Volcanion list. I think there's a lot of very, very unnecessary cards in this deck and missing some very, very important key elements to a Volcanion deck.
thx gumball. I should mention that i am coming off of a 16 year hiatus from the TCG, and this my first crack at a competitive deck. tell me, what holes is this deck missing? i feel most of the part gel together well, and i dont want to just make a cookie cutter volcanion deck. its one of the reasons i didnt put any silvally in my deck (seems EVERYONE who runs volc/turto runs silvally as well)
thx gumball. I should mention that i am coming off of a 16 year hiatus from the TCG, and this my first crack at a competitive deck. tell me, what holes is this deck missing? i feel most of the part gel together well, and i dont want to just make a cookie cutter volcanion deck. its one of the reasons i didnt put any silvally in my deck (seems EVERYONE who runs volc/turto runs silvally as well)
Nah, Silvally/ Volcanion isn't great because It's 4 spaces dedicated to retreating and complicating things more than they have to, than just playing Float Stones, Acerola, etc. You can easily look up recent tournament results for Volcanion/ Turtonator, a great place to search for decks as a whole is https://ptcgdecklist.tumblr.com
I'm not great at explaining why certain cards are good and bad as I am at just giving examples, which is shady when I can't actually explain those choices. And a 16 year hiatus? That's older than me. Well, welcome back to the game.
LOL, yeah i got out about a year after they introduced 2nd gen. i believe there were only 5 or 6 sets released at that point....needless to say its taken awhile to catch up to all this new stuff.

Thnks a ton for the links, btw. been having trouble finding good links to get competitive deck builds
Keep in mind, this is not meant to be a "volcanion" deck....just a deck that happens to have volcanion. i love the battle mechanic of the discard/recycle abilty, and as a user of the "haymaker" deck back in the early 2000s, i just cant get away from the "all basic" setup. volc/turto/drampa seemed like the ideal way to do that.

i did, however, just realize that you can have 4 base Pokémon, AND 4 EX/GX versions.....this will make me tweak my build going forward......Look for Creationism 2.0 in the near future! lol
Play test and practice.
but... keep in mind that there's a reason why certain decks typically do well. consistency and ability to matchup against many other decks.
don't "not" play N, just because others use it. think about what decks are out there and what you have to counter.
what if someone plays a ninetales (no damage from ex/gx). looks like you are a little lite on stadiums (so you will likely lose a stadium war).
good luck. have fun. and the more you play your deck... the more you will learn the pros and cons of your deck.
if you do switch out cards. try to only switch 1 or 2 at a time, and see how the deck runs for another 10+ games....

PK (14)
2x Turto GX
3x Volca EX
4x Volca
3x Dram GX
1x Tapu Lele GX
1x Oricorio

EN (14)
10x Fire
2x DCE
2x Warp

TR (32)
4x Syc
3x Guzma
2x Lusamine
2x N
2x Sophocles

3x Switch
3x FFB
3x Nest Ball
3x Max Potion
2x Ultra Ball
2x Float Stone
2x Field Blower
1x Altar of sunne

I see what you guys mean with the unnecessary cards. I trimmed the fat, added some N.....am I getting closer? lolol
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Drop the lusamine, they are pretty much unplayable.
Also get rid of the Sophocoles.
4 N.
You don't need the oricorio, this is standard, not expanded.
If you like switching stuff, I would run 4 float stones.
If you still like switching stuff, I would drop everything and build golisopod zoroark.
If you can't get enough of that switching goodness, build golisopod golisopod. No, that is not a typo.
Also, I would run a couple of choice bands.
So this Volcanioion. There are a few problems. First there are way too many switches in the deck. Also you need to have a way to get energy back
I will likely be building a golisopod deck next, might move the drampas over to that deck. I just don't want to run the standard volc/turto/oranguru that I see everywhere. So let's assume I drop the drampa line, what's a nice plug in that's fire/colorless and also a basic. Gotta keep it basic in this deck
I will likely be building a golisopod deck next, might move the drampas over to that deck. I just don't want to run the standard volc/turto/oranguru that I see everywhere. So let's assume I drop the drampa line, what's a nice plug in that's fire/colorless and also a basic. Gotta keep it basic in this deck
My volc deck doesn't run oranguru. There is a reason that volc/turt/oraguru is everywhere. You also need max elixir to have a good volcanion deck. Also 13+ fire energy.
Also to address a few points made by Shaymin:

Why drop the Sophocles? Gives me draw 4 with the ability to drop 2 fire in the discard, only to use volca to draw them right out onto my bench pokemon same turn. Gives me the ability to attach 3 energy in one turn while drawing 4.

Also, where's the hate on oricorio coming from. He's in guardians rising, so standard for awhile, let's me beef up my bench OR feed my discard while burning their energy. Pretty much keeps with the intentions of the deck, and he's non ex/gx in case of hoopa/ninetales
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Is there ANY other efficient way to pull energy from the deck other than max elixer?
Also to address a few points made by Shaymin:

Why drop the Sophocles? Gives me draw 4 with the ability to drop 2 fire in the discard, only to use volca to draw them right out onto my bench pokemon same turn. Gives me the ability to attach 3 energy in one turn while drawing 4.

Also, where's the hate on oricorio coming from. He's in guardians rising, so standard for awhile, let's be beef up my bench OR feed my discard while burning their energy. Pretty much keeps with the intentions of the deck, and he's non ex/gx in case of hoopa/ninetales
Sophocoles is pretty much a tierno that discards 2 cards and draws an extra card. You might as well run an extra Lele and an ultra ball, because sycamore is much more useful than sophocoles.

Ho-oh GX is a better version of oricorio, in the fact that it's attack is better and it can get discarded pokemon on the bench. However, I haven't had any problem whatsoever getting volcanion out onto the bench with brooklet hill. Might want to give that a shot.
Next time, could you specify which oricorio, because I thought you were using the psychic one.
You may want to consider running enhanced hammer, it is useful against zoroark decks.
you only need 1 switch.
If you reeeeeaaaallllly want another attacker, you can choose flareon EX.
Have you considered a Silvally-GX build? Without any Stage 1s, you get completely walled by the rare Jolteon-EX attack. With Silvally-GX in (maybe a 2-2 or 3-3 line) you would get past this issue, plus all your basics can retreat for free so that would make some space around all those switching cards, plus it also has an energy acceleration attack.
What would you guys think of really going off the wall and adding a Lurantis GX line? Lura keeps with the "retrieval" theme, and it gives me a grass option to avoid being torn apart by water decks
What would you guys think of really going off the wall and adding a Lurantis GX line? Lura keeps with the "retrieval" theme, and it gives me a grass option to avoid being torn apart by water decks
Not a good idea, tbh. Running 2 different energy types in a single deck can get clunky. The only deck that can get away with this is VikaBulu, which needs Grass and Electric energy for Vikavolt's Strong Charge ability.

If you want energy retrieval that badly, use a 1-1 line of Evolutions Starmie, whose Space Beacon ability turns any card into your hand into the card of Energy Retrieval itself.
If you want energy retrieval that badly, use a 1-1 line of Evolutions Starmie, whose Space Beacon ability turns any card into your hand into the card of Energy Retrieval itself.

Now that, sir, is what I was looking for.....top class advice! Dilly Dilly!
Hate to do it, but I think I'm gonna have to ditch the all basic idea. It closes more doors than it opens....oh well, once this deck is done I'll most likely be making a leafeon gx\golisopod gx deck in a month when UP drops, hahaha