Ruling Clefable Plasma Storm


So, back when Clefable was in Plasma Gale, the translation read:
Clefable – Colorless – 90 HP
Stage 1 – Evolves from Clefairy

Ability: Moon Guidance
Flip a coin. If heads, search your deck for a Pokemon that evolves from one of your Pokemon and put it on top of it. (You can evolve Pokemon that were played this turn.) Shuffle your deck afterwards.

[C][C][C] Moon Impact: 50 damage.

Weakness: Fighting (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Now. it's

So, My Question is: Can I still evolve a pokemon I just played this turn with Moon Guidance? Can I evolve a pokemon I just manually evolved with Moon Guidance? Can I manually evolve a pokemon I just Moon Guidanced?
From Wally's Training (that did the same thing as Clefable's Ability):

Q. Can I use Wally's Training on a Pokémon that has already evolved normally that turn?
A. Yes. Wally's Training can break the rules for normal evolution in that case. It also can allow a player to evolve a Pokémon the first turn it is in play.(Sep 26, 2003 PUI Rules Team)

Q. I evolved Torchic into Combusken using Wally's Training. Can I then do my "regular" evolution for Combusken into Blaziken?
A. No. "(This counts as evolving that Pokémon)" means that it counts as a normal evolution in this case. (Sep 25, 2003 PUI Rules Team)

So you may evolve a pokemon that you already evolved that turn, but you may not evolve a pokemon with the ability, and then evolve it manually.

(Thank you [staff]Rummage[/staff] for finding that ruling.)