Claydol coming back?

Claydol getting reprinted

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I was looking though my old cards yesterday, and saw my reverse Claydol and teared up a little :p This would be very nice, where have you heard these rumors? Do you have a link?
Yeh League Rumors are League Rumors, there was a rumor that Nats was going to be held in Houston in my area. You never know, I doubt they would reprint it so soon, but I kinda hope they do.
Rumors are rumors. I don't think it's true. Plus, with the SP engine going out of rotation soon, it wouldn't be particularly necessary for speed against SP (not saying it is now, but almost every good deck that used Stage 2s would have it).
I meant to say, where I live, there were rumors Nats would be in Houston, not that I live in Houston :p Claydol might make Stage 2 still work, with the new Rare Candy rule that Pokemon is trying as hard as they possibly can to kill Stage 2 with.
They're attempting to slow the format down as seen in the HG/SS Sets and the B/W Set. So why would they reprint a card that completely ruined the game and made it all about speed?
I hope not, I remember one of my friends saying that the Naruto CCG had a thing for players to vote for cards that they want to see get reprinted and I'm hoping this doesn't end up being the case with Call of Legends.

It'd be bad enough to have Luxray GL Lv. X get reprinted but with the SP Engine rotating out soon I doubt it. The current format is just fine without Claydol, especially since we still have Uxie LA in the format for our drawpower in most decks.
Those are straight up, untrue rumors. Why would just regular people at league have information on what cards are being printed in the next set? All of the league leaders/judges/professors have no connection to the creation of cards. Maybe a select hand full of people know about it (Team Compendium), but it would not be this early and they would not tell anybody. Also how would any of the other professors be told what was going to be in the set? If it was an email, it would be quoted and stuck on the home page.

I am not saying that it will not be reprinted, I am just saying that any information on it right now is false.
No. The only thing I see them doing is printing a card like Claydol, however highly unlikely. Especially since it would have to be an English only card.
I don't think they will be reprinting any cards before HGSS. If Japan's format will be HGSS-on, then ours will most likely be that too. So if our format will become HGSS then reprinting older cards would just mess that whole thing up. Notice how they reprinted Houndoom from UD?
i think they will because of the fact they made it a pop promo or whatever you wanna call it
I don't like the idea of Claydol ever coming back, atm it's too easy to get setup by drawing into half your deck on the first couple of turns. The game needs to be slowed down a little.
@crobia_3~ Then that would mean Uxie, Snorlax, Arcanine G, Dialga G, Milotic C, Dragonite FB, Roseanne's Research, Skarmory FB, Felicity's Drawing, Dusknoir FB, Bebe's Search, Empoleon FB, Underground Expedition, Butterfree FB, and Warp Point will be reprinted since they were league promos too.

Those were made league promos so people could have them at that time.
^& Australia/New Zealand's about 10months behind on that leauge "set" (I'm happy & sad at the same time....coz I've almost got 2 leauge play sets of Claydol's (takes a photo....shortly)).
Anyways, I do hope the Claydol (GE) will get reprinted....coz I realy want to use it again.
^ 'Coz' isn't a word. Anyway, I know they won't reprint it. I mean, think about, does it even make sense to reprint it? Would we be gaining anything? Charizard and Magnegatr would become pointless; they're good decks because they are faster and have more draw power than the other decks we play, and it adds to the variety. The format should be slower and less powerful, like in Base Set days, when things were a bit simpler. If Japans format is HGSS-on, there's a good chance ours will be, too. But I think they will print stuff back to Diamond & Pearl. Rival and Warp Point may be reprinted, with a different guy/gal as the rival, because if they are only going to reprint stuff from HGSS-on, there won't be any new cards and people won't buy the set. They even may print Energy cards to fill up nine or ten spaces in the set.
Claydol? Reprint! Sure! And while we're at it, let's ask TPCI to reprint Pidgeot FRLG for us, because we all know that was the best power ever created! seriously, guys. If anything, they'll probably just reprint some trainers and Supporters, not game-breaking Pokemon. I am hoping, personally, for Bebe's, Roseanne's, Night Maintenance, and Windstorm reprints.