Clash At The Summit Cards


Eeveelution master
Why haven't these been posted on the front page?

Machop, Machoke, Machamp, Ponyta, Rapidash, Aipom, & Karate King are all new cards! Are we just waiting on translations?
I have to say, the artwork for Machop, Machoke, Machamp and Machamp Prime look very awesome! Can't wait to see what they do.
Well a nice person on PokeGym translated Machamp.

(From Ditto_Chan)
{f} Throw Strike 40+
If desired, this attack can do an extra 20 damage. If done, this attack also causes 20 damage to this Pokemon.

{c}{c}{c} Skilled Punch 60+
This attack does 10x damage for every energy attached to this Pokemon.

So yeah, another DonkChamp.
well I was hoping for the machamp to be good, but it looks like another crud-ok rare. It looks like the sf one was a one time deal
Karate King allows your active Pokémon to do 40 more damage if you have more prizes left than your opponent.
well that will certainly be good. Too bad its a supporter, and not a tool.. still its pretty decent
minimidget94 said:
well that will certainly be good. Too bad its a supporter, and not a tool.. still its pretty decent

Well now people can purposely come late to matches on purpose and donk you with a weedle. People have always done it with cards like Upper energy. That's my only complaint, but I would love the mechanic if it couldn't be abused.
Anybody know what the new Rapidash does? I'm hoping it's better than the one from Platinum: Arceus cause it didn't have the damage output to break the mold in the current meta. Judging by what I can read it does 50 damage without flipping a coin for extra damage like the Arceus version.

Karate King seems iffy much like Upper Energy from Rising Rivals in which Double Colorless is just much better and efficient. Other than that what was revealed is a small spoiler compared to what PokeBeach will post eventually when the actual set is released.
Well, that's a surprise. Some more new cards from Clash at the Summit have supposedly been revealed, and they appear to be the entire Machamp line, the Rapidash line, an Aipom, and a new supporter called Karate king. Now, I shall talk about the Machamp and the Karate King as they are the only cards translated thus far.

Well, personally, the regular Machamp isn't as broken as the Machamp Prime in this set, but it still seems to have potential. The first attack actually has some donk potential. I mean, seriously. You can potentially do 60 for one {F} energy, and 60 damage is enough to OHKO most basic Pokemon. Though the backlash of 20 damage to itself hurts, I don't think it matters since you can solve this problem with Nidoqueen. The second attack isn't too bad either, as it can hit for 60 plus 10 every {F} energy on Machamp. Yeah, since it has an energy cost of 3, you could potentially be hitting for 90 damage, which is pretty nice. Thus, what I can say is that this Machamp is decent, but it is not as good as Machamp SF, Machamp Lv.X, or Machamp Prime.

The new supporter, Karate King, also looks pretty interesting. If you are behind on prizes, you can use this card as if it were Buck's Training, but the main difference is that you don't draw cards, and you don't hit for an additional 10 damage, but rather, 40 more damage! Indeed, this card could be a real nice way to increase damage all right.

Well, the Machamp and the Karate King Supporter are pretty interesting that's for sure. I can't wait until more cards from the new set are revealed!
The Machamp is cool but Karate King is going to be one of those cards that most decks will be running and it will be considered a staple soon enough. Also the showing up to a match late to use its effect is cheap, but I have to give it some credit cause its clever.
Rapidash's attack is called Flame Circle and its Body is Hot Heart. Other than that I can't make it out. Something about not retreating.
Moldy orange said:
It's actually that Rapidash can't be burned. Bulbapedia has translations up if you want to check them out.

Doesn't it say "confused"?

Well, if Shiftry ever becomes the #1 deck!
Soul Seeker said:
Karate King allows your active Pokémon to do 40 more damage if you have more prizes left than your opponent.

sounds okay late game in shuppet I guess... like bucks training but cooler and without the draw