Wi-Fi Trades Check's Breeding, Trade, & Service Center: **Updated 6-6-14** I`m back with more shinies, clones, an

RE: Check Trade Centre: **Updated 3-10-14** Competitve, Custom, Legend, Shiny`s And More!

Look at my wants and we can go from there and your in luck I just caught a adamant Ditto with Iv`s in both defenses so derpaderp :p anyway currently I have 2 checked skars 1 with both defenses and 1 with defense and speed expect results soon in the meantime check out my other trades and services.
RE: Check Trade Cent**Updated 3-10-14** Competitve, Custom, Legend, Shiny`s And More!

Check said:
xDkoYx said:
When you say
- Evo Stone Evolving Free
- Evo Stone Trading Free

Does this mean I can get free Evo stones?

If so I would like 2 Duskstones and a DawnStone Please :)

? um I think you read it wrong the free is under pokedex entries and evo trading only sorry for the misunderstanding but I can still get you the stones you need.

Well, I for sure saw free next to Em but never mind :p

Would you do 2 5iv pokemon off my list for em?
RE: Check Trade Centre: **Updated 3-10-14** Competitve, Custom, Legend, Shiny`s And More!

let me look and sure.

I`ll take a Skarmory to help with my breeding of perfect adamant and other ones and a Rotom if this is possible thanks and sorry for the misunderstanding :p

Sylveon I have your skarmory ready I have choice for you both have sturdy instead but keen eye does not really do much. Do you want a Livi or Laren 1 is a male the others female but the female has Iv`s in HP Attack Defense and speed while the male has them in only only HP Attack and Defense.
RE: Check Trade Cent**Updated 3-10-14** Competitve, Custom, Legend, Shiny`s And More!

Check said:
let me look and sure.

I`ll take a Skarmory to help with my breeding of perfect adamant and other ones and a Rotom if this is possible thanks and sorry for the misunderstanding :p

Sylveon I have your skarmory ready I have choice for you both have sturdy instead but keen eye does not really do much. Do you want a Livi or Laren 1 is a male the others female but the female has Iv`s in HP Attack Defense and speed while the male has them in only only HP Attack and Defense.

Darn, I was hoping for a male with great IVs, but female is perfectly alright with me!
Instead of being nicknamed 'Captain Levi' though, would you mind nicknaming it 'Mikasa' instead?
As well, I will take a look through your wants and see if there is something I can do in exchange

EDIT: I took a look through your list; I am obviously not a very advanced breeder else I would have bred the Skarmory myself ^^;;
But I did notice your interest in battle items. What exactly are you looking for item wise? I think i could manage that
RE: Check Trade Centre: **Updated 3-11-14** New Giveaway!!! Competitve, Custom, Legend, Shiny`s And More!

Well like leftovers air balloons eject buttons red cards and such.
RE: Check Trade Cent**Updated 3-11-14** New Giveaway!!! Competitve, Custom, Legend, Shiny`s And More!

Check said:
Well like leftovers air balloons eject buttons red cards and such.

Sadly, I only have the one leftovers and it is needed for my Mock League. However, I can certainly get you any of those other items in exchange! ^^
Was there one in particular that you are in need of more than the rest? Or are they all fairly the same?
RE: Check Trade Centre: **Updated 3-11-14** New Giveaway!!! Competitve, Custom, Legend, Shiny`s And More!

Red cards mostly and I`ll be open today and tomorrow when your open just shoot me a trade request.
RE: Check Trade Centre: **Updated 3-11-14** New Giveaway!!! Competitve, Custom, Legend, Shiny`s And More!

That sounds certainly doable with my schedule!
I will get you a Red Card as soon as possible and it'll have to be traded tomorrow of course ;;;
I was out for much longer than expected
RE: Check Trade Centre: **Updated 3-11-14** New Giveaway!!! Competitve, Custom, Legend, Shiny`s And More!

Ok so what time I`m available all day
RE: Check Trade Centre: **Updated 3-14-14** New Giveaway!!! Competitve, Custom, Legend, Shiny`s And More!

Usually I am able to be on later into the afternoon to way late into the evening; roughly 1 PM to 10 PM EST or later, depending on how exhausted I am
RE: Check Trade Centre: **Updated 3-14-14** New Giveaway!!! Competitve, Custom, Legend, Shiny`s And More!

Alright I may be going out tomorrow most likely I wont tho so I`ll be on.
RE: Check Trade Centre: **Updated 3-14-14** New Giveaway!!! Competitve, Custom, Legend, Shiny`s And More!

Hi, please tell me there is something for that shiny Charmander
RE: Check Trade Centre: **Updated 3-14-14** New Giveaway!!! Competitve, Custom, Legend, Shiny`s And More!

kevmar said:
Hi, please tell me there is something for that shiny Charmander

Well I mean look at my wants and we can go from there :p
RE: Check Trade Centre: **Updated 3-14-14** New Giveaway!!! Competitve, Custom, Legend, Shiny`s And More!

Cml for Squirtle and Foongus :) your thread is looking heaps better man! Good on ya!
RE: Check Trade Centre: **Updated 3-14-14** New Giveaway!!! Competitve, Custom, Legend, Shiny`s And More!

Thanks I`m using wonder trades and other stuff that seems good and I finally got me the ditto I was looking for and got it so now I can easily breed these and I`ll check and get back to you in a sec I`ll show it as a edit.

EDIT: How about a Rotom and a Aron
RE: Check Trade Cent**Updated 3-14-14** New Giveaway!!! Competitve, Custom, Legend, Shiny`s And More!

Check said:
kevmar said:
Hi, please tell me there is something for that shiny Charmander

Well I mean look at my wants and we can go from there :p
Ok, I can give you a event deoxys for the shiny charmander
RE: Check Trade Centre: **Updated 3-14-14** New Giveaway!!! Competitve, Custom, Legend, Shiny`s And More!

Done when your open shoot me a msg
RE: Check Trade Cent**Updated 3-14-14** New Giveaway!!! Competitve, Custom, Legend, Shiny`s And More!

Check said:
Thanks I`m using wonder trades and other stuff that seems good and I finally got me the ditto I was looking for and got it so now I can easily breed these and I`ll check and get back to you in a sec I`ll show it as a edit.

EDIT: How about a Rotom and a Aron

Sure! ill pm you when im ready :)

Edit: Any Ability on Aron?
RE: Check Trade Centre: **Updated 3-14-14** New Giveaway!!! Competitve, Custom, Legend, Shiny`s And More!

ether ability and I need to breed them still dude it may take some time I don't know your the first one I am trying this ditto out on.
RE: Check Trade Cent**Updated 3-14-14** New Giveaway!!! Competitve, Custom, Legend, Shiny`s And More!

Check said:
ether ability and I need to breed them still dude it may take some time I don't know your the first one I am trying this ditto out on.

Ahh k. I just finished breeding your pokemon :) ready when you are :D