..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::.. -Please view post 757- -CLOSED FOR VACTION-

RE: ..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::.. -Please view post 757-



No Prob..
RE: ..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::.. -Please view post 757-


Oh and I noticed you forgot to use your watermark but thats ok because you'll know I'll give you credit.
RE: ..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::.. -Please view post 757-

I'm really bored :|
Hey Shadow Arceus, do you want me to do your request?
Come on people, REQUEST!! XD
RE: ..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::.. -Please view post 757-

Make me some Jigglypuff themed badges. A set of 8 plz.
RE: ..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::.. -Please view post 757-

Use the form please XD
I am going to use the sprites from different games to make it.
RE: ..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::.. -Please view post 757-

I'm putting it out there now, I'm not doing any requests that I don't like. I prefer anime requests (excluding pokemon unless the focal is one pokemon and card scan provided). Even when requesting anime I prefer 1 focal.
RE: ..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::.. -Please view post 757-

^ What's a focal??? D:
RE: ..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::.. -Please view post 757-


done it...









i u sed the link Roa posted...xDxD

if im not mistaken, focal is the point in the image which is in the center of attention..but is not limited to one..say like the banner i made for Ra2Terra, the focal is the guy...

correct me if im wrong...please
RE: ..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::.. -Please view post 757-

I'm the master of this Dojo - I dun need to use the form. :p

Badge Form:
Pokemon/Item: jigglypuff
Anything else: set of 8 plz
This part has no use whatsoever: OOH-LALA WHAT A FEELING

And the focal is where you want the viewers eye to go, really. xD
RE: ..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::.. -Please view post 757-

thx so much fatalaerox... love em all
RE: ..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::.. -Please view post 757-

XD and you actually used the form
Thanks Fatal and Roa, I just learned something new :D
RE: ..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::.. -Please view post 757-

I would be cool with a Graphics Club.

Also, are we planning on keeping the "Artist" option open? If so, we are leaving Roa and lilsparks101 with most of the work...
RE: ..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::.. -Please view post 757-

So yea, that'd be a nice idea. I have a few ideas for it even. ;D

And nah, I'll take it off~
RE: ..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::.. -Please view post 757-

You must have the wrong page - You didn't post anything on page 14. Link plz.
RE: ..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::.. -Please view post 757-

O_O I don't see your request on Page 14,I checked ALL your posts, and you have requested once here, two posts, both on page 44. The request was for lilsparks not for me.
RE: ..::~C H E R R I M D A Y S~::.. -Please view post 757-

@lilsparks, THat's not the one I was refering to, I was referring to the one I requested over two weaks ago!
@Jayj, sure, at least this will get done.