Wi-Fi Trades Blasty K My Player thread read my first post before you post Really want to get rid of pokemon on fi

RE: Blasty K My Player thread read my first post before you post

nope all of them are diffrent nature cept flearon and leafon i wanted them the same cause both are basicaly attack but more leafeon
RE: Blasty K My Player thread read my first post before you post

Nature is irrellivant to me. I'm wondering if they are CLONED... as in Emerald glitch. (Didn't mean to sound rude if I did sound so.) If they are each unique (as in not cloned with Emerald's glitch), I'm interested in them. It's your choice of which one you want to trade... Eevee, Leafeon, Jolteon, Vaporeon or Umbreon... (like I could force you anyways? lol) I'm not nature picky when it comes to shinies. I just want any one of those. Possibly another in a seperate deal by itself. Although, I would highly prefer Eevee, Leafeon, or Umbreon. As I said, I'm willing to offer my shiny Rayquaza + Lucky Egg + more if necessary. I told you I am desperate. (I'll do my best to not pester you. lol)
RE: Blasty K My Player thread read my first post before you post

well i dont have Emerald and  why would clone come out diffrent
is what i met when i posted that they have diffren nature
can you post a pic of you shiny Rayquaza no need for lucky
egg i have
if you cant put a pic then write it stats

i dont get mad at trade i get mad a noob bugging me with pms
RE: Blasty K My Player thread read my first post before you post

Sorry.  Can't pic it.  So I'll type it, as asked.  I'll include all the info I can:

General info:
Rayquaza (caught in Master Ball)
LV 100
OT: Jak
ID no.: 26958
Nature: Careful
Arrived from Hoenn on May 19, 2007 at LV 100.

HP: 343
ATK: 307
DEF: 188
SP ATK: 274
SP DEF: 218
SPD: 200

Hyper Beam

Yes, I know...  The stats suck.  Attacks suck, too, but I have many Heart Scales, so if you need a particular movepool, tell me and I teach it.
RE: Blasty K My Player thread read my first post before you post

nah i dont care but the eevee is at leve1 cause its from
an egg would you still want it ill see if i could get a pic up
RE: Blasty K My Player thread read my first post before you post

Anything stat related is irrelevant to me when it comes to shiny Eevees. I'm not a legendary fan, shiny or not, anyways. I merely took advantage of the GTS trade and got shiny Rayquaza. I'll take any shiny Eevee I can get my hands on regardless of stats. However, if you have multiple Eevees, I would like to choice between their natures. Other than that, if that's the only Eevee you have, I'll take it anyways.
RE: Blasty K My Player thread read my first post before you post


here a pic of it
RE: Blasty K My Player thread read my first post before you post

Looks good to me. I'll take it. Like I said, I'm not stat picky when it comes to shiny Eevee/Eeveelutions. lol They're legit shinies, unique and that's all that matters to me. lol Anyways, assuming you want to trade, I'll be waiting on WiFi. (FC is in siggy)

As confirmation, just so we're clear on the offer....

Wes1234 offering LV 100 Shiny Rayquaza
Blastoise king offering LV 1 Shiny Eevee

This is correct, isn't it?

And as a side thing... I tend to name my shinies if possible, so would you mind if later in the future when I decide on a name for the Eevee, I could tradeback to you temperarly for the name change and then back? If not, that's ok. I'll be happy with Shiny Eevee anyways. ^^
RE: Blasty K My Player thread read my first post before you post

o.o  Try double checking my friend code, because according to your FC in your sig, the one I have of you is correct.

I just realized the FC in your sig and the FC in your first post are different.
RE: Blasty K My Player thread read my first post before you post

i look right ill try again
the one in my sig is right

ok done if you want to trade for more ok i have a lot of shiny eevee
RE: Blasty K My Player thread read my first post before you post

Errr...  You'll have to look at my thread...  I don't have much else for another one....  I do have an Emerald cloned Eevee (that I got from GTS. for more info on the Eevee, visit my thread) that I'm trying to get rid of (of course, I'd offer something else since it's merely a clone).  But other than that, I really don't have much else.  Like I said, you could check my thread to see what you want.  List what you possibly want and I'll make an offer from what you chose.  I'll try to make it as fair as possible... My haves list does seem to get updated once every 2-3 days, with new pokemon (mostly shinies, hopefully legit), so if I run across anything else not on your shiny list, I'll post here again.
RE: Blasty K My Player thread read my first post before you post

Ok well My shiny Altaria for ( Do you have Mew Jirachi)I might think about those ones!
RE: Blasty K My Player thread read my first post before you post

OK what will you trade for my shiny Altaria??
RE: Blasty K My Player thread read my first post before you post

why dont you want to keep it is something wrong with it
RE: Blasty K My Player thread read my first post before you post

No i have a few of them to trade!thats all!
RE: Blasty K My Player thread read my first post before you post

Will trade shiny Dugtrio for Shiny Eevee
RE: Blasty K My Player thread read my first post before you post

edit i dont need mewtwo anymore and now there is one
RE: Blasty K My Player thread read my first post before you post

ill give u all the shiny evolutions of eevee that you dont have for a shiny mew...if you got one...