~BLACK and WHITE~ Cards to be Cut??

looking over my spreadsheet again, and i realized that we are only going to get around 70 new pokemon in our black and white set, but the japanese has 95 new pokemon.
not counting the reprints we might get, were going to have to cut over 25 pokemon from just our set.
quite an eye opener

also, when PUSA said, each booster packs has guaranteed parallel hologram, does that mean the japanese equivalent of getting a holo in every pack, or our standard Reverse holo, but with the new holo design
It also has to be kept in mind that Japan hasn't had another B/W set yet, they are just getting the expert decks.
So, I think quite a lot will be pushed back to make the 2nd US set without having a 2nd japnese set. And then the 2nd japanese set will be the 3rd US set
yes, that is the case in fact, for almost all the US releases.

these will be more than likely cut:
pokemon catcher
max potion
crush hammer
That seems to be a very accurate guesstimate. I know that the Pikachu and Thundurus and Tornadus cards will be the most likely cards to be cut. Pokemon Catcher should really be saved for a later set, as it's too powerful right now (I mean, really, we're just about to get rid of Luxray GL Lv. X when this card hits the format? Seriously?). I think Black and White is shaping up to be a really nice set, at least better than CoL. One question, are we getting any type of Energy cards in this set or not? I wouldn't think so, since all the type-based Energies were printed in CoL.
probably not. no room for energies.
7+ new pokemon + 20 or so reprinted from the boy girl collection
that leaves room for 2 legendary rares, and another 10 or so trainers
I wouldn't count on Energies being cut just yet -- they're usually included in every "base" generation set (Base, Neo Genesis, EX: R/S, and D&P) as a way for new players to join the game. Then again, you guys would probably know better than I. :)
have they?
did the japanese counter parts also have energies?

as far as i know, if they japanese do not have new energy designs, then were probably not going to get any in the set, unless theyre special

if you want energies, thats what theme decks are for
But why would they cut all the starters? Thats what the theme decks are based off. I dont see why they wouldn`t include the Emboar, Serperior and Samurott from those sets. Thats just un heard of IMO.
what are you talking about? starters are not going to be cut at all......
did you read the previous posts?
Ogeray said:

i have a feeling they are going to cut:
pokemon catcher
max potion
the good starters:

and possibly

ogeray said:
so for our set, we are pretty much guaranteed to have:
its a very educated guess.
1. pusa has often cut some decent cards from japan's set to later combine with their battle deck to give us a complete set.
this is to preserve value, and keep it balanced between the sets.
2. based on the pokemon numbering, and the amount of each pokemon we get, we will be getting almost all of the boy girl collection in our BW base set, and i think is a good possibility that it will include the trainers as well

so i am almost positive that these cards will be cut:
pokemon catcher
as well as 20+ other pokemon (since we only get around 70 new pokemon, and BW set has 95)

this way, our BW set wont be overpowered given our current format
it also gives our next set (fighting trio's deck) some more cards and valuables
I can't exactly remember a time when the best Trainers/Supporters in a set were cut (Excluding when TPCI changed our sets so that they would be released around the same time as the movies).
Name one time (No, Potion being cut does not count) when so many influential T/T/S/S were cut for no reason.
Lost World

cut from our set to make our next set more valuable, also extended the current meta playtime

i believe catcher will be like this, since "gust of wind" is a pretty big game changer.
also gives luxchomp more life before it eventually gets rotated out
Note that I said "so many". As in multiple. Not just one.
The cards from Lost Link were spread much differently than we thought, since it was a mini set, not an actual set itself. They were 'extra cards', so to say, that weren't related to the regular release of sets, so there was no set way to distribute Lost Link outside of Japan.
The starter kits in Japan, however, were clearly linked to the release of the Black and White Collections. To prevent the next set from being so small, of course they need to cut cards. But we have absolutely no way whatsoever of figuring out exactly which cards have been cut, so please stop saying things like, "Catcher will probably be cut", because you have no way of proving it.
Correct. We can only play off what we know. Which currently is only the 8 cards from the set, the amount of cards in the set, any specific Pokémon they said will be appearing, the amount of Grass and Fire in the set, the fact that "70 new Pokémon will be featured" and evolutions that fit in the numbers. That's it.
Pikachewtofu said:
All the starters will be in the Black and White base set. After all, they are the starters, and starters are always printed in their base set. So no, the Emboar will most definately be in B&W. Pokemon Catcher will be printed in B&W too, if not, it will be in the set directly after B&W. Just because they're printing a Jalorda from the Boy/Girl Collection doesn't mean we won't get the other version. We could get both, to give players more of an option on what evolution they'd like to run. I firmly believe B&W will be a great set.
This. (This is like the first time I've ever completely agreed with PT.)
P.S. It bother's me when people type Poke'mon (or things like it), the accent mark (at least on a mac) is option/alt "e", then the letter you want the mark on.
Or at least use the short cut Pokémon, PB has a filter for it.
The Battle Strength decks' cardlist has been released. Pokemon Catcher will be in the decks! My only problem with this is that Gyrardos becomes that much more OP.
too bad we probably wont get the battle strength decks in the US
there goes another mix-up hash set.
question is, will they put pokemon catcher in our first BW set or our next set