Finished Big Brother: Oh Brother, Not Again! Derek and Scorch win HoH 3, Derek getting the HoH!

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RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother, Not Again! This time, RPG form! We just began RPing!

Wow, I can't climb. But I guess I can get up to my window through the magic powers of levetation.
RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother, Not Again! This time, RPG form! We just began RPing!

Maggie: "Hi, I'm Maggie and... urm... Derp."
RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother, Not Again! This time, RPG form! We just began RPing!

Dark sat at a table and began by tapping his feat to a beat.
He picked up the tempo some and began tapping the table.
He tapped the table even harder, harder, HARDER!
Then there was the sound of a break... Dark just broke the table :/
"Opps... I can afford this, maybe."
RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother, Not Again! This time, RPG form! We just began RPing!

"Everyone, please move to your rooms and pick a bed. On the key you were given, there is a number. One is for super comfy, two is for so-so, three is for inflatable furnature."
OoC: It will be mulitples: 1, 4, ect. will be room 1. I think you get it. Look at the order in which you signed-up to figure out the number to figure out the room. For example, karim would get room 3.
RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother, Not Again! This time, RPG form! We just began RPing!

OOC: I dont quite follow. what do you mean by multiples: 1,4,etc?
RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother, Not Again! This time, RPG form! We just began RPing!

OoC: Alright, look at the list of players. Each of your names will have a number by it, 1-21. Use that number and subtract by 3. You should get either 1, 2, or 3. That will determine your room. Sorry, I mispoke earlier.
RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother, Not Again! This time, RPG form! We just began RPing!

OCC so we get in the room and choose a key? or are we givin a key or is it first come first serve
RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother, Not Again! This time, RPG form! We just began RPing!

OoC: @Karimsoliman: No, the key is metaphor for which room you get actually. OK, you are the last sign-up, #21. As most of us should know, that gets to 3 when you subtract by 3 repeatedly. Therefore, if you want to play off of the key, you would have the #3 on it.
RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother, Not Again! This time, RPG form! We just began RPing!

Jacob has a 2 on his key.

"So-so furniture huh? Oh well, could be worse"

Jacob walks into the "so-so" room and lays down his belonging on his bed. He can't wait to see who he will be rooming with
RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother, Not Again! This time, RPG form! We just began RPing!

OCC got it
in "what? i get inflatable furniture is that what i get for showing up late?"
RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother, Not Again! This time, RPG form! We just began RPing!

OoC: Correct Beast. It is based off of the number like I have been trying to say.
RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother, Not Again! This time, RPG form! We just began RPing!

"I got a one on my key time to go to my room."
Kaname opens up his door to his room and goes in side.
"Good stuff."
He then plops on the couch and opens a rootbeer.
RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother, Not Again! This time, RPG form! We just began RPing!

"Sweet. Key number 1. This should be nice. I hope I'm not sharing it with anyone."
RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother, Not Again! This time, RPG form! We just began RPing!

"YYYYYAAAAAWWWWWWWNNNNN" Jacob lets out a loud yawn. "Well, early to bed, early to rise."

Jacob gets in bed and quickly nods of to sleep....
RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother, Not Again! This time, RPG form! We just began RPing!

"Room 3 huh? I get a feeling I'm gonna like this place."
*Tim enters the room and sees inflatibule furniture*
"I was right. I like it here. Well better get to bed so I have enough energy for tomorrow."
*Tim heads to bed and begins to sleep*
RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother, Not Again! This time, RPG form! We just began RPing!

OoC: You realize it's inflatable furnature, including inflatable beds, right? At least in room 3.
RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother, Not Again! This time, RPG form! We just began RPing!

Ulysses: Ha room 1... I call top bunk!
RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother, Not Again! This time, RPG form! We just began RPing!

OoC: Whoops better edit my last post then
RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother, Not Again! This time, RPG form! We just began RPing!

So I'm in 1 right?

Derek walks in and picks a bed near the door way.
" Ha!... What a long day..."
Derek yawns and falls asleep.
RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother, Not Again! This time, RPG form! We just began RPing!

"That was a good root beer time to watch some Walker Texas Ranger."
Kaname starts to watch Walker Texas Ranger on his Ipod.
"Ok thats enough time to hit the hay."
Kaname falls asleep on his couch.
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