Finished Big Brother 9: Arcade

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Aspiring Trainer

Big Brother 9: Arcade
Hosted by @Lord o da rings
Welcome to Big Brother 9: Arcade (or BB9)! Big Brother is a game that constantly re-invents itself, routinely creates something new out of the old. Change and revitalization is exactly what this season entails!

To apply for a chance to play in the game, fill out this application, but please read the entire post first! I'd also like to note that I would love to see plenty of new players this season, so if you're new and unfamiliar with Big Brother, don't feel discouraged and give it a shot! For those same new faces, I recommend looking through the PBB Wiki, a database that has records of every season of Big Brother that has been hosted here.

Applications are due Thursday, May 14th, 2020 at 12:00AM EST.

- Alliances are of course permitted, and strongly encouraged. You may make as many alliances as you’d like to with other houseguests. This can be done through Discord group DMs. However, I must be added to the conversation.
- The game cannot be discussed with any evicted houseguests. This is a rule I am taking very seriously. If you have a Discord alliance with any evicted houseguests, please remove them (or if you have been evicted, leave your alliance chats).
- This one should be obvious, do not talk with the audience. It is against the rules, and if caught doing it you risk being removed from the game.
- In this game, screenshots will be necessary for challenge submissions. When signing up, make sure your device is able to submit these screenshots for your scores in various competitions throughout the game. When you submit a score, you must show proof the screenshot is yours. This can be done by having your PokéBeach account in another tab, or your account name on a Notepad. Whatever works to prove the screenshot was taken by you.
- Though logs are acceptable, screenshots of conversations in alliance chats with other players, and screenshots of competition scores, are entirely prohibited. Anyone caught doing this will be severely warned.
- Please abide by the spirit of the rules, not just the exact words. Loopholing the rules is strictly prohibited. If you have questions about the rules, simply ask and I will clarify any misunderstandings.
- Please ask me questions about whatever you’re confused about or if you’re ever unsure if something is okay or not. I will do my best to answer whatever you want to know and will be much more lenient on stuff as long as you’ve consulted me, so just ask and all will be good.
Similar to last season, there won't be competition bans for failing to submit for anything. However, that doesn't mean you won't be penalized. For every competition you fail to submit for (and also fail to tell me that you are unable to submit), you will receive a competition penalty on the next competition. If you fail to submit your nominations/veto usage/renomination on time, you will receive a double competition penalty and be given 12 hours to post the necessary thing, after which, if you have not submitted, your decision will be completely randomized. If you fail to submit a vote, you will receive a double competition penalty, but will not be given time to make up your vote. The competition penalties are as follows:

1st Offense: 10% reduction in score in your next competition.
2nd Offense: 25% reduction in score in your next competition.
3rd Offense: 40% reduction in score in your next competition.
4th Offense: 60% reduction in score in your next competition.
5th Offense: REMOVAL

It is perfectly valid to submit scores or decisions on a provisional basis (e.g. "in case I don't get online to vote by deadline, my vote is for Lorde, but don't lock that decision in") and you will not be given any sort of penalty if you cannot get online by then (since I'll just be able to do what you told me to). It is also perfectly fine to tell me you can't submit for a comp or you want to submit a zero or something. If you are not submitting for a competition, as long as I know in advance that you won't submit, you will not be penalized. I will be as accommodating as possible if you keep me informed.
There is a twist to be revealed at the start of the season, but it will not affect the competition flow. If you're familiar with the works of the game, you'll notice that nothing has changed, and that the standard weekly format is the same.

Head of Household (HOH):
This is the first competition and event of a week, a competition that everyone except the previous HOH competes in. The winner of this competition becomes the Head of Household for the week, giving them immunity and control over the nominees.

Nomination Ceremony:
After the HOH has been crowned, they will then make their nominees. The 2 players that the HOH picks are now up for eviction, and are at risk of being eliminated from the game.

Power of Veto (POV):
After the nominees have been selected, the Power of Veto will begin. The only houseguests participating in this competition will be the HOH, the nominees, and 3 other randomly selected houseguests. The winner will be able to save 1 of the HOH's nominees, and if 1 of them is saved the HOH must nominate someone to replace them (though this cannot be the winner of the POV, immunity is gained in addition to the power).

After all of the above events have happened, the players will all vote on who will leave the Big Brother house. The player with the most votes will be evicted, and out of the game.
The Jury:
After a certain amount of time, it will be announced that the houseguests remaining have reached the jury phase of the game. This means that everyone left in the house will either be in the Final 2, or a part of the jury. The jury members will cast their vote for 1 of the 2 finalists to win the game.

At the end of the game, there will only be 2 houseguests left. During the finale, these 2 will face the jury, and plead their cases to win to them. The jury will be able to ask them questions, to make things clear about their gameplay. The finalist who receives the most votes from the jury will be crowned the winner of Big Brother 9!

Password Phrase: Big Brother is always watching.
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Game Start:

Hello houseguests! Now that the application phase has ended, let’s get to this very long and very important welcoming post. This post is going to be a doozy, so please do not hesitate to ask any questions as needed. I will be contacting you over Discord, giving you a link to the PBB discord server, where the more spontaneous side of the game will take place.

But let’s start with the houseguests! 12 houseguests, some new and some old, are here for 10 weeks’ worth of twists, drama, and cutthroat gameplay! In the end, only 1 will remain to claim the title of this season’s winner! Let's start with the 8 brand-new houseguests this season:

- Almonds (@FourteenAlmonds)
- Cheez (@cheezee weeñ)
- Jack (@Jacklongkawaii)
- Mora (@Mora)
- Nola (@Babywinds)
- Scorpion (@Scorpi0n)
- Shaymin (@The Last Shaymin)
- Turtwig (@Turtwig)

And now that we've met the new faces, let's see the 4 blasts from the past have decided to join us:

- Scattered (@scattered mind) -- (BB1)
- Brave Vesperia (@Brave Vesperia) -- (BB4, BB8)
- Vom (@Vom) -- (BB6, BB7)
- Amici (@Amici) -- (BB7)

Welcome everyone! I’m sure you’re all ready to get the game, but I have a string of announcements to get to. The twist. This season has been noted for having a twist that will change the way the game is played! The twist? Well, there's only one thing the BB house lacks to create a true “society” on its own: a currency. More specifically, Play Tokens:

Each houseguest will begin the game with 1 Play Token. These tokens are central to the gameplay this season. However, there are many rules to them:

#1: These tokens can be used to purchase anything offered to you.

#2: Play Tokens can be transferred freely between houseguests. This can be done by tagging me in your DR and telling me how many tokens you’re transferring to whom.

#3: On occasion, the winners of the HOH and POV competitions will also earn Play Tokens as an additional prize for winning. These opportunities will be announced publicly when the competition is announced.

#4: If a houseguest is evicted and has Play Tokens in their possession, they must will their tokens to a player still in the game.

#5: Token willing, and by extension the Play Token twist, has a pre-determined end date, which will be announced when the twist actually ends.

Alright, got that? If not, you can always come back to it, and refresh yourself on the rules of these tokens. Now, what can you actually do with these tokens? Here comes the next part of the twist: the Token Shop! Every week while the over-arching Play Token twist is in effect, a new advantage or power will go up for sale in the token shop. The first person to pay the listed fee for the advantage or power will receive it, and the house will be notified when/if it has been purchased*.

With that said, let’s get right to it! Even before the first HOH competition goes live, we have something on sale, and that is…

TOKEN SHOP - Week 1:

Gold Card - ? ? ? [1 PLAY TOKEN]

Unfortunately, in this one-time scenario, you’ll have zero clue of what this is, and what it does! Any buyers will be taking a leap of faith. With that said, you have been notified in advance of this items’ sale, and it will be available for purchase in 17.75 hours, or at 6PM today. The first two people to purchase this item in exchange for 1 Play Token will receive it, and once both are purchased, the house will be notified.

From here, the first HOH competition will be live in 35.75 hours. Alongside the HOH announcement, the Gold Card’s affect on the game will be announced, and the buyers (if any) will learn what they have spent their Play Token on... Take the time you have before the competition to get yourself settled in, maybe socialize a bit too.

* = Houseguests will be notified in advance of when an advantage is to go on sale, to prevent timezone issues, but must be online to say they will buy the advantage at the appropriate time (you cannot purchase an advantage “in advance” of the starting time).
Week 1:

Hello houseguests! 36 hours into the game, just getting started. I'm gonna jump right into it. During the starting phase, you were all offered the option to purchase a Gold Card. As some of you may have noticed, I never actually announced that both cards had been purchased. However, one of them was purchased by @Amici for 1 Play Token. As a result, Amici is now immune for the next 2 weeks, meaning she cannot be nominated for eviction! Congratulations! However, as a trade-off she will not be able to compete in competitions for the next two weeks.

One of the cards was not purchased, and will not see play. This is just a taste of what's in store with the tokens this season, houseguests! I hope you're ready for more in the future...

Head of Household:

Alright, now that we have that out of the way, let's get to the first HOH of the season! This first competition is truly what you make of it, and you'll see what I mean when you play it! This week's HOH is...


You have until May 17th at 12:00PM EST to submit a score for this competition, giving you a full 48 hours. I am open to discussion when it comes to how long competitions should be, especially as the season gets tighter and fewer houseguests remain. Any changes in the length of a competition will be based on the house's overall opinion on a fair length.

A reminder that you need two sources of documentation for your submissions (your name, a PokéBeach tab, etc.) to prove the screenshot was taken by you. As long as it's visible on-screen, drawn on, or through a Notepad app, that's fine. All submissions must be made directly to the host either through 1-on-1 DMs or through your Diary Room. If a submission is invalid, you will be notified and be told what the problem is.

This is also the perfect time to bring up competition throwing. If you want to throw a competition, you may request any score lower than your current submission. In addition, you may also tell me you would like to submit a zero for a competition without punishment. With noted exceptions, only the Top 3 scores will be revealed at the end of each HOH and POV competition.

Discussion in any 1-on-1 chats and alliances is allowed. A reminder to the new players that I must be added to all of your conversations!
Head of Household: Results

Hello houseguests! With the competition over, let's take a look at the top 3 placements, and who won the HOH competition...

1st place: @Scorpi0n with 14,012,278 points!
2nd place: @FourteenAlmonds with 8,409,221 points!
3rd place: @Vom with 6,373,509 points!

Congratulations Scorpion, you are the first Head of Household of the season! It is your responsibility to nominate 2 houseguests this week, at risk of being evicted from the house and out of the game. You have until May 18th at 12:00PM EST to name your nominees in this thread.
Power of Veto:

Alright, Scorpion has nominated Vom and Jack for eviction. Now, the Power of Veto will commence. The HOH, the 2 nominees, and 3 randomly selected players will compete for the Power of Veto. In addition, the winner will earn 1 Play Token as an additional prize! Now, for the veto competition, it's one that will have you scratching your head...

Achievement Unlocked!

HOH: @Scorpi0n
Nominee: @Vom
Nominee: @Jacklongkawaii
Random Draw: @Brave Vesperia
Random Draw: @The Last Shaymin
Random Draw: @cheezee weeñ

The houseguest who is able to complete the tasks in the fastest time will win the Power of Veto! Only the 6 people tagged above will be competing in this competition. You have until May 20th at 12:00PM EST to submit a score for this competition, giving you about 51 hours. I am open to discussion when it comes to how long competitions should be, especially as the season gets tighter and fewer houseguests remain. Any changes in the length of a competition will be based on the house's overall opinion on a fair length.

A reminder that you need two sources of documentation for your submissions (your name, a PokéBeach tab, etc.) to prove the screenshot was taken by you. As long as it's visible on-screen, drawn on, or through a Notepad app, that's fine. All submissions must be made directly to the host either through 1-on-1 DMs or through your Diary Room. If a submission is invalid, you will be notified and be told what the problem is.

Discussion in any 1-on-1 chats and alliances is allowed.
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Power of Veto: Results

Hello houseguests! With the competition over, let's take a look at the top 3 placements, and who won the POV competition...

1st place: @Vom with 207 seconds!
2nd place: @cheezee weeñ with 364 seconds!
3rd place: @Brave Vesperia with 601 seconds!

Congratulations Vom, you have won the first Power of Veto of the season, and the Play Token that comes with it! Within the next 24 hours, or by May 21st at 12:00PM EST, you must decide if you'd like to save 1 of the 2 nominees from eviction, or keep the nominations the same.
Eviction Ceremony:

Alright, with Scorpion's renomination, @Jacklongkawaii and @Turtwig are the final nominees for this week. As Head of Household, Scorpion cannot vote. Everyone else, please privately cast your vote for the nominee that you want to be evicted by tagging me in your DR, and making your decision. There are 9 voters this week, and so it takes 5 votes to be evicted this week.

Houseguests, you have 26 hours, or until May 22nd at 12:00PM EST to send in your vote to evict. You are able to change your vote as many times as you want in that time, but at deadline, votes will be locked, and a nominee will be the first person evicted from the season.

A reminder that on the way out, the evicted houseguest will bequeath any Play Tokens they have to a player of their choice.
Eviction Results:

Houseguests. You've all cast your votes, and it is time to reveal the first evicted houseguest of the season. By a vote of 6-3...

@Jacklongkawaii, you have been evicted from the Big Brother house.

The evicted houseguest has been alerted in their Diary Room of their requirement to bequeath any Play Tokens they have to another houseguest of their choice. Expect an HOH competition soon, but in the meantime...

TOKEN SHOP - Week 2:

Vote Block - At 1 of the next 2 evictions, the buyer may block 1 other houseguest from voting at the Eviction Ceremony. It will be publicly announced whose vote is blocked, but the user will remain anonymous. [1 PLAY TOKEN]

You have been notified in advance of this items’ sale, and it will be available for purchase in 8 hours, or at 3PM EST today. The first person to purchase this item in exchange for 1 Play Token will receive it, and the house will be notified once it is purchased.
Week 2:

Hello houseguests! As of right now, the Vote Block advantage is now up for grabs, and available for purchase. Unlike the Gold Card, the buyer of this advantage will remain anonymous, and Big Brother will not reveal their identity at any point during the game. With that having been a special case, unless you are told otherwise, all advantages are anonymous. Now, moving along...

Head of Household:

Alright, let's get to this week's HOH competition! This competition requires an open mind to succeed! In addition, the winner will earn 1 Play Token as an additional prize! This week's HOH is...


When given the option, you will be playing 'Original' mode. You have until May 24th at 12:00PM EST to submit a score for this competition, giving you a full 45 hours. I am open to discussion when it comes to how long competitions should be, especially as the season gets tighter and fewer houseguests remain. Any changes in the length of a competition will be based on the house's overall opinion on a fair length. Scorpion, as outgoing HOH, will not compete in this competition.

A reminder that you need two sources of documentation for your submissions (your name, a PokéBeach tab, etc.) to prove the screenshot was taken by you. As long as it's visible on-screen, drawn on, or through a Notepad app, that's fine. All submissions must be made directly to the host either through 1-on-1 DMs or through your Diary Room. If a submission is invalid, you will be notified and be told what the problem is.

Discussion in any 1-on-1 chats and alliances is allowed. A reminder to the new players that I must be added to all of your conversations!
Head of Household: Results

Hello houseguests! With the competition over, let's take a look at the top 3 placements, and who won the HOH competition...

1st place: @Mora with 17,221 points!
2nd place: @Vom with 14,927 points!
3rd place: @FourteenAlmonds with 9,540 points!

Congratulations Mora, you are the new Head of Household, and have won the Play Token that comes with it!! It is your responsibility to nominate 2 houseguests this week, at risk of being evicted from the house and out of the game. You have until May 25th at 12:00PM EST to name your nominees in this thread.
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Power of Veto:

Alright, Mora has nominated Almonds and Nola for eviction. Now, the Power of Veto will commence. The HOH, the 2 nominees, and 3 randomly selected players will compete for the Power of Veto. For the veto competition, it's one that will have you bouncing around in confusion...

Jojo Frog!

HOH: @Mora
Nominee: @FourteenAlmonds
Nominee: @Babywinds
Random Draw: @Turtwig
Random Draw: @cheezee weeñ
Random Draw: @Scorpi0n

The houseguest who is able to complete the tasks in the fastest time will win the Power of Veto! You have until May 26th at 12:00PM EST to submit a score for this competition, giving you about 47.5 hours. I am open to discussion when it comes to how long competitions should be, especially as the season gets tighter and fewer houseguests remain. Any changes in the length of a competition will be based on the house's overall opinion on a fair length.

A reminder that you need two sources of documentation for your submissions (your name, a PokéBeach tab, etc.) to prove the screenshot was taken by you. As long as it's visible on-screen, drawn on, or through a Notepad app, that's fine. All submissions must be made directly to the host either through 1-on-1 DMs or through your Diary Room. If a submission is invalid, you will be notified and be told what the problem is.
Power of Veto: Results

Hello houseguests! With the competition over, let's take a look at the top 3 placements, and who won the POV competition...

1st place: @Mora with 57 points!
2nd place: @Turtwig with 48 points!
3rd place: @FourteenAlmonds with 46 points!

Congratulations Mora, you have won the Power of Veto and full control for the week! Within the next 24 hours, or by May 27th at 12:00PM EST, you must decide if you'd like to save 1 of the 2 nominees from eviction, or keep the nominations the same.
Eviction Ceremony:

Alright, @FourteenAlmonds and @Babywinds are the final nominees for this week. As Head of Household, Mora cannot vote. Everyone else, please privately cast your vote for the nominee that you want to be evicted by tagging me in your DR, and making your decision. There are 8 voters this week, and so it takes 5 votes to be evicted. If there is a 4-4 tie, then Mora will cast the deciding vote.

Houseguests, you have just under 24 hours, or until May 27th at 1:00PM EST to send in your vote to evict. As decided by you all, the results will be posted before that if every single vote is accounted for.

A reminder that on the way out, the evicted houseguest will bequeath any Play Tokens they have to a player of their choice.
Eviction Results:

Houseguests. You've all cast your votes, and it is time to reveal the second evicted houseguest of the season. By a vote of 7-1...

@FourteenAlmonds, you have been evicted from the Big Brother house.

The evicted houseguest has been alerted in their Diary Room of their requirement to bequeath any Play Tokens they have to another houseguest of their choice. Expect an HOH competition sooner or later, but in the meantime...

TOKEN SHOP - Week 3:

Mystery Box - ? ? ? [1 PLAY TOKEN]

Okay, I lied, here's another one where you don't know what you're buying. You have been notified in advance of this items’ sale, and it will be available for purchase in 9 hours, or at 12AM EST today. The first two people to purchase this item in exchange for 1 Play Token will receive it, and the house will be notified once it is purchased.
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Week 3:

Hello houseguests! Another week, another chance to shake up the game! I should note that the sale of the Mystery Box has concluded. Both mystery items were purchased, you were notified of this in the server.

It is also important to note that @Amici's Gold Card immunity has expired. She is now vulnerable to nomination, but can compete in the HOH and POV competitions like the rest of you once again. With that, let's jump right into it...

Head of Household:

Alright, let's get to this week's HOH competition! This competition requires both patience and speed to rise above the rest! In addition, the winner will earn 1 Play Token as an additional prize! This week's HOH is...

Card Toss!

You have until May 29th at 12:00PM EST to submit a score for this competition, giving you a full 48 hours. I am open to discussion when it comes to how long competitions should be, especially as the season gets tighter and fewer houseguests remain. Any changes in the length of a competition will be based on the house's overall opinion on a fair length. Mora, as outgoing HOH, will not compete in this competition.

A reminder that you need two sources of documentation for your submissions (your name, a PokéBeach tab, etc.) to prove the screenshot was taken by you. As long as it's visible on-screen, drawn on, or through a Notepad app, that's fine. All submissions must be made directly to the host either through 1-on-1 DMs or through your Diary Room. If a submission is invalid, you will be notified and be told what the problem is.

Discussion in any 1-on-1 chats and alliances is allowed. A reminder to the new players that I must be added to all of your conversations!
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