Best Tanking deck


Bubble Tea and Matcha Ice Cream
What do you think is the best tanking and healing deck right now?? Just to name a few:
-Steelix with Blissey PL or Prime
-Leafeon with Shaymin Lv X
-Tangrowth with Shaymin Lv X (Can also abuse Cherrims (healing one and defending one))

Also do you think defender is worth it in tanking deck??

On another note, what deck do you think Shaymin Lv X land form is the best in?? Jumpluff, Leafeon, Tangrowth, Vileplume or other rogues??
Tangrowth is the best you can just keep knocking them out with swallow up and plus you can stop weakness with metapod And plus you can heal with its poke power and plus there's not one leaf energy waisted with its attack big growth.
I can't believe nobody has mentioned Dialga/Chomp. Tank a few hits with Special Metals and Expert Belt. Warp Energy, Galactic Switch the Warp to Garchomp C, Level Up Garchomp C to Garchomp C Lv.X, Healing Breath to take away all the Damage Counters, and Poke Turn Garchomp C Lv.X to do it all over again.

dmaster out.
torterra ul with shaymin lv x expert belts and some cherrims/bellosom etc

have 200hp
hit for 60 each turn, while healing 60 + more with cherrim/bellossom powers
I can't believe nobody has mentioned Dialga/Chomp. Tank a few hits with Special Metals and Expert Belt. Warp Energy, Galactic Switch the Warp to Garchomp C, Level Up Garchomp C to Garchomp C Lv.X, Healing Breath to take away all the Damage Counters, and Poke Turn Garchomp C Lv.X to do it all over again.

I did mention DGX in my post.
Whoops, didn't see that tacked on. I was looking for Dialga and Garchomp.

dmaster out.
DialgaChomp is by far the best tank deck in modified. I can't believe it took so long for it to get a mention in this thread, when things like tangrowth have been mentioned. =\

T-Tar and Steelix are probably the best outside of DialgaChomp, though.
Definitely the best is DialgaChomp. high hp, useful attacks for a staller, good typing and a lot of support in this format.

But for non-SP Tangrowth SF is the best. Tanking is not only to receive few damage or have a lot of HP, but also or even more incredible healing abilities.
Neither steelix prime nor tyranitar prime have this ability by themselves, whereas the Stormfront Tangrowth has it... add an annoying attack to delay your opponents setup, good stalling basic(SF) and a move to kill weakened benchsitters and so on.
steelix prime has a bulky basic, without good attacks but high retreat, good recovery of energy, no recovery of health, high damage potential, no ability to kill weakened benchsitters.
Tyranitar Prime is a stage 2(!) with a weak basic, strong stage 1(sf- the best set ever?). He has no health recovery, risky high damage attacks, but good typing for offense and of course a very nice spreading attack, that might easily kill the active pokemon as well.
I think that Tyranitar definitely should not be overlooked for his tanking abilities. In fact, so far in my Battle Roads I have lost maybe a total of 5 Tyranitars in 11 matches. Considering you can set up T2, T3 at the latest and start hammering away with Darkness Howl and Power Claw, the lack of any healing support is not at all a big deal. You don't need to worry about taking damage when you're killing things as soon as they come out to play.
I'd say it's DialgaChomp. It tanks, it's fast, it heals, it snipes, it does everything.
Yup imo the top 3 for me

1. Dialga not by much....
2. Steelix
3. Tangrowth

-Dialga just for his poke body and the fact that it can spam sp tools and can be supported by other great pokemons like luxray, garchomp and blaziken unlike the other tanks in the format.
-Steelix is a beast! A real beast! Now do you know any pokemon that can survive from a 200 base dmg attack? I know... steelix does. My cousins mew prime deck with rhyperior hit me for 200dmg one time. -20 for resistance -30 for sp metals so since I had an expert belt I was able to survive with 10 hp left. Drop 2 poke healers, -80HP, use Nurse call with blissey -20 HP, drop a moomoo milk, flip 2 heads, bang I recovered the whole 200 dmg he just did. And dont forget that he cant be affected by any special conditions and that he can hit for 120 with belt and discard a stadium. Also recovers energies from the discard.
- Tangrowth in third because he abuses Shaymin lv X +40HP with an expert belt hes at 190 HP, u can also heal very easily with his built in power and combine that with poke healers and moomoo milk and hes a true tank! Defenders and cherrims AR can be pretty solid too with tangrowth.

I have realized that almost all good tanks are weak to fire! Omg what is this xD I hate charizard and blaziken!! Also ERL!!
^Yea, a lot of them are. Tangrowth's OK, only has a base of 130 for a stage 1 X. Sure, it abuses the grass engine (Cherrim and Shaymin) but come to think of it, if the power's sprayed and you're relying on Tangrowth's attacks to heal and defend, you're only healing 10 or repelling 20, not including healing stuff. Dialga has 120 for a basic X, Steelix has 140 for a stage one. T-Tar has 160 for a stage 2! IMO Tyranitar (Great tank, not weak to fire), Torterra, even Regigigas (Again, great tank, not weak to fire) is better than Tangrowth. Also, Dialga's a horrible tank, DialgaChomp is really the only way to make Dialga a tank.
I would say Tangrowth is one of the better ones with Cherrims and his attacks aren't anything to laugh about either