best storyline


Aspiring Trainer
for games movies books etc
shh silent hill homecoming i liked the story u play as alex whose a solider returning from war and u spend the game going through places in sheperds glen and silent hill trying to find ur brother

moh medal of honor is about a 4 squad army unit fighting in Afghanistane and every mission u switchc harcaters the story actually made u feel like u where in the game its pretty emotional SPOILER where one of the main charcaters dies at the end it really feels like u knew that person and there sad they couldnt save you
Best anime story, one piece and or Fushigi Yuugi, as for videogame's, brave fencer musashi, Zombies Ate My Neighbors (the gameplay was the story, the gameplay was awesome), pokemon game's (most of them have really good story and make good use of there character's). cya
Unwind by Neil Shusterman is probably the best book I've read but I'm sure there are better out there. I would recomend this book to everybody.
Geez this is a tough one, but I'll list my current top 5

1.) Doctor Who (The Pandorica Parts 1 and 2)
The season finally of the fifth and most recent season of Doctor Who, and where the entire season was just amazing these two episodes just show what a touching and epic episode should be. The characters share deep moment with one another, all of the villains of the Doctor uniting, the whole of reality being destroyed, scientific nonsense, just so much that It's breathtaking. Also it has Time Travel...what's cooler than Time Travel...nothing that's what. Furthermore it has some very touching scenes, and set-ups for another great season to come compacted all for one great conclusion of a season. Lastly the season that precedes it is just as awesome, and it will should definitely be watched.

2.) Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky
This storyline was just epic, interesting, and has among the most enjoyable Time travel stories you can find. (Right next to Doctor Who of course) The characters were involving and it had one of the saddest ending I've seen. Furthermore Sky adds even more characterization and includes the aftermath of the Dark Future...It maybe a Pokemon game, but in this case that doesn't hinder it in the slightest, in fact it just opens more doors for its success.

3.) Terminator 2: Judgment Day
I only got to watching it recently (finally), and boy was I impressed. Intense fight scenes, a great plot and BA characters. There just isn't much else to say beyond that.

4.) Project .Hack (The original game series for the PS2)
This game is a meal of 'Awesome' with an 'Interesting Plot' soda and a side of 'trippy.' Essentially you play as this boy who is playing an online game called 'The World,' your friend falls into a coma, because of the game and you set out to find out why and set the problem straight. This is one of the few games I come back to constantly for story, its just bizarrely interesting, and throw in the backgrounds and monsters that are corrupted and you'll be in for a trip.

5.) Gurren Lagaan
Another series I watched recently, but was instantly blown away by. Giant Robots + a few BAMFs + a story that involves oppression and then a fight for existence = WIN!!! I'll be the first too admit the story is a little odd and hard to follow (well more the Physics than anything else), but it's just fun to watch. If anything you should watch it for Kamina.
I mostly only play/watch things with good storylines; I've listed a bunch at my user page on TVtropes.

A few that aren't on there: Final Fantasy X, Sonic Adventure 2, and The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask.


Besides those three, I have to add in a few here...

Persona 4- Some may argue that the tale is farfetched, but all of the elements end up being so wonderfully meshed together and the psychological standpoints of the characters REALLY help to make this a brilliant story that made me sob my heart out at the end.

Persona: Trinity Soul- I KNOW ANOTHER PERSONA TITLE SHUSH. Again, it is VERY psychologically oriented, and although graphic and scarring at times, a good set of artwork SHOULD do that. Everything adds up very smoothly at the end and just is...marvelous. Another tear-jerker.

Rurouni Kenshin- Ah, a beautifully handled, semi-historical anime! There are very very few historical pieces out there, and I think this one hit it. I have yet to see another historical anime that comes anywhere near close to the realisticness that RuroKen. Again, the characters are deeper than we originally see them as the story progresses, and character development is a MUST if you want a good storyline.

Yu-Yu Hakusho- Say all you want, DBZ fans, but most of the show is screaming and powering up, better known as filler. The storyline is near non-existent; they're just trying to save the world yadda yadda from the evil aliens. Yu-Yu definitely seems to be the top fighting anime I have seen; while on the surface it may seem that it's just a save-the-world thing, again, the characters make the story. It's not just black and white. The 'villians' have actual motives for their goals, some that actually make us sympathize with the villian at times (See: Dark Tournament), the good guys can borderline seem like badguys, and the ending was actually one that was absolutely fitting for it.


Metroid Prime (original)- There is something to say about a game with absolutely no dialogue, and can yet still tell a great story via optional log scans. It's an adventure game, but you can totally pick out the story as to what happened, how it happened, and why it happened. It's a VERY difficult thing to achieve in any game format without dialogue, ESPECIALLY an FPS.

I can't think of any more right now, but yeah those are some of my most favorite storylines ever.
I think the Mystery Dungeon series has the best storys. I cried at the end of both. Nothing has ever done that to me before.
@Crystal: As you know, I'm going to have to agree with Yu Yu Hakusho and Rurouni Kenshin, and probably also Metroid Prime, although I'd also add the other parts of the trilogy.

Also, Pokemon movies (all in original Japanese except for 2): 1, 2, 5 (<3 5), maybe 6, and 7.
Pokemon Heroes was an amazing film that made me sob. I'm not so sure about 3 in the Prime Trilogy. Yes, it ended the only way I think it could have ended, but the entire gameplay and story ALMOST seemed like it was trying to take too much from HALO the original or something of that likeness. I honestly do not see Samus as being one to take too many orders and the like and flying willy-nilly on a hide-and-seek sort of mission. It felt too detached from the other two games, honestly, for me.

Also, Mystery Dungeon the original was pretty skilled with the story. It took a kidsy theme of friendship and teamwork and just...made it pleasantly easy to take in. It's really simple, yet it had great ability to be taken in many different ways. I can't say the same of the newer MD games as I have yet to get my hands on them, but yeah, I have to say I enjoyed them. It was a nice change of pace from the normal Pokemon games.
The second Mystery Dungeon is even better written than the first one. It's probably also the darkest Pokemon game ever created; the only ones that can even compare are Colosseum and maybe Black/White.

And yes, Pokemon Heroes is a beautiful, beautiful film.
Didn't expect a Best Storyline thread. :/
Well, you were right when you said Medal of Honor, Lucario_Aura_Wielder. I agree, I loved the campaign mode.
Inception also had a good storyline...HAH! Just messin' with ya.
Movie-wise, I loved Pokemon 4ever's plot. I don't know why, I just liked it. Bioshock 1 and 2 had magnificent storylines.
Mystery Dungeon story lines have always been thorough,neat and primed.I must agree with darkvoid.Even after I played the main story mode and redo it I still get choked up.The storyline grasp you and refuses to yield,thats what every game needs,A story to drag you into.
I think I'll nominate Inception fer realz. It would be Love It or Hate It if not for the fact that most people who didn't like it didn't understand it *coughcoughzerocough*

And while I'm at it, both the Scott Pilgrim comic series and the movie.
I am disgusted no one metioned the Fable saga (1 was the best storyline though).
Avatar the last airbender (cartoon) was good because even though they had fillers the fillers actually were storyline worthy.
pursuit of happiness and underworld is my favourite....and pursuit of happiness has the best storylines in my list.....
Drawn to Life's storyline was amazing, I just played it a week ago. Very well done! The Dark Knight was good to. Good, but not the best.
I like DragonBallZ storyline because it tells you each chapter/episode.Like Frieza closes in the namekians all out attack.Plus the episodes tell a story kinda like a book
I am leaving this open, in case there is any further discussion.
I'm surprised nobody's mentioned Kingdom Hearts. The story is so convoluted and mixed together, that it is strenuous to try to even tell where the story begins. But, there are so many moving moments of struggle, betrayal, and the yearn for acceptance. You can not play the Kingdom Hearts, not feel like these characters are very concrete and three dimensional.