Ariesucks Poke Art Thread and Things


I'm a level 3 Space Invader
I been drawing for a couple of years now, but just recently i started to draw pokemon and such. Hope you guys enjoy it. Sorry for the bad pictures :cool:


Acrylic on my book bag


Idea for the misses, going to paint it 4 her 4 valentines day. Prisma Markers


Something i did for my big brothers binder cover. (my sister colored it) Watercolors

I'll post more if anybody wants to see more
Jolteon is really nice, so are the other ones. Also very nice coloring for your drawings.
Thanks Ice arceus, just yesterday i made the painting of jolteon. i'll be sure to post a pic up


Acrylic on canvas


waiting for my sister to color it, i'll post a pic when its colored
If you can, I would scan these rather than taking pictures. I really like them, though! Keep up the good work!
I love your style!

gastly pinsir is my favorite, more please!

(p.s. how old are you? not to be creepy, just cuz It's easier to judge art that way)
Thanks 6-dimension, i would scan them but i am too lazy to move all the stuff on top of my scanner. HA! so its just easier for me to take a picture.
HA! its not creepy at all lordy jones (thanks by the way), iam 21. i started doing graffiti when i was a teen and then quit. Then after a year or so i started to draw cartoons and what not. so i get my style of drawing from my graffiti days :)
I'll be sure to post up more pokemon art when i get some done. in the mean while, i'll post up some other random art of mines

here is some digital art that is not pokemon related, i'll get to work on the pokemon art though


