Are You A Hardcore Gamer?

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Like randomman stated I'm a serious gamer not hard core. Well actually I guess I'm in between I have a lot of games and a lot of secrets and hints for those games. Well accroding to my mom and dad "I have more games than GameStop and EB games put together."
Yeah Iam about the same since I get my game systems for free and most of my games too.:)
Meh, I guess you might say I'm hard-core...

I subscribe to Nintendo Power, am constantly on the internet looking for Smash Bros. Brawl updates, I play Halo at least once a day, have every Nintendo system except the SNES, GB Pocket, and Virtual Boy (I'm getting a Lite in about 2 weeks), I play either Pokemon or Megaman every night before bed, I haven't the slightest clue how many games I have, And I plan on standing in line for a Nintendo Wii. ^ ^ Do I qualify?
Hardcore is quite a strong term. I like to think of myself as one who plays video games to learn and be inspired from them. That's why I prefer adeventure games and RPGs: They have more creativity than other games and actually force you to think when you play them. Also, innovation. I admire companies like Nintendo that strive to be as new and innovative as they can. (NOT fanboyism, FYI) They inspire me to think more and try to be imaginative like them. I don't like playing dumb games like Puzzle games and FPSs. They may help you develop eye-hand-coordination and your reflexes, but those aren't skills I plan to use if I'm going to be an artist or writer.
But anyways, if hardcore simply means that you play just for the sake of playing and being obsessed, then no, I am not hardcore. I simply prefer to pick up a nice fun game once in a while to enjoy it. I recently got Paper Mario for Gamecube. It was great. It had excellent gameplay, which is what a game should be all about.
If a hardcore gamer if someone who plays games for 999 hours, then don't count me in. What's the point of playing 999 hours? I played my Pokémon Sapphire game until I beat it, and that was enough. I have an Alakazam and Blaziken at level 70 each, and that's good enough for me. I don't have to train them up to level 99, because what's the point? I only needed to be good enough to beat the elite four so I could see which TCG artists had their names in the credits. (There was ken Sugimori, Kanako Eo, Atsuko Nishida, and Takao Unno, among others....)I'll never meet another person with the same game and a link cable walking along the street, so why bother preparing? And also, the Pokémon games don't have much replay value. All you can do is battle once you beat the game, and the battle system gets very boring if used excessively. It's nice planning out your strategy a bit, but it's not something that will matter. Your opponents are always weaker, which eliminates most of the fun. I never found a shiny Pokémon, and I am perfectly happy. Will it help my life? No.
Is the hardcore gamer the one who spends $50 on the newest game? Then it's not me. I don't really care to get a game super-new, and won't spend $30 extra to do it. I waited until Paper Mario TTYD was discounteed to $20, then I got it. Sure, i got it a year after its release, but I don't care. I still had fun with it. I still got the same experience out of it.
So being a "hardcore gamer" is not something I can call myself. I like to have a good time with games that are well made, and I am sad to say that the Pokémon game franchise has been slipping in recent years. Silver and Gold were nice and innovative, but Ruby and Sapphire lacked many new features. We have contests and a secret base now. That's great. Contests are just a silly mini-game, and the base is nice, but boring. 2-on-2 battles play almost exactly the same as 1-on-1 battles. All the gameplay was exactly the same as the first two games. Team Aqua was boring. They only had three Pokémon: Zubat, Poochyena, and Carvanha. All the Gym leaders had the same strategy. Dialogue has not improved over 10 years. The Battle Tower is a boring idea: fight, fight, then fight some more. That's why I stopped watching the animé and didn't get Emerald version: The Battle Fronteir. Battle, battle, battle. I don't WANT to battle, battle, battle. The only good new thing about the game was the new Pokémon. It's fun to see them and their new types, and see which one pops up in the grass. Another good thing was the Storage System being perfected with the wallpaper and little sprites of each individual Pokémon. But that wasn't enough: The game lacked the extra push of the first 2 games.
Now, I'm getting off-topic. I do not play video games insanely. Just good ones that inspire me. No, I am not hard-core. I am an educated, sophisticated gamer.
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