Are there any good horror games for the xbox 360?


Aspiring Trainer
These are the features I would like the game to have

-Gloomy setting, but not medevil times.
-Not so much blood
-A TON of jump scares
-A "Run Away" Game (Like amnesia)
-Have alot of puzzles
-And more or less take place in a house

Are there ANY Games for the xbox like this? Please respond
So basically, you're wanting ¨indie¨ horror games like the ones Pewdiepie plays on YouTube, but on xbox. Your specifications are really weird and constricting if that's not the case, so other than checking the horror genre games available on the Xbox live market, I don't have many suggestions for you.
My favourite horror video game series had two games released on the original Xbox: Fatal Frame (Project Zero in PAL regions) and Fatal Frame II (Project Zero II). Both are compatible with the Xbox 360 (though the PAL version of the first game is not compatible, only the NA or JPN versions).

Both have very gloomy settings, the first in an old haunted mansion, the second in an abandoned haunted village. There is very little blood in both games; most of the horror comes not from gore, but from the atmosphere (excellent use of sound effects, music, and lighting) and the "combat" system: the main gameplay of the game is fighting ghosts by taking pictures of them. There are a fair amount of surprising "jump" scenes as well, where things pop out at you, or things happen where and when you don't expect them. The game has plenty of puzzles, both specific minigame sort of puzzles to open doors, etc. and also longer mental puzzles, putting together pieces of narrative to figure out where to go and what to do.

I have no idea what "A "Run Away" Game (Like amnesia)" means; presumably Amnesia is another game title, but not one that I've played, so I don't have any comparison. However, hitting 5 out of 6 of your requirements is pretty good, I'd say. Might be worth you looking into at least. :3
Ugh. Jump scares and the run away element? Those are the things wrong with horror games nowadays.

That's some very specific requirements you give. The only good horror games this generation is the Dead Space series although if you want what you posted that won't fit very well.
Horror games were so last generation but not like FPSs are this generation. I mean they were fantastic for the PS2. If you want something that will perfectly fit in with those I'd suggest Silent Hill 4: The Room. But again, that's not for the 360.
If you truly want a good horror game, look up some of the horror titles on the PS2. It's the best console for it.

Additionally, if you want a game that will fit in with those requirements PERFECTLY but isn't on the 360. Try Clocktower for the SNES. The only game that has scared me before any game on the PS2.
Mario is Missing for Microsoft Dos is an excellent horror game. It's not for the 360, but I thoroughly recommend it if you want some good jump scares.
There aren't really any Horror games for the Xbox 360 other than Dead Space, to be honest, probably the second best I could come up with is Dead Island/The L4D series (which are more survival based). There's an Indie game that fits your description, but I can't think of it at the moment.
Delta said:
Additionally, if you want a game that will fit in with those requirements PERFECTLY but isn't on the 360. Try Clocktower for the SNES. The only game that has scared me before any game on the PS2.

I actually wrote up a quick paragraph blurb about the awesomeness of Clocktower on the SNES before realizing it was totally off topic since it wasn't the console inquired about. That is an awesome game. The PS2 version was also a lot of fun, if cheesy and (in my mind) significantly easier.