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Standard Alolan Ninetales GX


Aspiring Trainer
Pokémon (16):
(4) Alolan Vulpix - GRI 21
(3) Alolan Ninetales GX - GRI 22
(1) Alolan Ninetales - BUS 28
(2) Remoraid - BKT 32
(2) Octillery - BKT 33
(2) Tapu Koko - Promo SM31
(2) Tapu Lele GX - GRI 60

Trainer (32):
(4) Aqua Patch
(4) Ultra Ball
(2) Field Blower
(4) Choice Band
(2) Float Stone
(1) Rescue Stretcher
(1) Super Rod
(2) Brooklet Hill
(4) Professor Sycamore
(4) N
(3) Guzma
(1) Brigette

Energy (12):
(4) Double Colourless
(8) Water

Fairly happy with this build; could perhaps slot in an Espeon EX, cut a Choice Band perhaps.
Any advice is welcome :)
I can understand the desire to run 2 Koko for more consistency with it, but I would personally cut 1 Koko for 1 Espeon EX if you're looking to run an Espeon. I always bring out Koko with Brigette, and even if you don't have access to him right away, in a 1 energy retreat deck that runs Aqua Patch, you're not afraid of retreating for energy a few times. Espeon EX is good in this deck simply because your worst match ups are Stage 2 decks like Metagross and Gardevoir.

I'm always an advocate of no Brooklet Hill in decks that aren't looking to bench water EX's and run Brigette. After you Brigette, Brooklet Hill really is kind of just a dead card.

In place of Brooklet Hill, I would advise Evosoda. Your Beacons will get N'd, and you want more draw rate into your evolutions. I personally run 3 in my list because it literally doubles the consistency of evolutions (I don't want to Ultra Ball all the time). 2 might be fine though, because I sometimes end up with all my Pokemon evolved by turn 2 or 3 but no energy on them anyway so there wasn't much of a point other than saving some Vulpix from the discard pile.
I agree with everything Duo said. I would also consider adding a second baby Ninetales. That card can single-handedly win you games if your opponent isn't prepared for it.
I'm with ya on the Espeon EX and the Evosodas; Brooklet Hill is kinda lacklustre, and can backfire on you if you're up against a Fighting-Type deck or another Water-Type deck.
I'm not too keen on a 4:3:2 evolution line though. I tend not to focus too much on baby Ninetales, as there are only a couple match-ups where it's an absolute win-con; a lot of decks either have an in-theme out to it (e.g. Metang, Gallade), they're aren't affected by it (e.g. Greninja BREAK, Garbodor variants), or they run Oranguru.