Ruling Aerodactyl GL RR Wording


Pokebeach Veteran

The second attack of Aerodactyl GL's, Primal Breath, states:

Your opponent can't play any Pokemon from his or her hand to evolve or to Level-Up the Defending Pokemon during his or her next turn.

At first glance, it seems like an effect on your opponent affecting only the Defending Pokemon.

My question:
Does this attack affect the evolving of benched Pokemon or just the Defending Pokemon (Even though it is obvious that it only affects the Leveling-Up of the Defending Pokemon)? In addition, does this count as an effect on the Defending Pokemon, in the sense that if it retreats then it is removed?
1) The attack doesn't effect your benched pokemon
2) The wording is a bit unclear if the effect is on the opponent or on the defending pokemon, but I am pretty sure its on the defending pokemon, so the effect would be removed if you switch/retreat.
Compendium said:
Q. If I use Aerodactyl GL's "Primal Breath" attack, and on my opponent's turn they switch the Defending Pokemon for a different one, can they then evolve the Pokemon that was attacked by "Primal Breath"?
A. Yes. The Primal Breath attack is an effect on the Defending Pokemon, the one that was attacked. If another Pokemon takes its place the effect is cleared. (Aug 6, 2009 PUI Rules Team)
As much as this is a third-party ruling...I would tend to agree with it. We'd need an official statement to go any farther.