XY A new kind of Pokémon - Monochromatic?

Reggie McGigas

So apparently there is a new kind of Pokemon called Monochromatic Pokemon. Rarer then shinies, these Pokemon are almost impossible to get. Are these real?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tp4KkPrMD2Y - A link to a video describing these Pokemon.


RE: A new kind of Pokemon - Monochromatic?

I wouldn't be surprise. I think I even read in one interview that they were planning on implementing a new version of shiny.
RE: A new kind of Pokemon - Monochromatic?

o_O eh? What is this? One of those many fan Pokémon games that you can get Metal, Ghost ect... versions of Pokémon?
BTW, still haven't found a Shiny...
RE: A new kind of Pokemon - Monochromatic?

I wouldnt be surprised. It would make up for the fact that PokeRadar is available in this game, as well as the apparant rumour of 'shinies being less rare'.

I'm slightly annoyed by the monochromatic colour... Mainly because I like colour. But, it could just be like almost everything else in X and Y, and be a ploy for 'nostalgia' by taking it back to the original games of little to no colour.
RE: A new kind of Pokemon - Monochromatic?

umm they look like the texture didn't load correctly
RE: A new kind of Pokemon - Monochromatic?

chaosomega said:
umm they look like the texture didn't load correctly

The textures loaded fine, that's either photo manipulation or those are, in fact, new shinies, which is stupid.
So, shinies became less rare than what was intended (an inevitable fact) so they just churn out a new shiny? get serious, GF.
RE: A new kind of Pokemon - Monochromatic?

This is... ridiculous...
I don't like shinies that much already and now this?
RE: A new kind of Pokemon - Monochromatic?

It's apparently a texture glitch, and another site has apparently proven it too. Also to quote from someone "Monochrome Pokemon are a glitch from trading. Saving and resetting the game fixes them."
RE: A new kind of Pokemon - Monochromatic?

Ehh, not sure how I feel about this. If it is even real, that is. I feel like they could do something better than "monochromatic" to create more variation. Monochromatic seems too unrealistic, even for pokemon. Maybe if it was more similar to albinism, or melanism, I might be more for it.
RE: A new kind of Pokemon - Monochromatic?

I'd just like to point out that this type of thing is very easy to photoshop.
It's a really cool idea though.
Is the glitch confirmed?
RE: A new kind of Pokemon - Monochromatic?

Skyress said:
It's apparently a texture glitch, and another site has apparently proven it too. Also to quote from someone "Monochrome Pokemon are a glitch from trading. Saving and resetting the game fixes them."

...Darn. I was getting excited there for a minute.

I mean...am I the only one here reminded of Game Boy graphics when I see these?
RE: A new kind of Pokemon - Monochromatic?

I would have actually liked this. Shinies basically don't mean anything now that there's a formula you can follow to catch them. This would be like "okay we'll let you have your shinies, but they're being usurped in rarity by NEW shinies!" Oh well.
RE: A new kind of Pokemon - Monochromatic?

There's been a formula to catch them since they were introduced.
RE: A new kind of Pokemon - Monochromatic?

I would appriciate a new shiney but if there was a new "shiny' i think it would be metalic pokemon.
RE: A new kind of Pokemon - Monochromatic?

So I'm fairly sure these monochromatic pokemon are a glitch. If you watch closely whenever a pokemon is sent into a battle, the moment it exits its pokeball it is shown as monochromatic then quickly regains its color. It's for a split second only, but I'll see if I can find an example to post here somehow.


Monochrome Fennekin

Screenshot taken at approximately 00:47 on this video
RE: A new kind of Pokemon - Monochromatic?

I wish it was an intended thing, or at least permanent, but no, they turn normal after saving, quitting and loading the game. :c There are other texture glitches too. For example:
RE: A new kind of Pokemon - Monochromatic?

Just letting you know that the people that are quoting The site that must not be named is saying this is a texture glitch should know that The site that must not be named is not a reliable source. For example, they said Proatean changed the user's type after the user used an attack.
RE: A new kind of Pokemon - Monochromatic?

You must be allowed to name the source of your information. lol
It's true that they have loads of inaccuracies but if the texture resets upon reloading, it does.