3DS Wifi problem


Consistency is Key
I've been having a problem with my 3DS WiFi at connection so any help is greatly appreciated!

When I search for an access point on my 3DS no usable points come up, they all hane 0 or 1 bars of connection, however when I search on my phone I am able to connect...

Can anyone help me?
Does your phone use wireless or a 3G/4G network? It's probably the latter. In that case, if you have to use a wireless router, provided you use such a thing for your computer's internet.
If it's WPA, you need to find the name of what network it's connected to. Ideally, we're going to get the 3DS connected to the same network.
Well, you can't do much unless you know the SSID of the network you want to connect to. =|
If your phone is connected to a wifi network, there has to be a setting on it that lets you figure out the SSID at the very least.
Try to locate that same network on your 3DS. If the network isn't shown, try to manually connect by inputting the SSID yourself.