(3) BW Website, HS - Undaunted, Movie 13 in Second Place [7/16]

Nice screen shots. I really love Gochiruzeru, hopefully it will get an evolution... Good thing I'm getting Black. :p
From the Musharna screenshot, it seems you're able to walk with Pokemon again...
Didi you know each card (unless the pre-release card) was available in a readable quality ?
Did anyone else notice that if Rayquaza & Deoxys LEGEND uses its attack on another Rayquaza & Deoxys LEGEND, it does 600 damage because of their weaknesses and that you get 3 prizes? XP

"Everyone Explode Now!"
I have a question. Is Gochiruzen a no evolution, last stage or first stage. Please help me find out if possible.
yay Rankurusu will be in white!!! <D now i really am getting white. i wonder how much it will cost, 30 or 40 bucks?
Mystery Thing said:
Everyone Explode Now = BEST ATTACK NAME EVER.

This x1 million.

Anyway, it's not surprising it got 2nd Place for the weekend. Pokemon is immensely popular there, even if it sucked (which it really sounds like it did...). I already know Toy Story is probably better.

I'm glad to see the Leafeon is a Pre-Release card. They're really putting really good cards for free now. The sleeves will probably be horrible, just like the many sleeves before it. Nice artwork though.

The high quality pictures look great. I'm sad that the green jellybear is in White though, I wanted the black person Pokemon in there. :F I'm majorly looking forward to this massive Pokemon leak next month though. :D

dmaster out.
WPM stresses that his extreme dislike for the movie is his opinion yet dares anyone to contest that the movie is horrible.. Hmmm. :/

Personally I'm still eager to see it. Different strokes for different folks and all that. :p
I think I finally get Koromori. The nose is suppose to resemble a stamp(not the postal kind) and there's a heart on it's nose, so that's where the attack heart stamp comes from. So I'm guessing Koromori is the Stamp Bat pokemon :p
I want to see Morrrreee Eeveevolution!!!!!

Poor Pokemon,I didn't believe they're starting to running out of story ideas for their movies. I hope 14th movie'll have more a better story than last one. Probably Pikachu'll evolve into that little V-on-head pokemon. He's so cute.:D
valriefaery said:
I want to see Morrrreee Eeveevolution!!!!!

Poor Pokemon,I didn't believe they're starting to running out of story ideas for their movies. I hope 14th movie'll have more a better story than last one. Probably Pikachu'll evolve into that little V-on-head pokemon. He's so cute.:D

yeah~me too!! and i dont want Pikachu to evolve into that pokemon~ The evolution line now is enough:D:D
Wonder if people who do really, really, REALLY well on that game online will end up with a new Eeveelution. :) That would make me happy. And crazy. I hope you get more than one shot so you can get the Eeveelution you want.
I think the new poison type move is like the wrap/fire spin/ etc for poison type~
and i think tsutaja final evolution will have poison and grass type~
well, well, I haven't been to active lately.
Anyway! I haven't seen the movie yet, but I'm guessing it wasn't all too hot.
Also, I share the same dream as WPM, I want to make a Pokémon movie that is awesome! Too bad though, don't have enough time to study. But I do have time to draw!! Maybe I can animate one! That would be cool.

The card game, I haven't been playing for a while now, so I don't know what the latest thing is. I hope people aren't using Brozong still or Azelf.
wafiazizul said:
I think the new poison type move is like the wrap/fire spin/ etc for poison type~
and i think tsutaja final evolution will have poison and grass type~

I doubt it. I think Tsutaja'll evolve part-dragon. We need Grass/Dragon.
_Furret said:
From the Musharna screenshot, it seems you're able to walk with Pokemon again...

I don't think so. Since Dream Smoke is linked with an additional feature online, I think that is a picture of an event-like thing going on. (Sorry to those who wanted Pokemon to follow you...)

wafiazizul said:
I think the new poison type move is like the wrap/fire spin/ etc for poison type~
and i think tsutaja final evolution will have poison and grass type~

I would actually be fine with this. We need a Grass/Poison starter who is NOT BULKY.
I'm really happy Gochiruzeru is in Black version...I was really excited about Gochiruzeru and Rankurusu, so I was disappointed to find out they were version exclusives. But of the two, I think I want Gochiruzeru more, so I'm kind of glad. <:)
Now that the clear scans are out, I kinda...uh,...like...Gochiruzeru *shudders*. I really like how Kibago and Minezumi look, and Wooguru is looking epic as always! Fingers crossed that we get KS artwork of Denchura, Desukan, Ononosuku, Moguryu, and Doryuuzu soon!