(3) B/W English Names, Victini, Rocket vs. Plasma [2/6]

Love the names. Cities hafta do with clouds, and such. Gym leaders names are awesomely amazing. But burgh, i dont know how to say that.... New move names are pretty awesome too. Looks like gamefreak didnt screw up with these names.
Burgh is do not want. That is all. His was a name I was really hoping to be romanised as "artie". But I guess the horrendous elemental puns must continue...
Burgh sounds like the word Bug. And its not a bad name IMO. Its just a surprising name.

Also... isn't Blair a girl name? xD

It could be a surname. Like "Tony Blair". Oh who am I kidding. *rushes to draw Touya in drag*.

Touko's English name really sounds like a blatant pun attempt at the word "white".
Blair and Whitlea...what is this I don't even. ._.

I can't believe some of the localized names. Isn't the point of localization making the names easier to pronounce? I don't see much of that here. :\ Yes some of the names are good but others...just no.

ITG: TPCi completely missing the point of localization.
I hope you find somewhere sucesfully! So we can see that Live Action Pokémon film sooner ;)
If you need any help with the script and plot writing, in just a couple of years I'll be looking for somewhere! I'm going into that part of the movie buisness :)
I love the names! Except Clay which is uh... Inspirationless?
Rocket VS. Plazma: Win. I hope The Trio doesn't get arrested and they will return to be silly, stupid Team Rocket trying to catch Pikachu from a baloon and getting shocked every time.
Though I'm certainly not disappointed with Elesa, I was hoping for Elektra for Kamitsure. The only leader name I'm not a huge fan of is Drayden. It just sounds too...modern, I guess, for an old man.

I also liked Nitro Charge, but not really an issue. The localizations certainly are interesting this time around!
Skyla? Why not Skylar, which is an actual name and just one letter longer. Not complaining, just wondering.
OHMAHGAWD. team rocket... they're... they're... AWESOME. Large scale destruction! james and jessie with big-ass guns! GUNS, PEOPLE. we, as the american public, have not seen guns of the like in children's anime since episode two, and that was deleted! HOLY CRAP THIS WILL BE EPIC.

lol, big grass. i didn't know that pokebeach had censorship! *yells toward virtual sky* SORRY!
I was hoping for Elektra for Kamitsure.


*laughes* Hee Hee... Gohan...

Bleh! What are these? These are not names, they are.... well.... i don't really know.
Though most of them are okay, Whitlea is a disgrace. It has been confirmed that Pokemon USA can not do puns.

*shouts to the sky* GOOD LUCK WPM!!
Don't get me wrong, most of them are great, but some of them just...
Drayden? Sounds like something from The Hunger Games.
I'm actually really liking the name Drayden. But I'm finding these city names to be really hard to pronounce and remember.
The city names are odd, the gym leader names are meh, and Whitlea is one big WHAT?

At least the anime is looking absolutely EPIC. Cannot wait to see that episode :OOO
Holy crap I can't believe that the Victini event is already going to be available at launch this is just ridiculous!

Also having Team Rocket actually not be comic relief is a great change of pace for the anime.