(2) New Set of X/Y Rumors, Xerneas/Yveltal Half Decks [9/23]

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ls2013 said:
Rob234111 said:

First off, if those were French copies, it would have been rated using PEGI, not ESRB. ESRB is used for North America... And what is in North America, you ask? CANADA.

Canada is a French speaking country too, in case you didn't know. I would know, I'm from there, and almost all of our games have that little French symbol on them. We make our games bilingual because well, we speak French here too!
That still doesn't mean the guy from that site took the pic, here is another pic with the boxart:

The boxart is real but the game running is Photoshopped. Same with the site, the boxart could be real but he could have easily taken it from some other website just so people will fall for his troll.

Except this guy has the first decent SCANS of the boxart, not just random images!
Rob234111 said:
ls2013 said:
That still doesn't mean the guy from that site took the pic, here is another pic with the boxart:

The boxart is real but the game running is Photoshopped. Same with the site, the boxart could be real but he could have easily taken it from some other website just so people will fall for his troll.

Except this guy has the first decent SCANS of the boxart, not just random images!
The person who posted that pic also had some pics that were the same as the site, as well as the screenshot with the 3DS next to it which wasn't on there, he is also a troll but it doesn't confirm where the pics actually came from.
As for the Italian stuff... that's from the fb that leaked the froakie evo, but none of that stuff is in reference to it. The commenters are talking about a parody leak posted right before. It's pretty funny, if you want to read it. They were just all making jokes about it.
"In case you haven't noticed by now, I'm not the original leaker from pokebeach last night.

Why did I do this? It started off as just a small social experiment to see what people would say but then the website went viral and was on every freaking pokemon forum I could find, so I knew I had something people wanted, fake or not. I figured if people were going to talk about it, I would give you the information. I quickly made up a whole bunch of stuff off the top of my head and continued to add to the list throughout the day.

How did I get my hands on the case sleeves? Easy, actualy. I have a friend who works at a EB Games (Canada's equivalent of GameStop) who let me know when the official game sleeves came in to the store. They put one copy of each sleeve off to the side for me and I put them into my game cases. Please note that these are the official Canadian game sleeves (which is why they have the French version included and advertised on the box art). I'm pretty sure you could go into your local game store and ask for your region's version of it.

Please note that I do apologize for leading you guys on, as I stated earlier, I only meant to see what you would all say for a while, but then this whole thing exploded and it got out of hand. I am sorry. I do hope you enjoy the games when they come out and I hope you did still enjoy talking about the fake pokemon and concepts I presented, even though they were fake. I could have been a complete jerk and just not revealed that I was trolling you, but I didn't. I felt bad for all of you who were making new teams with these new Pokemon and I didn't want you to get disappointed when you opened the games and found that they didn't exist.

Team Fennekin and Team Froakie!"

S/he just updated again, removing all of the information and adding the statement above.
Oh. Now I want a game sleeve.
At least she apologized.

On a side note, anybody have an idea on what time the new Pokemon will be revealed?
Wailady said:
What the heck happened here today? 0.0

I think this thread was just 8 or 9 pages last night...

A clash of ideals, to say in the least.
Successfully just used an anime title, by the way.

98Greener said:
Oh. Now I want a game sleeve.
At least she apologized.

On a side note, anybody have an idea on what time the new Pokemon will be revealed?

"Heads up, Trainers! A new evolved Pokémon will be revealed exclusively on our Facebook page on Wednesday, September 25! Can you guess which Pokémon we'll be showing next?"

Sorry, it just says sometime tomorrow on their facebook page. You'll hear about it when it happens!
nightkeeper said:
Wailady said:
What the heck happened here today? 0.0

I think this thread was just 8 or 9 pages last night...

A clash of ideals, to say in the least.
Successfully just used an anime title, by the way.

98Greener said:
Oh. Now I want a game sleeve.
At least she apologized.

On a side note, anybody have an idea on what time the new Pokemon will be revealed?

"Heads up, Trainers! A new evolved Pokémon will be revealed exclusively on our Facebook page on Wednesday, September 25! Can you guess which Pokémon we'll be showing next?"

Sorry, it just says sometime tomorrow on their facebook page. You'll hear about it when it happens!
Inb4 I get in trouble for being on Pokebeach in class.
For the last time:

That website, his photos, that "leaker" =/= our leaker and our evidence.

EDIT: Also, please stay on topic. This thread is for the news story posted on the front page, not people's fake art or fake websites.
After going through all the pages I missed today...

The Froakie evolution looks possible, but maybe too familiar the second evolution? The same goes for that image of Fennekin's evolution. This is often a problem I've found with fanart evolutions - they're often too similar to the previous evolution, having just grown a bit with a few added extras like claws or more fur and whatnot. I don't believe either are real, but wouldn't be disappointed of they were either. I generally like them both.

The only starters that evolved into a similar looking Pokemon (just a more grown up appearance), in my opinion, has been the Chikorita line. All of the other starters had some pretty big changes made to their designs.
Wailady said:
After going through all the pages I missed today...

The Froakie evolution looks possible, but maybe too familiar the second evolution? The same goes for that image of Fennekin's evolution. This is often a problem I've found with fanart evolutions - they're often too similar to the previous evolution, having just grown a bit with a few added extras like claws or more fur and whatnot. I don't believe either are real, but wouldn't be disappointed of they were either. I generally like them both.

The only starters that evolved into a similar looking Pokemon (just a more grown up appearance), in my opinion, has been the Chikorita line. All of the other starters had some pretty big changes made to their designs.
Bulbasaur and Cyndaquil say hi.
Water Pokémon Master said:
For the last time:

That website, his photos, that "leaker" =/= our leaker and our evidence.

EDIT: Also, please stay on topic. This thread is for the news story posted on the front page, not people's fake art or fake websites.

Just for clarification, what was the evidence your leaker used?
slashman41 said:
Water Pokémon Master said:
For the last time:

That website, his photos, that "leaker" =/= our leaker and our evidence.

EDIT: Also, please stay on topic. This thread is for the news story posted on the front page, not people's fake art or fake websites.

Just for clarification, what was the evidence your leaker used?

He wont tell us for some reason.
Wailady said:
After going through all the pages I missed today...

The Froakie evolution looks possible, but maybe too familiar the second evolution? The same goes for that image of Fennekin's evolution. This is often a problem I've found with fanart evolutions - they're often too similar to the previous evolution, having just grown a bit with a few added extras like claws or more fur and whatnot. I don't believe either are real, but wouldn't be disappointed of they were either. I generally like them both.

The only starters that evolved into a similar looking Pokemon (just a more grown up appearance), in my opinion, has been the Chikorita line. All of the other starters had some pretty big changes made to their designs.

It has been made clear this discussion had better transfer to Rumors and Speculation

This is the content in which to discuss in this thread:

Trusk is a Grass/Rock boar Pokemon with long green tusks coming out of its mouth. He is gruff, has grey skin, and features green leaf-like ears. It has an "adorable" pre-evolution with tiny tusks and a leaf at the end of its tail.
A Normal/Poison porcupine Pokemon named Quillom can be found quite early in the game in the forest. It has white skin with light purple quills. He has a Poison-type quill attack which damages and has a high chance of poison.
A Ghost-type spider Pokemon is found in caves. It is dark gray with blue spots and multiple light grey eyes. It has a feint light blue mist around its abdomen. The source doesn't remember the spelling of its name, but says it was something like "Apparachnid." He thinks it may have an evolution.
There is a Ground-type badger Pokemon that is dark brown with black stripes going up its face. It knows Slash and a new biting move.
Reconfirmation that Froakie's final evolution is Water/Fighting. It looks similar to a poison dart frog. The dark blue now takes over its body almost entirely. There are a few even darker (almost black) spots on his sides and face and it gains more of the bubble foam around its neck and down the back. It's also a bit bulkier. It uses its hind legs a lot and has kicking attacks.
Bunnelby evolves into a Ground/Dark type rabbit that is larger and much rounder. Its color scheme is reversed, with the dark brown now being the prominent color. It can be found in caves. It is useful because you can get it early in the game and use it to evolve Pancham into Pangoro.
Helioptile has an evolution. It is bipedal with a second yellow triangle on its face. Its ears become more jagged and it looks meaner. On its back are what look like spikes with jagged parts at the very top. It can learn a new attack called Thunder Roll, where it rolls up like a wheel and strikes the opponent.
Reconfirmation that Meowstic has a pre-evolution named Espurr. There is no gender differentiation until it evolves. It is mostly white, similar to the female version, with cuter eyes and a single puffy tail. It has a little patch of fur under its head (similar to its evolutions). The fur is dark blueish with little tufts of white in it.
Other Pokemon that are now Fairy-type: the Chansey evolution line, Dunsparce, the Clefairy line, and Togepi's line.
Fairy Dust is a new move that will randomly cause either Paralysis, Poison, Sleep, or Burn.
Like Magneton, Wailmer is part of one of the Super Training Facility games.
Team Flare makes an appearance right at the beginning of the game. On the TV in your house, one of its members talks about fashion and how your Pokemon should match your style. Team Flare's signature music has an eerie accordion sound to it in the opening sequence.
The outfit your character wears at the start is colored to match what you've set as your favorite color in your 3DS settings. It can be changed easily though.
The opening cinematic is in 3D. (Have to mention this since most of the game isn't in stereoscopic 3D. :p) It starts off with Yveltal's cry, which wakes you up. You sit up in your bed. It then pans and there is a shot of your city. Yveltal's shadow goes over it. After that there is some other shots of your town. You seem amazed that you saw Yveltal. It then shows generic in-game shots like you entering a forest with your friends, selecting your starter, running through a cave, etc. After that it shows Sycamore welcoming you. You are standing outside of his lab at the time, then he takes you inside. It then shows him showing you three Poke Balls which leads into a transformation video where it shows all three Kanto starters evolving to their final forms, and then the three of them Mega Evolving. It's a really cool cinematic. The video ends with Yveltal flying with the sun behind him, leading in to the title screen. Team Flare is also shown at some point in the sequence.
On the title screen you can use the analog joystick on your 3DS to change the angle at which you see Xerneas/Yveltal.
The Wild battle music starts with Xylophone and then an intro using brass instruments (the intro is much shorter than previous generations).
the main track starts using another brass instrument and switches to electric guitar, and a short melody similar to Pokemon Black & White plays and it loops.

The Trainer battle music starts with a synth playing by itself with no other tracks leading into a brass instrument playing during the intro (this intro is also shorter than previous generations). From this point on the rest of the song is primarily using an electric guitar with some parts using organs and strings. at the end it repeats the intro but a guitar squeal sound is played and it loops to the main track.

The Rival battle music starts off again using brass for the intro. The intro has the same rhythm as the rival music from Black & White however it has a different melody which sounds intensified. It then uses the same guitar from the previous battles for the main part which is extremely short and then has a segment that sounds similar to the wild battle music from gold and silver and loops.

The games now have battle music playing for the trainers inside the gyms. It sounds simple with a techno intro and of course the electric guitar.

The Gym Leader music was not showcased fully but parts of a battle was split into a montage of X & Y battle scenes. The intro shows viola holding her camera with text below her which reads "VS Viola", with a green background, the music sounds techno similar to the gym trainer music but then the video cuts to a wild battle. About halfway through the video there is a battle scene showing Fennekin attacking a Spewpa which I assume is from the same battle. The music here is also using, you guessed it, the electric guitar. If you could consider the Johto Gym Leader music an intensified version of the Trainer music, then this could be consider an intense version of the Kalos Trainer music.

During this same movie a short battle was shown between a Chespin and a Houndour inside a cave with a different battle theme playing, I assume this was against Team Flare. It had an organ and electric guitar playing but not enough was shown to get a feel of the music.

We then saw the actual intro which was played in game, I presume it was the same one which was showcased at E3 because it showed the player riding on a Rhyhorn. The music played here is the same song from all the trailers.

The music which plays inside the wifi room was also shown and it was a basic melody being played using Marimbas and it sounds a bit like the Sky Arrow Bridge theme from Black & White.

They showcased a Horde encounter but no music was playing.

The victory themes are exactly the same as Black & White but with higher quality instruments.

Here's something I came across a while back on another forum. The reason I'm posting it is because it claims the Team Flare battle music uses organs and electric guitars where as this leak say's it uses an accordion. If the leak was referring to the intro music then it has already been confirmed that it plays the same song from all the trailers. This might be nothing but I just thought I should put it out there.
(also this doesn't really spoil anything it was just very long).
Quick question. If the leaker was lying that why are we talking about weather it's true or not? Also this thread is all about speculation and possible claims of things that could be in X and Y., It doesn't seem too far off topic to be talking about possible starter evos and other possibly true/fake leaks.

Also look at nightkeeper trying to reinforce a rule that seems to:

1. Not really be his buisness to be enforcing

2.Kinda has a flaw when looking at the thread in question.

No offence man it just came off very negitively.
Wow. The new X/Y stuff looks pretty cool. I can't wait for these versions. Awesome XD.:)
Ohman177 said:
slashman41 said:
Just for clarification, what was the evidence your leaker used?

He wont tell us for some reason.
He has said that some of the evidence might be the game case. He also won't tell us because it's most likely information that would get the leaker in trouble. If he told us the info, people could find out who the leaker is and it will be like the first leaker all over again.
Water Pokémon Master said:
For the last time:

That website, his photos, that "leaker" =/= our leaker and our evidence.

EDIT: Also, please stay on topic. This thread is for the news story posted on the front page, not people's fake art or fake websites.

WitherSnow said:
Quick question. If the leaker was lying that why are we talking about weather it's true or not? Also this thread is all about speculation and possible claims of things that could be in X and Y., It doesn't seem too far off topic to be talking about possible starter evos and other possibly true/fake leaks.

Also look at nightkeeper trying to reinforce a rule that seems to:

1. Not really be his buisness to be enforcing

2.Kinda has a flaw when looking at the thread in question.

No offence man it just came off very negitively.

You see that quote in front of you, WitherSnow? I think the term "Webmaster" makes me think he runs the forum. He literally just said that this thread is for news from the front page and not rumors of any other kind. Possible starter leaks did not come from the front page, therefore shouldn't be discussed here.

Each thread has its purpose. I was simply showing the thread the topic should be discussed.

Offense taken.

EDIT: It clearly wasn't meant to come off negatively, you just chose to receive it negatively.
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