(2) ‘Pokemon Smash’ Announcing a New Game, New Movie 15th Poster: Two Kyurem Formes, Meloetta Reveal

Blakexd9 said:
This probably won't happen, but what if this game includes a few new Pokemon? And still call them from Generation 5? Or Generation 6?

New starters, maybe. New game that broke the mold so anything goes right now.

EDIT: Or the Dream World will have a bigger impact, like Gen 5 Pokemon getting Dream World Abilities. Starting out with Dream World Starters would be awesome.
I wonder if they'll make a new pokemon with all three dragons together. It did say that once, they're were all one pokemon before the figh with the brothers
I ask myself if there are entirely new Pokémon or just new forms, Mr. Masudas twitter entry suggests the former...
I'm curious too, how they will handle the previous taboo of "fusion"? By the way, anyone besides me noticed the gem-like pattern on the blue/red sections of the games lettering art?
Zapydos2 said:
New starters, maybe. New game that broke the mold so anything goes right now.

EDIT: Or the Dream World will have a bigger impact, like Gen 5 Pokemon getting Dream World Abilities. Starting out with Dream World Starters would be awesome.

Just new starters would be awesome.

This thread is going to have so many pages and posts by tomorrow morning!
LDStarling said:
Now this may sound long winded and confusing, but hear me out

Notice how the '2' in the black and white logos are Blue/Red? This may refer to the colors that reshiram/ Zekrom glow, but it could also refer to the colors of, guess what.... Kyogre And Groudon!!!!! Could the hoenn storyline be in these games as well?

Just noticed as well the '2's also have visible lines in them, could this also represent the body lines on Kyogre/Groudon?

Now I know this may be unlikely, but never have there been direct sequels to pokemon games like this before, and this was huge surprise to us all, but gamfreak are known to surprise us even more before games are due to be released.

What do you think?
YESSS! It all makes sense!!
Hoenn will be included!
I'm not sure why people think there will be entirely new Pokemon/starters when they haven't even officially revealed all of the Pokemon of this gen... That'd be getting WAY ahead of themselves. It'll be a minimum of a year and probably two or more before we hear of a Gen 6.
Slowpr0 said:
YESSS! It all makes sense!!
Hoenn will be included!

That would be aweosme xD Wouldn't it be strange if we picked the hoenn starters instead of the BW and white ones. It's an idea, but strange
This has been a cool night, browsing /vp/, forums etc. and reading all that speculation. I agree that the this might just be Gray+R/S "remake", just with a new/changed storyline to both regions.

Anyway, I'm really excited for this.
Teal said:
This has been a cool night, browsing /vp/, forums etc. and reading all that speculation. I agree that the this might just be Gray+R/S "remake", just with a new/changed storyline to both regions.

Anyway, I'm really excited for this.

Yeah, it's great to be a part of the early hype.
/vp/, Pokebeach, Serebii, and gamefaqs exploded. Can't wait next month's CoroCoro.

I can't wait for the return of JAPAN TIME! when the new Smash Bros. site pops up.
Blakexd9 said:
Yeah, it's great to be a part of the early hype.
The best part of being in the early hype is being the one who guesses correctly. I have high hopes for elaborate and diverse sequels, but I'm not expecting Hoenn to be included or anything like that. At least not the whole region. I'd prefer it if my favorite games got their own remakes. Those who do expect it will probably be severely disappointed. And if by some miracle it is true, then I'll be all the happier ^_^

@ The Aura Is With Me 8 - Oh, I really hope so. It seems like it so far. If not the same day, then a month or two difference max, instead of 3-6 as usual.
Now we shouldn't get carried away with the hoenn stuff but I don't doubt that it won't happen given the demand. And not for 3DS seriously?! Since its getting released in 3 months time there is going to be a continuous flow of info for he games. Can't wait! I think you will play through the main storyline from the original black and white but after you defeat n you continue to travel to new region/Hoenn/sevii islands type thing.

I don't like the names for the new for kyurem though.
Black 1's mascot is Reshiram, and White 1's mascot is Zekrom.

Black 2's mascot is Black Kyurem, aka Kyurem + Zekrom.

White 2's mascot is White Kyurem, aka Kyurem + Reshiram.

Could it mean that N's legendary pokemon, which I don't recall if he has released or not, merged with Kyurem?

So, if you are playing the black version, and to make it canon, black 2 should technically be the sequel to the black version, and like every pokemon game, you can capture the mascot for that game version, but not the mascot from another game version, does it mean that black 2's mascot is a fusion of Kyurem and Zekrom, because technically, you are in posession of Reshiram from Black 1? So what I'm saying is that, Kyurem wants to merge with both Reshiram and Zekrom. In Black 2, he only merges with Zekrom, because Reshiram is already claimed by the player character. Could this be the reason why Black 1 has Reshiram on the cover, but yet Black 2 has Zekrom features on Kyurem?

Another thing to know is, could there be a storyline element where the rival is actually the player from Black 1, and you need the fusion of Kyurem and Zekrom, aka black Kyurem, to defeat Reshiram?

The big thing I want to know is, is the player the same character that they played as in Black and White, or is it a brand new adventure with a brand new character?
Blakexd9 said:
Did you know that originally Kyurem, Reshiram, and Zekrom were all the same Pokemon?

Not 100% true. Zekrom and Reshiram were, but Kyurem being part of the original Pokemon is only speculation. It could be true, but it's not confirmed.
Already 18 pages to this thread!
Black Kyurem is awesome! Black Kyurem might be my new favorite Pokemon! Could this mean there's more then one Kyurem? And how would you change Kyurem's form? I'm thinking Ice Burn and Freeze Shock will have something to do with the form change.
My theory on how the games were named: Everyone was speculating Pokemon Gray version. The Official Pokemon Company wanted to surprise us fans, just as they did with introducing games with names mirroring colors like the original Pokemon games, instead of minerals. Pokemon Gray would be too obvious, but what else to do.....then, it came to them: Pokemon Black and Pokemon White surprised Pokemon fans.....so why not do the same again!? The first Pokemon sequel games, the same as the games before, only with the number 2 at the end. Kyurem's forms were already planned (explaining the BW coding and Freeze Shock and Ice Burn in BW) so it would be the perfect way to bring the second wave of main series Pokemon games based around the fifth generation to life! And for even more of a surprise, put the Zekrom-based Kyurem form (Black Kyurem) in Pokemon Black Version 2, and put the Reshiram-based Kyurem form (White Kyurem) in Pokemon White version 2 (unless that was planned from the start of Unova).

Black Kyurem in Black 2 and White Kyurem in White 2 makes more sense. Plus, I like the color black more, so saying Pokemon Black 2 feels and sounds better!

Can't wait!

I hope these games are released alongside the Japanese release, or closer to it then previous games. Japanese and North American releases are getting closer and closer, so I'm hoping the trend continues! And why reveal the games to North America at the same time as Japan, but make us wait longer!?
reshiramdude said:
Now we shouldn't get carried away with the hoenn stuff but I don't doubt that it won't happen given the demand. And not for 3DS seriously?! Since its getting released in 3 months time there is going to be a continuous flow of info for he games. Can't wait! I think you will play through the main storyline from the original black and white but after you defeat n you continue to travel to new region/Hoenn/sevii islands type thing.

I don't like the names for the new for kyurem though.

Back to the frustration about it not being on the 3DS! WHY! It would be so much better on 3DS! WHY NINTENDO!
The Aura Is With Me 8 said:
Does anyone else think we can get an international release?

Well, the official English announcement does say "Coming soon", and the release date listed on the site isn't "TBA" but also "Coming soon". I'd say we're definitely getting it this summer, even if it's not an international release, and that they're giving it to us earlier than usual so that it doesn't collide with any of the 3DS releases.

This could be wrong, of course, but it's incredibly likely. After all, we had a very quick turnaround time for Rumble Blast, and the English announcement was put up almost at the same time it was announced on TV in Japan. While I'm confident we'll go back to a 6 month wait come gen 6 in order to line up with the TV show, I think they're making an exception for this game out of necessity. They're working on phasing out the regular DS in favor of the 3DS, and releasing this particular DS game during the holiday season, which is when this would release if it followed normal patterns, would be a bad idea.