(1) Possible 'Black' and 'White' Spoilers - Unconfirmed [6/11]

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uugghh we only get sillouhettes of the new pokemon this week... but thats pokemon sunday for you lol they do not always show the newest stuff i guess because pokemon sunday comes on before the coro coro mag is officially out so i guess they did not show thrnm.
Ugh for some reason keyholetv isnt working for me. It worked previous times but not now? It had to be now? D:
I think that you'll find at least 1 Pokemon you like, Metalizard. Even though you may dislike something about one, another one can be found eventually that you find perfect(at least in design). I thought Empoleon's horns were garbage, as well as its neck, beak, and belly. Then, later on, I saw Lucario and thought it was flawless in appearance. Now I've come to accept Empoleon's design, and I think you'll accept Shiamama, with time.
Krow said:
Ugh for some reason keyholetv isnt working for me. It worked previous times but not now? It had to be now? D:

you missed nothing... unless you are liek me who enjoy watchign pokemon sunday not just for new game info lol
PokemasterKev said:
you missed nothing... unless you are liek me who enjoy watchign pokemon sunday not just for new game info lol
lol yep I'm like you.
I also figured they would show the new pokemon (but not in silhouettes .-.)
PeteDHeat said:
of new unreleased pokemon?

no of the pokemon we have just recently seen from the coro coro leaks.. I'm guessing they did not show them yet since coro coro is not offically out yet. still like two days or so before it does.
PokemasterKev said:
you missed nothing... unless you are liek me who enjoy watchign pokemon sunday not just for new game info lol

Lol. They scream out stuff. Imagine if there was an English version of Pokemon Sunday. 0.o I Threw up a little.
Ryu Shoji said:
I had a feeling this was fake as soon as I read it.
"large green cobra" - Rayquaza is a large green snake, and is dragon-type.
Minotauros - Just sounded so unoriginal.
The Yin Yang thing - Pokémon is a KID'S GAME. Their target audience won't have fully developed moral compass yet.

Reshiram + Zekrom are confirmed Yin Yang Pokemon.
Martin sent me a pic via private message, I was intergogating him, and he claimed it was Gear's new evolution, and to be honest it looks legit

Metalizard said:
But Ponyta looks like a real horse even with all that fire on it but Shimama looks like a person zebra with those large, oval eyes to me...

You realize they have to make Pokemon unique, yes? Giving Shimama the exact same eyes would be like giving Feebas the same eyes as Magikarp.
Aurance_God said:
I think that you'll find at least 1 Pokemon you like, Metalizard. Even though you may dislike something about one, another one can be found eventually that you find perfect(at least in design). I thought Empoleon's horns were garbage, as well as its neck, beak, and belly. Then, later on, I saw Lucario and thought it was flawless in appearance. Now I've come to accept Empoleon's design, and I think you'll accept Shiamama, with time.

yeah, they will take a lot of time to grow on me...
But i think this thing of liking a pokémon or not has something to do with liking a specific animal... I mean, the only starter I liked was tsutarja and the only new pokémon I liked from these 7 was merugoko (the croc) probably because reptiles are my favourite animals...
Jungle Fever said:
Martin sent me a pic via private message, I was intergogating him, and he claimed it was Gear's new evolution, and to be honest it looks legit


I never thought Reshiram or Zekrom looked like digimon....
but that.... o.o

Weyard said:
lol trolling.

Thats a digimon.

Oh, so thats why lol
Nefarious said:
Reshiram + Zekrom are confirmed Yin Yang Pokemon.
If you read my post after that, I elaborated that I didn't mean their classifications, I meant the Pokémon plot changing on whether or not you chose good or bad choices.

Jungle Fever said:
Martin sent me a pic via private message, I was intergogating him, and he claimed it was Gear's new evolution, and to be honest it looks legit


That's a Digimon, look at the URL.
lol yes guys my post is a total joke, but imagine if someone more credible had done this? (I did this on the serebii site to, they believed for about 3 pages)
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