(1) Possible 'Black' and 'White' Spoilers - Unconfirmed [6/11]

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Mucrush said:
Yeah, but why tell us, at first, that it was a beta artwork if it wasn't at all? I mean... thats just wrong of him..

He probably misunderstood his informant is all.


Mart asks informant for beta artwork.

Informant gives Mart fanart, thinking Mart asked him for something to give the community an /idea/ of the design, not the design itself.

Mart shows us the art, thinking it's the real beta art.


It was all a big misunderstanding, from what I read.
Either way he could still be lying,.. but he does have a good excuse so I'll just go with he was mistaken since we cannot prove he is lying either..
Shiny Hunter Haku said:
He probably misunderstood his informant is all.


Mart asks informant for beta artwork.

Informant gives Mart fanart, thinking Mart asked him for something to give the community an /idea/ of the design, not the design itself.

Mart shows us the art, thinking it's the real beta art.


It was all a big misunderstanding, from what I read.
But its still lying. He should say sorry to us after he found out that he said the wrong thing...
Just consider this all fake for now guys. We'll wait to see if he has anything else to say, and if he doesn't, then that's all there is to it.
Shiny Hunter Haku said:
He probably misunderstood his informant is all.


Mart asks informant for beta artwork.

Informant gives Mart fanart, thinking Mart asked him for something to give the community an /idea/ of the design, not the design itself.

Mart shows us the art, thinking it's the real beta art.


It was all a big misunderstanding, from what I read.

If the informant intended to give him an example, why wouldn't he directly link to the deviant art account? Instead it was uploaded to an image hosting site, most likely to mask the link...

Plus, the image itself was cropped a bit, excluding the shiny form and the like.

So image from dA was saved, edited, re-uploaded as "beta".
I'm convinced this is fake. I see no evidence that this is true, and plenty that it is untrue. Unless this changes, I am assuming this is a hoax.
Still, I am curious of the motive behind this. It seems unlikely to me that Martijngamer created these rumors to deceive the community, but the claims he has made and actions he has taken seem unorthodox at best.
Lets not be so hostile to Martijn. Not until he's actually proven totally wrong or admits its a hoax. I do believe a handful of his info could be true, even if it's just partway.

Benefit of the doubt, right? :>
Redneck said:
If the informant intended to give him an example, why wouldn't he directly link to the deviant art account? Instead it was uploaded to an image hosting site, most likely to mask the link...
He probably could have found it somewhere else :/
Well here's the way I see it. The whole fact that there's a weather indicator when you enter into battle means there must be something going on with it. I mean why would they put it in there/ Just to check the weather we already know of? Some aspect of the weather must be getting modified or it would have no reasonable point.
Redneck said:
DA has copyright laws.

That doesn't stop people from saving images and uploading them onto other random sites, like Photobucket, unfortunately. Just because a law exists doesn't mean people will obey it. :/
Martijngamer said:
I do not expect you to believe me, or even like me (just please don't wish me dead), I am just opening up about the situation and will do what I can to make up for this, and get things cleared up.
did not come across as an apology, then let me say it again without leaving any doubt:

I apologize to all of you for this.
Shiny Hunter Haku said:
That doesn't stop people from saving images and uploading them onto other random sites, like Photobucket, unfortunately. Just because a law exists doesn't mean people will obey it. :/

Right, so why would a game dev break the law in order to show us an example of a beta instead of simply linking to the original dA

Martijngamer said:
did not come across as an apology, then let me say it again without leaving any doubt:

I apologize to all of you for this.

I forgive ya. I just think you're on thin ice.
I love how after however many pages of the community finding out it was fan art, there are still people saying " you know, i think this artwork is fake"... its kinda funny...kinda face palm... :p
Redneck said:
Right, so why would a game dev break the law in order to show us an example of a beta instead of simply linking to the original dA

I honestly can't answer that question. Besides, who says Mart's informant is a game dev? His informant could have an informant for all we know. D: I'm guessing neither of them knew it originally came from dA. [That being Mart and his informant. As for the informant's informant...idk x___X]
Martijngamer said:
did not come across as an apology, then let me say it again without leaving any doubt:

I apologize to all of you for this.

it's cool man... I still love you...and if that comes across as creepy...it was meant to...just kiddin
PokemasterKev said:
that doesn't mean a thing I use pics from DA all the time for role playing chars i usuually crop these images,, so they could have found it on photobucket.

I know, I do that too. And it's on photobucket, youtube, etc.
Even my icon is from DA, I just cropped and added a background
AkaiMidoriAoi said:
Pokémon Sunday is for the kids who doesn't know how to use the internet. Its content is barely about the games. Just entertainment for kids.

That show doesn't define the fandom of Pokémon.
Pokémon Sunday + Anime being a kid's show + Main mascots always being cute cuddly Pokémon + A lot of Official Pokémon merchandise being targetted at kids, and clothes mainly being in kid sizes = Pokémon's target audience is children.
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