(1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Reveals... [5/8]

I tried my hand at two of 'em...


I'm not so sure that the 'ears' on the middle silhouette are ears. It just seems like really weird placement to me, considering Gamefreak understands that ears go on the sides of the head, they don't grow out the top. They could still be I guess, but maybe they're fins, spikes, leaves, or hair? The tail on the far left figure could be fins too.
I think the middle one is a platypus,the left pokemon a grass type possibly a crocodile, and the right pokemon a fire
DeoxysUnknownForme said:
I spent all that time waiting and wasted time downloading KeyHoleTV for SILHOUETTES!?! >_>

Yey me2 it took me ages 2 find and download and intall it
What a waste!!!
I don't want to quote the images again, because there's already a couple of quotes with them, but I really like Prinplush's speculations.
They just seem to.. fit.
Very nice. :D
ok i havent read the other threads so do yell at me if this is totally wrong lol: i thing going left to right that its fire grass water :) but they look pretty cool, not really what i was hoping for but hey starters are starters and heres hoping that all the other pokemon look cooler :)
OddCrow said:
Here's my analysis.



RED BOX - Tiny notch, indicating that this is a beak, and not the back of a head.

GREY BOX - Feathered hand, not webbed or fingered.

WHITE BOXES - Feet resemble water-fowl (like duck/swan)

PINK BOX - All three shapes have a round bottom, indicating leaves, and not fire.

OTHER - Shape of body is duck-like.

FINAL CALL - A Leaf Duck


ORANGE BOXES - Ears very small.

YELLOW BOXES - Flipper like appendages.

BROWN BOX - Rudder like tail.

OTHER - Buoy like collar

FINAL CALL - A Water Otter


LIGHT BLUE BOX - Rabbit like ears

DARK BLUE BOX - Curly tail

PURPLE BOXES - Indicate hooves

OTHER - Rounded body and piglike snout.


I wouldn't mind a duck-themed Grass type. Since they always end up as large reptiles or dinosaurs, that thing could eventually become a pterodactyl or something like that.
^I think they're all great, especially the fire type.
If that thing was real, it would be the only time I'd choose a fire pokemon as my starter. :D

This is somewhat what I hope...

I know you all believe that the order will be grass fire and water but well, I did this pic before everyone came to this conclusion (yesterday) and well, I kinda hope it will be this, becaus I don't want to take the grass one AGAIN >_<
That grass lizard fanart looks pretty cool, but I doubt they'd make another Pokemon like that =\ or at least I hope not

Despite the fan tail which looks obviously like leaves, that Pokemon looks like it should be the fire type. The bunny should be grass, and the otter would obviously be water.

They're interesting at least, though it's hard to imagine what they could evolve into.
Version 2, I really have no Ideas with these 3 >.<;
I've seen some other art and it really looks awesome!

we can't be sure untill the leaks!

What do you think of them?

I was inspired by other fans
My fanart from the 5th gen starters..
Grass Duck/Swan
Water Platypus/Bear
Fire Piggy! =D

S-S starters

i really hope for a pig Pokemon in the one with the curly tail..
i like pigs ^^;
In the vid they say "wow it feels so new!" "there's not been ones like this before!"
lol who're they kidding!?

Judging just by the silhouettes they look like cut and pasted parts of existing ones!