(1) New Cat Pokemon in BW Special [9/6]

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According to the "special, reliable Spanish source" it is dark type, it evolves into a panther and is number 510 in the National Pokédex. Btw, WPM, are you sure that the Spanish website is reliable? It has posted a bunch on descriptions and numbers for new Pokémon. It looks rather unreliable.
well they did put the starter evos first so maybe they are reliable but idk about the whole numbering for new pokemon thing, sounds kinda fake
didnt he say he had a source or something idk..

but if the cat thing does evolve into a panther im getting it.
It would be cool to have a panther based Pokémon.! XD
But im still waiting for my tiger.!! Lolz.!
Atleast we got a zebra.!
Looks better than the other cat pokemon we have! And if it DOES evolve into a Panther i can die happily. (Panthers are my favorite animal)
Lol he knows the descriptions of the pokemon, yet he has no names for them, and types for few. Pokexperto seems like an idiot to me. I completely agree with Manhattan. We have it from a more reliable source that proves his amount of Pokemon in the region wrong, which means most of his other info is fake as well.

His "fanart" of the new black/purple cat pokemon is way off (he got expertly pwnt by Suave Squirtle and his pwnsome animated gif).

I hate people like this guy, and this is the first time I was able to follow a pokemon game release so intently, other than HG/SS. Martin is a whack job that just suddenly came out of the woodwork for no reason, similar to this guy.

We're all so desperate and hungry for pre-release info that some of use are willing to believe just about anything.

Lol, Suave, Manhattan, I, and other skeptics should form a team of fake leak/info finders. By finders I don't of course mean we search the ocean that is the internet for fake info; I mean we should combine our knowledge and logic to tell the public whether or not a certain leak should have faith placed on it.

*goes to make the False Info Finders Crew, or FIF*

*decides not to, and waits for others to lawl at him*
I still think it looks like Glameow&Delcatty... but I'll wait until I see its official art, this image is too blurry to actually see its face... But the reason I think it looks like Delcatty someway is because of its ears...

btw, I didn't get the chance to say this in the other topic: PurUGLY is ugly because it was meant to be ugly duh! But I like it anyway...
metalizard you always complain -_- and compare new pokes to old ones ive never seen you do a nice post.(no offence)

it looks nothing like Delcatty and it kinda looks like Glameow but not really this one looks better imo.
plus a dark cat thats pretty epic
SPM3 said:
Lol he knows the descriptions of the pokemon, yet he has no names for them, and types for few. Pokexperto seems like an idiot to me. I completely agree with Manhattan. We have it from a more reliable source that proves his amount of Pokemon in the region wrong, which means most of his other info is fake as well.

His "fanart" of the new black/purple cat pokemon is way off (he got expertly pwnt by Suave Squirtle and his pwnsome animated gif).

I hate people like this guy, and this is the first time I was able to follow a pokemon game release so intently, other than HG/SS. Martin is a whack job that just suddenly came out of the woodwork for no reason, similar to this guy.

We're all so desperate and hungry for pre-release info that some of use are willing to believe just about anything.

Lol, Suave, Manhattan, I, and other skeptics should form a team of fake leak/info finders. By finders I don't of course mean we search the ocean that is the internet for fake info; I mean we should combine our knowledge and logic to tell the public whether or not a certain leak should have faith placed on it.

*goes to make the False Info Finders Crew, or FIF*

*decides not to, and waits for others to lawl at him*

I like your style >:)

But in all seriousness, untill the actual release, nothing is for sure (THE STARTERS ARE FAKE OMGG) We'll all just have to wait another 10 or so days of torture and everything will be cleared up.
@SPM3: Woo, I really like what you said there. ;) I basically already formed an alliance with Suave Squirtle and many others on a non Pokemon related forum. We've been finding a lot of information and reasons to why these starters could be fake. And yes that is true, people are so impatient waiting for more info, that wackos like Pokexperto (and apparently a lot of other people) are their filling them up with lies. Do you have any idea how many fake screen shots and Pokemon I've seen so far? O_O

And sorry for going off topic. Just had to reply to that. :0
Did some research. It turns out that Pokexperto, is actually the largest Pokémon Spanish website around, and has a pretty good history. And the webmaster, Melkor works for Nintendo.

ps- very sorry if this is offtopic.

EDIT: :O The information he is giving out is actually true!
@Spike Ball - Wha... How do you know this!? It all sounds fake! And that picture of the cat isn't even accurate!
Would there even be a point in risking his job [assuming he actually works for Nintendo like you say] just to reveal some characters and info[i.e. Victini supposedly being #494 on the national dex and the cat's "evolution"] when he could just wait less than a month? Surely it would be company policy to keep one's mouth shut. Why do you think past Twitter messages by Nintendo workers have been removed within two days in the past? Because Nintendo wouldn't want them leaked like that.

I know that if I worked for them I'd mind my own business [literally] and not do anything to get me fired when it gives me absolutely 0% benefit.
The cat looks like it stayed up all night and now has really red sore eyes. Anyone else feel that? :p
Hmm...I have a feeling I'm going to like this one. Looks like a Delcatty-Glameow hybrid, not that I'd have a problem with that :D

And...Tabunne...is Tabunne.
Not exactly a fan of him, but I can't exactly make that judgement until I see KS artwork or a decent quality sprite.
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